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Re: Quit my "Real" job to Escort?
White_Shadow 10 Reviews 1602 reads

Persia, all the responders have given very good advice in my opinion.  

I also feel you can't take a chance on going without health insurance.

One other possibility may be to seek out some of the top line companies that are very aggressively seeking out "part time" workers but also give full benefits to those who work at least 20 hours per week.  

One that comes to mind is Starbucks.  That may give you the benefits you need, the taxable income stream you need, and also give you enough time flexibility to allow you to work as much at both jobs as you want to.

Good luck with it.

LovePersia2910 reads

Well I finally started seeing clients last weekend and really liked it.  I ended up going with an agency because it was too risky for me to start out as an independent.  So far I have seen 7 clients and 6 of them said they definitely want to see me again asap!  Right now I am only working on Saturday's because I have a regular 9-5:30 as an Administrative Assistant and also bartend on Sunday's.  I HATE my Admin Assistant job (and so do all of my co-workers).  I made DOUBLE the money in one day escorting as I do all week working 40 hours at my "real" job.  I am really contemplating quitting and escorting more often (at least 3 days per week).  The only thing that I am worried about is not having health insurance after I quit my real job.
Anyone have any advice?  To quit or not to quit??!

you are doing something else.

By all means, you should give escorting your best shot.

You strike me as someone who could go very far.

Keep the bartending gig though.  Something tells me people are going to get pretty thirsty soon.

If you're healthy with no chronic diseases such as diabetes, I'd say go for it. I would however set up a savings account for health care. Good luck.

GaGambler1637 reads

Then I would say it's a nobrainer, quit and buy your own insurance. Contrary to what Hillary Clinton might say, if you are young and in good health your monthly premium should be less than the cost of a single session. Go for it.

Hopefully you'll get some reviews soon and you can join the providers' board and get additional advice.

I would advise you to wait.  Every escort has the occasional bad experience with a client, see how you feel after your first less than pleasant experience.  If you can roll with that and feel comfortable then think about quitting your job.  It's not a great time to have to find employment (with health insurance!) if you decide to stop escorting.  But I think it's great that you've liked it so far.

Health insurance is an issue, but less so for someone so young as yourself.  Some states have health insurance programs (generally called pools) for the self-employed and those working for small businesses.  Call the Dept. of Insurance (Commission, Board, Agency, they go by various names) for your state and explain that you have changed jobs to one that does not provide insurance.

You could always consider buying catastrophic health insurance and relying on your own income for ordinary things.  This way you are covered if a major expense arises, but the cost of the insurance isn't out of control.

There is another factor. Let' say after doing it for six months or a year you decide that it was great, (or not) but you do want to be in the escort business any longer. If you quit your regular job then you will have a gap of unemployment on your resume that you will have to explain.
The reuglar job gives you some insurance and cover.
Also working for an agency may give you the option of doing only a few weekends a month.

I would continue your regular job or find a different regular job and use escorting to supplement your income, maybe take some courses in something that would help you if you decide at some point not to do it any longer.

shudaknownbetter1399 reads

I would not quit on the basis of one day escorting.  Give it a few weeks to be sure.  You don't know how business will run...  everyone wants to see the 'new girl'.  
Remember you need to pay some taxes and show some visible means of support.  A part time job you like & escorting could be a nice mix.  

To be sure health insurance is a must for every one...  a savings plan too.  
Best wishes,

shaka7001525 reads

If you can find a way to get a health insurance plan then it maybe a good idea. But if you don't have health insurance and something unfornutate happens to you it can cost you thousands of dollars just for a few days of hospital stay; this happens to people more often than everyone thinks.

A lot of private insurnace companies offer numerous insurance plans, but the premiums will be alot higher than a group job insurance plan. Also, look into your state funded health insurance plans, but not everyone may qualify  for them.

-- Modified on 4/23/2008 4:27:12 PM

Well I am jealous that you found an alternate means of good income. I hate my job currently, but can't figure out where to go or what to do. So I am stuck for the moment.

I agree that you should wait a few weeks before quitting though. Give yourself some time to settle in and let the newness ware off. Make sure you have a good plan in place for insurance and other expenses before making a decision. Otherwise, go for it. I remember you posted a pic a week or so ago and I also remember thinking I would like to meet you! So let us know where you are! Good luck and I hope we can meet someday!

It would probably be best to wait until you have some good TER reviews before you quit your regular job...
No matter how good the bait you can't be sure until the fish bite.

-- Modified on 4/23/2008 6:25:44 PM

Persia, all the responders have given very good advice in my opinion.  

I also feel you can't take a chance on going without health insurance.

One other possibility may be to seek out some of the top line companies that are very aggressively seeking out "part time" workers but also give full benefits to those who work at least 20 hours per week.  

One that comes to mind is Starbucks.  That may give you the benefits you need, the taxable income stream you need, and also give you enough time flexibility to allow you to work as much at both jobs as you want to.

Good luck with it.

Find a part-time job with all the benefits, get them to hire you, THEN quit your current job.  Too many people go totally bankrupt from hospital bills.  Also, it's much easier to try to save money than to actually save for health costs.

I'm glad you're enjoying working!  Don't forget about STD testing, which can be done without insurance, pretty cheap, at clinics and Planned Parenthood.

I is also good to find an ob who you feel comfortable enough to talk to about STDs get all the info and be very informed. My OB knows what I do, why else would I come in to be tested every few weeks. Thats a bit extreme for the normal lifestyle. So she's pretty hip and shes my doc so she knows and its cool. I am very comfy talking with her about this and it explains why I am there all the time for testing. (otherwise I'd just look like a slut.) LOL

I am not a lawyer but I think your current employer has to give you an option to purchase group health insurance (Cobra law) for 18 months after you leave at cost plus 3%.

That all depends on what plan the employer had at the time. The insurance company is bound by law to cobra the same policy at the same rate they were charging the employer plus 3%, for at least 18 months.

Incorporate and get a decent insurance rate for her "company"- even though it is a small business and the rates could be higher than what a "regular" mainstream employee would pay- she is also earning a "little more" than most employees.

My advise has always been to incorporate and pay taxes, run the escort business just like  you would a small company- yes, including taxes! A good CPA/ Financial consultant or "knowledgeable client with the afore mentioned qualifications always makes a good sounding board for sound strategy planning.  Best wishes in whatever you choose  ~T

tokai1172 reads

If you are a student, some colleges have health plans the student can buy.

I'm glad you are enjoying the new profession. Best wishes.

-- Modified on 4/23/2008 9:02:08 PM

that escorting is what you want to do, first. As some other folks have said, health insurance is very important, but can be very expensive on an individual basis. No matter what your age, you need to have it.
Yes, your employer does have to offer you the "cobra" option of purchasing your own insurance. This would, at least, give you a certain length of time to find suitable insurance while you get yourself established.
Between bartending and someplace like Starbuck's, you could probably see your way clear to show a reasonable amount of income, and still see a few gents per week. I hope some of this helps.
One more thing---Where are you?

quit right away !you can make more than your current job at home . only 4 hours a week, at 150per hour it is still better than your job !if you are not over 40 you can pick up major med for less than $180.00 a month.

I'm guessing you are young and fairly new to the work force. You have a mother, father, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, cousins and close friends. You either will be stuck living a lie and covering your tracks for the rest of your life or letting your new found enterprise incorparate itself into your life. I am so much oler than you but age does not make me any wiser. I can say that there are many pitfalls in being a provider and one big one is trying not to be found out. I know many of us ladies have had times when we wish we could hide as things have come to close to our front doors. Don't give up your life for a few extra bucks of quick cash. Take some time to think seriously of what your getting into. I love what I do and who I am. I am very comfortable in my skin both inside and out but I can tell you, it wasn't always that way.
   Kisses Haley

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