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Re: question for provider's on personal appearance
JoySinclair See my TER Reviews 1886 reads

I'd much rather spend time with a man no matter what he looks like, who is clean, smells clean and acts like a gentleman than with a GQ man who has poor personal hygiene. All sweet CLEAN men are sexy to me.

lungman2384 reads

just wanted to know,if a hobbyist's personal appearance,in anyway,effects the quality of service they receive.

famkejensen1540 reads

Yes it does if you show up unclean and obviously disheveled. If you mean not "GQ" or overweight...that would depend on the individual provider but generally the ladies are very professional and would make you feel fabulous no matter what you looked like.

Mostly, the issue of lower quality of service is a hygiene issue. Or if a guy is rough or overly aggressive, then I can imagine a lady putting the breaks on certain things if she felt unsafe.

I don't think a hobbyist's looks have any effect on the quality of service, and if they do, the effect is probably minimal.  If that weren't the case, I'd be getting bad service all the time, so there wouldn't be any incentive to hobby.

appearances do count.

Dress neatly with casual smart clothes and leather shoes.

Be groomed and well shaven, maybe a hint of cologne but don't overdo it.  (Don't use the cheap stuff from the supermarket either, find a good make from a department store.  Just ask the gals at the counter, they'll steer you straight.)

When you take the time to show a gal that you think they are special, they will acknowledge that whether subconsciously or otherwise and there will be a noticable difference.

but cleanliness and attitude do.

-- Modified on 5/4/2008 8:39:39 PM

If you do all you can to look YOUR best, show up clean, and just be a gentleman, you'll find that the service is oustanding. I ain't no day at the beach in the looks department, and I've had some beautiful ladies make me feel like a king.

I'd much rather spend time with a man no matter what he looks like, who is clean, smells clean and acts like a gentleman than with a GQ man who has poor personal hygiene. All sweet CLEAN men are sexy to me.

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