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Re: Question about checking refrences
100Degrees 1478 reads

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I think the way to do it is to find 2 Providers that aren't necessarily your top picks, but instead, are willing to work around the "reference" problem.  Then, ask them if they will be your reference on future dates with other Providers.

fatload2710 reads

I am new to TER and have not gotten into the hobby yet but was wondering how a provider checks references? What do they check? I work for myself out of my home so I don't have an office or boss to call? Will this negate me from the process??
Just wondering.
Any comments or answers is appreciated.

100Degrees1479 reads

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I think the way to do it is to find 2 Providers that aren't necessarily your top picks, but instead, are willing to work around the "reference" problem.  Then, ask them if they will be your reference on future dates with other Providers.

generally, if you are new and trying to break into the hobby, many providers will take this into account and screen you with other available information... patience is key, give them time to check you properly.

usually a "reference" is when a known provider you've seen before that will vouch for you.

what you're talking about is a work verification. which if you work for yourself is much harder to do.

a girl wants to feel safe and confidant that you are WHO you say you are. Find a way to do that and you will be a-okay :)


-- Modified on 5/24/2007 10:15:44 AM

FYI - if you want to link on TER, your site has to link back to to TER.  I switched the kink to to your profile.

no link is a total oversight, just shot off an email to my webguy to fix the situation...

switched the "kink" huh? hubba hubba ;)


Blushing Newbie Mod1284 reads

Talk about a Freudian slip!!!

again thanks for the heads up! its all fixed now!

i can fix that "kink" itch for ya too ;)


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