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Re: Providers view on 420?
famkejensen 1012 reads

I certainly see your reasons for tanking up before seing a lady, HOWEVER even though one brushes and gargles with mouth wash, the odor of booze is still apparent. Now, many ladies would not mind, but a few(and I include myself), ask that a guy show up NOT under the influence of anything. I don't drink so the smell of booze breath would make me sick. Same goes for that rather pungent pot smell.

New guys, if you do show up reeking of booze or pot don't be surprised if the lady asks you to leave. I know I would feel very nervous trying to see a strange man for the first time who is under the influence of drugs (THC or ETOH).

Shoot, after seeing how some of my friends change in personality when alcohol is added scares the you-know-what out of me. Please be gentle and respectful and ask if the lady minds if you have a few before or even if she minds you bringing a bottle of your favorite beverage on your visit.

NotAnAliasIswear2831 reads

I'd be interested in showing up to an incall after I've done a little 420, but I don't know how to bring up the subject to a provider as I assume it would (legitimately) cause the provider to have LE concerns.
(I assume it would be bad form to show up high without the provider knowing in-advance, but correct me if I'm wrong!).

Is this something I could bring up at the end of a first session with a provider?


Word. Well. I always get saucy before I see someone, but I'm good at handling myself, it just opens me up (full bottle of merlot in the car..hah). I think girls really don't have an issue with your state of mind as long as you treat them nice. If your respectful and kind, and give them money, they won't care. Unless you smell like weed and it turns them off or something then maybe, I don't know. I hate how weed smells myself (even that pineapple/grapefruit bud they have in cali) This could turn a girl off , but in LA I think there is a lot of chicks that smoke that may actually do it with you.

you need to be comfortable to make it fun, so I'd just do it, if you can handle yourself and be respectable and pay her your fine


Ideological ironies1421 reads

Providers are people, and as such all have their own views on recreational drug use; both in their presence, and not.
On a first time meeting I'd torch the blunt in my car before going up to meet her if I was you. Just like with a civvie you can get a feeling for her own views on it after you've been with her a while, and if she is 420 friendly she might then ask if you got a roach on ya'. ;-)

EggZachary2235 reads

I'm sure (or at least I hope) that people have their reasons, but folks around here crack me up sometimes with their notions of right and wrong.

That said, I totally understand why a provider would not want a guy to show up smelling of either weed or booze.  Bring it up at the end of a first session.  Let the lady know you want to see her again, and ask if that's something she is into in kind of a "by the way" sort of way.  One thing to bear in mind is that a lady would have to trust you a whole lot, especially if you were going to provide the weed, since it could be spiked with PCP or something. It would not prove anything if you were willing to share with her.

Personally, I too am very fond of weed, but it curbs my libido (part of why I like it) so I never smoke before a session.  A few lines of blow might be different, but the same advice applies.  Instead, I leave a session too hyped up to function despite my sobriety and find that smoking a bowl ASAP helps me get my head straight.

I do not expect that to make sense to those of you who do not enjoy pot.

Yuck @ blow, to each their own. It is more of a drug for sex than weed is to me though.

I still prefer the old mainstay, booze.


First of all, I would never see anyone that does 420.

I treat that stuff like it's a disease (stay far, FAR away from it).

I turned one client away because he came to me high as a kite...and expected me to see him.

I have very strong feelings about drug usage. I apologize if I seem harsh

I had roommates in college that were potheads, I can't stand the stench of it. If someone needs a drug to "feel good" during sex then they have problems. Whether that drug be pot or booze or what have you.


hmmmmmm... I like booze when having sex with a stranger (or even civvie for the first time..) as a nerve-desentisizer, I don't roll in like a whino on a full fifth of Jack, but a little to calm the nerves helps. I've seen quite a few ladies, and I still get nerves every time (part of this is the RUSH of the thrill-seeking element of hobbying..). It never degrades the session though, and is always tasteful .

I think alcohol is usually ok in bottle of wine form, most ladies wouldn't shake off of that, though some would. I don't think I'd get along well with a provider that doesn't drink though.


-- Modified on 1/8/2008 12:01:36 AM

EggZachary1341 reads

No, you do not seem harsh and I respect your candor.  I do, however, hope that your "strong feelings" affected your first post.  When you typed "I would never see anyone that does 420" I hope that you meant you would refuse service to a guy whom you could tell was high, because we are not all Spiccoli and Wooderson.  A lot of us, as they say, "look like a narc."  

One of the greatest moments of my life was when a very "straight edge" friend said to me, "I'd love to see you high sometime."  This was funny because I was very much stoned at the time.

Again, as I indicated above, I think it would be disrespectful to show up to a session stoned and expect a lady to be cool with it.

Yes, its better to ask first, and since its not a question you should ask when first contacting a lady, the best time would be as you stated, at the end of a first session, for future reference.

I myself do not indulge, and I have no problem with those who do, but twice I have asked gentlemen to leave because they positively reeked of pot smoke, and were so obviously high I knew the session was going to be a total bust and not fun at all. So if it were me you were asking, I would politely tell you that my preference would be that you not show up drunk or high, but as long as you are not completely impaired from whatever it is that flops your mop, then that is fine.

Well this was what I was worrying about was the odor. It's obtrusive. If I drink half a bottle of wine and brush my teeth and use mouthwash i dont think its going to knock a girl on her ass, I might even share wine with her at the session. Pot is obtrusive from an odor standpoint to non-smokers..


famkejensen1013 reads

I certainly see your reasons for tanking up before seing a lady, HOWEVER even though one brushes and gargles with mouth wash, the odor of booze is still apparent. Now, many ladies would not mind, but a few(and I include myself), ask that a guy show up NOT under the influence of anything. I don't drink so the smell of booze breath would make me sick. Same goes for that rather pungent pot smell.

New guys, if you do show up reeking of booze or pot don't be surprised if the lady asks you to leave. I know I would feel very nervous trying to see a strange man for the first time who is under the influence of drugs (THC or ETOH).

Shoot, after seeing how some of my friends change in personality when alcohol is added scares the you-know-what out of me. Please be gentle and respectful and ask if the lady minds if you have a few before or even if she minds you bringing a bottle of your favorite beverage on your visit.

NotAnAliasIswear1191 reads

Many thanks for the responses.  420 is practically a sacrament for me, and although I'm in control of my high, I definitely, definitely don't want to cause a provider any reason to worry.
I'll play it by ear.

But for the record, cannabis isn't a drug =P

EggZachary1387 reads

Sounds good.  I hope you already know to be cautious of Craig's List anyway, but certainly do not be tempted by "420 Girls" or "Snow Girls" on CL.

AWomanLikeNoOther1697 reads

Sorry, but I have no desire to see anyone who is on drugs of any sort. My job is dangerous enough as it is. I could care less what you do in your personal life (I'm all for smoker's rights even though I don't do it myself), but please keep the illegal substances away from my incall (or your outcall). Of course, all ladies are not like this but please do not ever assume we are. And I would wait until your second visit instead of your first before asking. If you're asking to do drugs on the first date, that sure is going to throw up some red flags with a lot of us.

-- Modified on 1/7/2008 10:15:43 PM

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