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Re: Provider Tattoos and Piercings: Input
rubenz 214 reads

Thanks for the thoughtful response.  The removal comment was, of course, just a wise crack.  Even being artistically challenged, I can appreciate that some tattoos (such as yours) exhibit a high level of skill and represent a sophisticated form of self-expression.  But for some in my demographic (white male professional, 50+- probably your customer base) it is not something that we would like to see on a woman.  We can’t help it and it would be difficult, perhaps even impossible, to dissuade us from that position.  It is a generational type of thing and when you are our age, there will almost certainly be some new fad that your generation will just not get and that results in a great deal of head scratching late at night.  It’s the circle of life.

A quick search doesn’t reveal an easy solution to this problem of covering up such a large area, but the theater makeup idea has me thinking that that is where a solution of some sort might lie.  You have a theater department at the University of Texas Austin that might want to tackle the problem as a “project.”  I’m sure you could get the attention of a guy or two there to help you out.  But then again, we are talking about theater majors.  You might have better luck over at Shop class.

There are colored body paints used to cover large areas for science fiction films, why not skin toned paint? If you could get a batch that matches yours, then perhaps it can be applied via a DIY spray can type product like Preval to avoid needing a compressor and spray gun.  Alternatively, autobody shops can also make up spray cans from any paint provided.  There will need to be some R&D, the paint may not atomize properly, you’d want the paint to not rub off easily or crack, and then there are the unforeseen issues that always crop up on a project of this nature.

I would think an effective cover approach could ensnare a customer or two that otherwise might be lost to those tattoo-less vixens on the wrong side of town.  I would think you could even tack on a fee to cover the cost of time and materials.

As far as something like the latex body suit suggestion, I fail to see how that would really fix anything.  Anyway, I’ve been told I look terrible in latex.

rubenz1736 reads

I am an older guy, and to be perfectly honest, many of the tattoo and piercings that I'm seeing on young women today are a complete turnoff and a reason why many providers are not getting tacked onto my favorites list for potential visits.  The ones I'm talking about are the multi-color ones, palm-sized or larger.  Not to keen on breast piercings either, certainly not tongue.  Since I'm not going to pay for a tattoo removal for a provider prior to the session, would it be out of the question to ask that it be made over?  Or, in the case of the breast piercings, that they be removed for my visit?  I have seen porn stars do this (there a couple of videos of Bree Daniels without the pine tree tattoo she chose to put on her left deltoid for some reason).  Just wondering if this is a possibility, poor form, or should just shut up and avoid providers that I would otherwise consider?

Do you mean apply a lot of makeup over it to render it less visible?    Gals are very proud of their tats.   I doubt any will be interested in that, and besides, the stuff would get all over in any session.

As for removing piercings, that it often not quite as simple as it sounds.    Again, a gal will probably be offended by the request.

There are plenty of gals that don't have either piercings or large tats.   Stick to them.   As for this geezer, I like both.

-- Modified on 3/15/2018 7:30:19 PM

rubenz232 reads

I can't say how Bree's tattoo was covered, only that it was not there and she was performing a session, so there is a way.  Skin colored tape of some kind?  If I didn't like earrings hanging from her ears (let's say some hoop earrings the size of a frisbee that I might get strangled on), couldn't I just ask to have them removed?  Is it the same for tongue or breast earrings?  I just don't know.  I've never been up close to know.  Maybe it is a non-issue for providers, I have to believe there are much more weird and/or humorous requests providers get.  And if I have offended by the request and it is denied, nothing lost, because I don't want these on the woman I'm paying $300-$400 to make me and my mesozoic mindset happy.

If you see something that is a deal-breaker for you, find someone else who does fit what you want. It's your time and money, so you should get what you want. OTOH, if she has made the time, effort and spent the money to get ink and/or piercings, she's going to be less-than-enthusiastic about entertaining any requests to alter her appearance. That will most likely result in a less-than-enthusiastic session and you don't want that, right?

There are plenty of choices in p4p, so you should find a suitable playmate. Upgrade your outlook from Mesozoic to Jurassic (reference the handle) ;)

I prefer natural: no metal, no tats. But, it is what it is and I've learned to like it ... sometimes.  I don't care for the tramp stamps (that have no meaning, no intrigue). There have been some very interesting designs, quotations, and adornments.  
Some metalwork is removable but I've never bothered to ask. I just make sure that we're not indoors near any frayed wires or outdoors during lightning storms.  
As to cover up, just look for theatrical supplies. These days, so many starlets are inked that they need covering makeup for some roles.
There is heavy duty smear proof stuff out there. There is also inexpensive, do-it-yourself "spray on" makeup.
You can get more advanced and go with silicone cover up, like those peel-off masks in Mission: Impossible and other spy, sci-fi, SFX films.  
Or, just learn to accept it and even enjoy it ... for one hour at a time.

Also can't stand tats and piercings, as a long time Florida coast resident, I love the old fashioned bikini tan lines, nothing so sexy.  Tats on AA women is even stranger.  I just avoid.  I consider it a bad business decision on her part, I'm sure no one in the hobby has turned down a session with a provider because she didn't have tats or piercings.  

-- Modified on 3/16/2018 7:27:34 AM

Shut up and avoid providers with ink. As fishbro mentioned plenty of providers who have no ink.

Unless you live in an area where there's not much choice of ladies, otherwise most people would be offended by you asking them to cover up, which in turn may ruin the session. If they didn't like their ink they wouldn't have gotten it in the first place.
I have a couple of tats, so ladies with some ink I find sexy, but to each there own.

Well, don't think there is much to do about tats.

I myself do not like piercings on - tongue, cheek, tits and pussy   :-).   I've asked if they are removable and many times gals have removed them. Occasionally they have not, one frequent reason has been that the piercing is recent and hence cannot be removed.

So just ask. Perhaps if piercing is old enough to be removed then many gals will do that for you, some might not and then you have to decide whether to go ahead or move on.

Good Morning, Rubenz!

If I may, I would like to add to your thread providing you with credible feedback from a highly tattooed and TER rated Austin, Texas provider.  

I'm a former published and award-winning pinup and tattoo model.  I do realize tattoos are not everyman's cup of tea.  My tattoos are all big international elaborate pieces collected from the best artist all around the world.  Upon entering the hobby, I was mortified my art would detour gentlemen.  I tried very hard to cover them with the best cover-up makeup money could buy.  I was unsuccessful in my attempt to cover my art and realized that as big as my pieces are it's basically useless trying to cover them.  So unless the woman wears a bodysuit your SOL.  Tattoo removal is a tad pricey and takes approximately a total of 6 sessions, 1 every 6 weeks.  The size and color dictate the price.  And black removes easily while yellow and green are almost impossible to remove.  The subject receiving the procedure to the targeted art piece will have 36 weeks of coping with a body part that looks like acid burned off the skin. It's a hardcore procedure, I know first hand.

Thankfully I haven't had a problem in this area at all!!!!  

Most tattoos are a mess, but that's what one can expect while shopping for body art at Ikea.  

There's plenty of ladies without tattoos and piercing


Have a great day!
Alyssa Rockefeller

Posted By: AlyssaRockefeller
So unless the woman wears a bodysuit your SOL.
Some guys might have a latex or spandex fetish! That could be a good solution!
And black removes easily while yellow and green are almost impossible to remove.
There is a lot of recent medical research on tattoos. The colored inks sometimes contain metals. The pigments get into the lymph system and can migrate to other parts of the body. Even though our skin cells die, fall off, and get replaced by new skin cells, tattoos last for a long time. It's because they do something fundamental with skin cell replacement. Some of the new skin cells hold on to the pigment and keep it in place (with a little washout or fading over long times).  
Even though there is a long (thousands of years) history of tattooing, modern tattoos and inks are not entirely innocuous.  
Spandex body suit:

-- Modified on 3/17/2018 4:52:56 PM

I'm confused about tats, especially about the ones on the back, or paragraphs of text.  If you see a piece of art you like, have it painted on a canvass, and frame it and hang it on the wall.  Then you can see it all the time.  I know it has become a big time fad, and that is probably the biggest reason to get one for a lot of folks.  I know plenty of girls with them, and never heard any say they got them for the artistic value.  These girls are mostly the servers at the sports bars I like to inhabit.

rubenz215 reads

Thanks for the thoughtful response.  The removal comment was, of course, just a wise crack.  Even being artistically challenged, I can appreciate that some tattoos (such as yours) exhibit a high level of skill and represent a sophisticated form of self-expression.  But for some in my demographic (white male professional, 50+- probably your customer base) it is not something that we would like to see on a woman.  We can’t help it and it would be difficult, perhaps even impossible, to dissuade us from that position.  It is a generational type of thing and when you are our age, there will almost certainly be some new fad that your generation will just not get and that results in a great deal of head scratching late at night.  It’s the circle of life.

A quick search doesn’t reveal an easy solution to this problem of covering up such a large area, but the theater makeup idea has me thinking that that is where a solution of some sort might lie.  You have a theater department at the University of Texas Austin that might want to tackle the problem as a “project.”  I’m sure you could get the attention of a guy or two there to help you out.  But then again, we are talking about theater majors.  You might have better luck over at Shop class.

There are colored body paints used to cover large areas for science fiction films, why not skin toned paint? If you could get a batch that matches yours, then perhaps it can be applied via a DIY spray can type product like Preval to avoid needing a compressor and spray gun.  Alternatively, autobody shops can also make up spray cans from any paint provided.  There will need to be some R&D, the paint may not atomize properly, you’d want the paint to not rub off easily or crack, and then there are the unforeseen issues that always crop up on a project of this nature.

I would think an effective cover approach could ensnare a customer or two that otherwise might be lost to those tattoo-less vixens on the wrong side of town.  I would think you could even tack on a fee to cover the cost of time and materials.

As far as something like the latex body suit suggestion, I fail to see how that would really fix anything.  Anyway, I’ve been told I look terrible in latex.

This conversation is mostly a waste I think:
If a girl sees this after getting into the hobby and BEFORE getting a tat, she might take your opinion into consideration. But for all the girls who already have tats, which is going to be just about anyone who reads this, it's pointless.  

I've tried makeup too, not for the hobby but for something else and it doesn't last long. What's more awkward a tattoo on a hot girl or a sheet covered with skin colored makeup?  

In my experience, I've seen men in the assumed demographic and some have hardly even noticed (and mine are pretty big). Some have and we have conversation about them. It really shouldn't matter about their tats IF you aren't completely objectifying the woman. ;) There is much more to this thing than a body you're sticking it into, so maybe it shows more about your character. But the guys I've met that don't normally like tattoos are too distracted by the fun I guess to care enough and I'm glad I've only met those respectful.  

Simply put, if you know she has tattoos, don't see her. Plenty of ladies to chose from. Taking a tattoo out of the equation is impossible compared to simply taking out a nose ring.

HappyChanges229 reads

I can live with tats and nipple piercing (not a big fan) but pussy piercing is a turn off for me. I think it's because I watched a girl get a her pussy pierced when I was younger and it was not a good experience for her. It's always a distraction when fucking a girl with a pussy ring and you have to be careful with your fingers. Especially if she has a ring.

I have no issues with a few small tattoos, but when some of these young woman tag their body up like a freeway underpass and start opening their ears up with gauges you can slip a pencil thru, they look more like carnies, or a palooza freak show than anything else LOL. Definitely not my style. However, I believe in live and let live. You can't change people, or expect them to conform to your tastes. Tattoos are very personal to people and you're pissing on a hill if you think you can chose a woman to have sex with based on some photos, an online profile and ignore her personality. She is a person. People feel very passionate about their tattoos. In so many cases they represent something very personal. A death of someone close, a birth of a child, Its endless. Rarely is it simply art, unless they get a rush from getting tattoos. I know people addicted to getting tattoos like a drug.  

My .02 is that if young womens fashion trends and their personal expression and culture does not fit your taste, seek older women who are your age who share similar values. Or, be a little more tolerant and accept that young women are a different generation with different values and beliefs, and learn to women with a few small tattoos (not large ones) for example. It's certainly easier to change yourself and who you choose than getting others to change, or conform to your beliefs.

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