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Re: Provider standpoint
Hollys Hobby See my TER Reviews 1191 reads

I never mention tips or gifts on my website or in person.  I feel that to even allude or mention it cheapens the whole experience.  My attorney, doctor, and accountant never bring it up in any form and I feel that as a professional neither should I.

The biggest reward for me though is knowing you are happy and satiated when you leave.
That being said I love it when a find a little present added to my normal fee.  Who wouldn't?

Curious about protocol.  Do some leave gratuity for exceptional service?
It is a the first time I would be having dinner at this particular restaruant.

Do most leave this before or after the meal?

Master Yoda1973 reads young padowan.  Tipping before service?  Do you do that at the restaurants?  That makes no sense.  Wait and see what you get served up first.  But honestly, indys don't get tips from me unless I'm invited by them to spend a considerable amount of extra "play time" with them.  Agency girls that go way beyond the call of duty will get a tip from me...when I'm leaving.  If their service is good but not exceptional, then their normal fee is sufficient.  Anyone that suggests that you should tip them?  Well, here's the tip that I give them:  "Don't worry about asking for it; worry about EARNING it.  Goodbye, forever!"

red man2136 reads

Excellent advice Yoda. I used to leave tips frequently and put an end to that when the service declined. A few providers actually began expecting that tip every time and that was a bad spot I put myself in. Now I bring a gift of wine or chocolate, and rarely leave cash tips anymore. The service has been much better too. I only see independents and therefore the rate is sufficient compensation 99% of the time.

sgenergy1765 reads

Pardon my naive newbie question, but where exactly are you suppose to leave the tip should you decide to give one?  It is clear that there is a lot of etiquette and protocol associated with leaving the initial fee (e.g., white envelope, don't talk about it, etc.), at least for a new client.  But how is the tip suppose to be conveyed?  Should you just leave some cash on the dresser, hand it to the provider and say "thanks", or what exactly?   I hope this is not a truly stupid question, but there are so many other do's and don'ts that I thought I should ask.  Thanks.

Most providers stick to the traditional "Tips and gifts are appreciated but never required," etc. Which is true, but more specifically.. I think there are situations in which a tip is warranted (if not required): if the provider goes out of her way to schedule you at last minute, purchases an outfit specifically per your request, or goes above and beyond the call of duty as far as the length of time paid or provides exceptional service. Occasions on which tips are not usually appropriate or expected are when you have already provided a gift or meal, when you have paid a travel fee, when you are a return customer who schedules regularly (you coming back is tip enough- and as stated above, some girls might come to expect it if you come every week and tip all the time, which is not necessary), or if the service is mediocre or poor. Of course that leaves the standard session when all is fine but not exceptional and no special accommodations have been made- I'd say there is no need and you will not be looked at or treated any differently for not leaving extra. With that said, if you have plenty of money sitting around and you like the girl, why not? For me, I'm not rich and have struggled with finances at times in my life, but when I am doing well I like to leave a larger than necessary tip when dining out or give a 20 or 50 to a homeless person on occasion: Not expected, not required, but feels pretty damn good and makes their day too. That's my take on it.


I never mention tips or gifts on my website or in person.  I feel that to even allude or mention it cheapens the whole experience.  My attorney, doctor, and accountant never bring it up in any form and I feel that as a professional neither should I.

The biggest reward for me though is knowing you are happy and satiated when you leave.
That being said I love it when a find a little present added to my normal fee.  Who wouldn't?

I regard a tip to a provider as a sincere way of saying thank you for a great time.

I give them at the end of a session.

If the quality of the service started to fail, I wouldn't discontine the tip, I'd discontinue seeing them, period.

Life is too short for mediocre times.

Fortuately, I see about a half dozen great providers whom I am totally delighted with.  Maybe tips are the reason why, and maybe they aren't.  Frankly, I don't care to find out.

Normally I see Indys and usually book 1.5 to 2 hours and usually do not tip. I think if you are paying full fare and return for repeats they prefer that.

However, if I do see an agency girl and she is great I tip knowing the agency got a chunk of the original fare.

The best gratuity a gentleman can give me is to come back and see me again :o )

Stock tips and golfing tips are always welcome though :o )

The best gratuity is a repeat visit.  Repeat visits often mean a better time (if that is possible) without any hassals since you are already screened.  There should be a comfort level for repeat visits that should minimize the chit chat at the beginning.  Enjoy.

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