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Re: New hobby phone vs Old hobby phone?
36363jensen 4 Reviews 186 reads

No worries. I suspect a lot of people do. I know I walked up to the gate and then backed up a few times before actually completing the process and seeing a provider. It can be a bit intimidating. But it is about 99% in your own head. Make sure you check out who you are seeing is well reviewed and I would suggest looking for those that are "newbie friendly". The only other thing to worry about is LE but in reality that is really a low risk worry. Think it though, how much time, effort and money does LE have to spend in track some random John down so they can bust him for a misdemeanor?  

Even checking on your regional board (assuming it's not completely dead) can help you out -- both other mongers can suggest possible options and you might be a few providers offering to me -- but they will still want to screen you at some level.

Something like P411 is also helpful. They can act as an impartial middle agent to verify you're you for the girls and they also do the same for the providers -- so if either side pulls a bad stunt real world info can be submitted to police. And the police will be much more interested in the serious felony crime than solicitation.

I am trying to get an appointment from a provider but it looks like I did not pass screening as I did not hear back from her. I am wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that I got a new pre paid phone which I was planning on using for this "hobby" Is it a red flags to providers if I use a new phone?

But mostly, if a girl ends contact with you, you'll never know why. So don't worry about it and move on to the next one.

GaGambler200 reads

"some" providers demand what they call a "real" phone number, one that is listed in your name as part of their screening process. This of course ensures that they have potential "blackmail information" on you if you ever have an issue with them.

It of course is up to you just how much of your personal information you want to give to any potential provider that you are interested in. My advice, and the advice of most veterans here is to ONLY provide what information you are comfortable giving out, even "well reviewed TER providers" have been known to out clients for the seemingly pettiest of reasons.

But back to your actual question, there is no way of knowing for sure, but it is quite possible that she is one of those providers who demands a lot of real world information from her clients before agreeing to see them. It's your choice how much of this information you choose to give. Don't let the providers bully you into thinking that you "have to " give them this information or no "quality provider" is going to see you. They often say "My body, my rules" to which you can always respond "My money, my rules" I am sure you will find plenty of quality providers who aren't quite so rigid with their screening.

Thanks for your response. What do you mean by providers out some clients? Who do they put them to?

I just feel that it is pretty hard to get an appointment to a well reviewed provider if you don’t have a reference. I want to keep my personal identifiable information private and it seems like they want to know everything about you.

GaGambler183 reads

"Some" providers will post your personal information all over Twitter and the internet in an effort to ruin your life if they have a dispute with you. This information they get from you is supposed to only be used in the event that you try (or succeed) in hurting her, stealing from her or otherwise being a dangerous client that needs to be taken off the streets, but what happens "sometimes" is that an untrustworthy provider will use this information as blackmail information to either get an unfavorable review removed, force you to make some kind of payment to her or she might just post your information out of spite for some real or imagined transgression.

Here is a link to a thread on GD going on right now where a "well reviewed TER provider" did just that.

My advice is to only give out information that you feel comfortable giving, don't give into pressure from ladies who DEMAND such potential blackmail information unless you are confident that none of it can hurt you.

Wow, there sure are some crazies out there. Thanks for the advice, will be careful about what to share.

Just to be clear ... Did you previously have some other hobby phone with a different number? Or is this your very first ever (new) hobby phone?
If you have a history with an old number (Provider references who know your old # but not your new #; some verification site with your old # (even just the last 4 digits) and not your new #; etc.), the new # could raise a flag.  There are plenty of good reasons to change your hobby phone. E.g., there were a couple of LE busts in NYC a few years ago, around one year apart. Agencies and AMPs with phone records were involved. Each time, hobbyists would be wise to ditch their old # and get a new #.  
If it's an old # Provider reference issue, you might be able to confirm with the Provider you met via email, assuming your email is unchanged: "It's me, auburn_tiger again. My old phone was ###-####. My new phone is now ###-###$. I will send you a text or call you from the new # to confirm the change ... and ask you to provide me with a referral."

Posted By: auburn_tiger

I am trying to get an appointment from a provider but it looks like I did not pass screening as I did not hear back from her. I am wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that I got a new pre paid phone which I was planning on using for this "hobby" Is it a red flags to providers if I use a new phone?

This is my very first ever hobby phone

Well, this would be one of those "damn my luck sucks" type moments but it is always possible that the number you got was one that recycled and was actually on some BLs. It would be a rare event though so kind of rule that out.

So, perhaps some more background. You are posting on a newbie board so one might take it that you may have never seen a provider. However, anyone looking at your posting history will see you have a presence here back to 2012. So maybe offer to fill in some blanks on the situation beyond just "I have a phone and no one will call back".

That’s right. I created this account a long time back but never saw any provider. Just chickened out I guess. Anyways, I heard back from her and she said she would not see without a reference. So it is what it is. Time to move on.

No worries. I suspect a lot of people do. I know I walked up to the gate and then backed up a few times before actually completing the process and seeing a provider. It can be a bit intimidating. But it is about 99% in your own head. Make sure you check out who you are seeing is well reviewed and I would suggest looking for those that are "newbie friendly". The only other thing to worry about is LE but in reality that is really a low risk worry. Think it though, how much time, effort and money does LE have to spend in track some random John down so they can bust him for a misdemeanor?  

Even checking on your regional board (assuming it's not completely dead) can help you out -- both other mongers can suggest possible options and you might be a few providers offering to me -- but they will still want to screen you at some level.

Something like P411 is also helpful. They can act as an impartial middle agent to verify you're you for the girls and they also do the same for the providers -- so if either side pulls a bad stunt real world info can be submitted to police. And the police will be much more interested in the serious felony crime than solicitation.

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