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Re: Never post before meds...
AvaMilan 3947 reads
1 / 21

I have 2 reviews so far (none from TER at the moment, however.) I know gentlemen look for reviews when deciding if to see a woman.  I like the idea of putting my reviews on my site so people will know I DO have them.  However, how crazy is it to post that money exchanged is for companionship only when meanwhile you have links to detailed information?

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1572 reads
2 / 21

The reviews are the property of TER, not you. I'm fairly certain that posting them on your web site may be copyright infringement. Perhaps the Jazz man could shed some light on this...

panda_bear 5 Reviews 1960 reads
3 / 21

Reviews on a ladies website are very suspect. You will obviously pick only the good ones.

However, links to reviews on other sites, especially TER are very helpful. It makes it easier for the guy to find the good and the bad.

shaka700 1175 reads
4 / 21

Providers putting their reviews directly on their websites would be copyright infringement, just look at the disclaimer before you log on to this website.

AvaMilan 1391 reads
5 / 21
AvaMilan 1423 reads
6 / 21

active here on Ter, however with no reviews here it makes it look like I have no reviews at all.  I'm sure I'll have reviews here eventually.

jazz32 24 Reviews 1100 reads
7 / 21

TER is more than happy for you to link your reviews here, and I'm sure they will come, on your site.

jazz32 24 Reviews 1311 reads
8 / 21

So long as your site properly displays the TER badge or banner, you can link it to a TER post.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 2361 reads
10 / 21

never mind, I re read her post and realized she was talking about posting a link in the first place...

-- Modified on 9/17/2008 5:31:02 AM

RRO2610 51 Reviews 5351 reads
11 / 21

What I WOULD do is copy/paste them to a file in YOUR computer.

It is VERY MUCH to your advantage too have a complete and permanent history of your reviews along with the reviewers and their scores that cannot be lost to Internet failures, controversy, political discord, or voluntary disassociation.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 2549 reads
12 / 21

maybe you should take your own advice before

AvaMilan 1256 reads
14 / 21

I don't see the harm in emailing them my reviews.  All "2" of them  - LOL

LadyJayLa See my TER Reviews 1993 reads
17 / 21

Definitly post a link..guys love to read that stuff and start the drooling process! LOL
Good Luck!

dandantheman 2484 reads
18 / 21

Why does TER care if you link to other reviews site if they are YOUR reviews? You should link to all of your reviews so all the people interested can learn everything there is to know about you. i am new so I could be wrong here but this sounds off to me.


dandantheman 1586 reads
19 / 21

You should listen to him on this one. I have read were girls reviews were deleted and lost forever. Smart move to save them all.


dandantheman 2042 reads
20 / 21

You can always email the links to your reviews too so you don't have to send the whole review. Just a thought.


keystonekid 114 Reviews 1646 reads
21 / 21
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