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Re: Need a little guidance here
balathazar 1 Reviews 1161 reads

There are no client reviews on this site. The closest thing is the whitelist. All that is, really, is just a place where a provider can put a clients name that she feels safe with and has behaved properly in his dealings with her. That's it, no reviews, nothing else. If you want more information on a certain guy on TER you can ask on the providers only board or PM some of the ladies this particular gentleman has reviewed.

Reading the reviews he has written is also a good way of getting inside his head and finding out what he is like.


I have recently joined the site as a VIP member (provider)  Would like to know how to be able to review a client?  I have tried using the White List but can't seem to figure it out.  Can anyone help me out on this.  Not trying to be a BLONDE (yes I am)... Thank You!

There are no client reviews on this site. The closest thing is the whitelist. All that is, really, is just a place where a provider can put a clients name that she feels safe with and has behaved properly in his dealings with her. That's it, no reviews, nothing else. If you want more information on a certain guy on TER you can ask on the providers only board or PM some of the ladies this particular gentleman has reviewed.

Reading the reviews he has written is also a good way of getting inside his head and finding out what he is like.


If you want to warn other ladies about him, or compliment him,  use the Providers Only board.  Otherwise, the white list is all you can do.  It only gives your name on his list to indicate you think he is an ok guy.  You don't post any opinions of him.

Hope this helps.

I thought white lists had more than, "Ya, I met him." I thought it had all the details of the clients behaviour. Now that I think of it...what shouldn't it?

White list is nothing more than a 'stamp of approval' from a provider, no details whatsoever.

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