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Re: lamb skin?????????
myfavoriteDILF!!! 856 reads

Way to set it straight!  Also, to dragonfly - if you bring your own condoms and use them and the provider gets pregnant?  Well, she's gonna suspect it is you that got her preggers.  And more than likely, you're gonna have to DEAL WITH IT!!

I new to the hobby (5 providers so far) and noticed that providers often have a condom ready on the spot. Usually the condoms don't seem to thin or appear to offer the best sensations. Is it common and acceptable to bring your own ask the provider to use yours?

I get the feeling they don't trust any condoms but their own. I think using the thin sheer ones (latex) are good for both parties for maximum sensation. Any providers out there willing to offer their take on this.

I think providers want to use their own condoms so they know that the condoms are not problematic.  Both parties are at risk for STDs but only one will have to deal with pregnancy.

hellosavanah1218 reads

As a provider I always provide my own condoms. Yes, it makes a girl feel safer all around. Also some ladies and also gents are allergic to latex as am I, so using lamb skin or other non-latex condom works best for me...

Natural skin-NEVER!!!

What types of condoms should be used for safer sex?
Male condoms are fitted on the male penis and female condoms are fitted inside the vagina. Condoms should be made from latex or polyurethane. Condoms made from animal tissue ("natural skin" condoms) are not recommended, because viruses can pass through microscopic holes or pores in these condoms

myfavoriteDILF!!!857 reads

Way to set it straight!  Also, to dragonfly - if you bring your own condoms and use them and the provider gets pregnant?  Well, she's gonna suspect it is you that got her preggers.  And more than likely, you're gonna have to DEAL WITH IT!!

Some ladies, like myself, have found that if we use different condoms all the time, it results in irritation and soreness. That is one reason why I prefer to use my own, so that I am using the same brand every time.

Also, to be quite honest, when a gentleman brings his own, I have no idea how old it is, whethers its been sitting in a wallet for the last 6 months, or hanging out in a glovebox that is too hot to safely store condoms.

So, for both my safety, and for my comfort, I prefer to use my own.

dg10312185 reads

Do providers have condoms in all sizes?  Regular and smaller size condoms are too tight for me.  I prefer magnum XLs but can fit a regular magnum as well.

LOL I keep Magnums on hand as well - but I keep them hidden. Too often gentlemen who don't need them ask for them if they seem then, in the mistaken belief that since they don't squeeze as tight they will be more comfortable for them. The problem is, that the fact that they don't squeeze as tight also means they slip off more easily!

What can I say? I was a Girl Scout before I got kicked out for eating a brownie. Doh! Did I say that out loud??

dg1031880 reads

Also, would it make you feel any safer if the guy bought his own condoms on the way to the appointment and showed you a receipt for this recent purchase along with the UNopened condom box (I know, run on sentence)?

Safer than if he just brought a crusty packet that had been sitting out for months on end.. but it still doesn't solve the issue of constant exposure to different lubes and chemicals that can irritate our sensitive parts, and the idea that if we choose a certain thickness (I use regular thickness as that's what I'm comfortable with, and some gals may choose to use maximum strength/thickness if that is what they're comfortable with) and your intention is to bring a thinner condom, that won't fly. Ladies will keep the best fitting, highest quality, thinnest possible condoms on hand that they personally feel safe using. If a woman enjoys or prefers the ultra-thin condoms, she'll have them on hand for you anyways. But most of us won't/don't, as the added risk of pregnancy and disease is not worth it, and that's why we don't have them!


After an outcall recently we discovered no one had any condoms. What a way to spoil the mood.....So from now on I provide my own condoms and the same brand every time. If the question is in your head what did we do when we discovered no condoms? Well, I jacked him off he was happy :)

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