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Re: kid n candy shop!
shudaknownbetter 1599 reads

I'm located near "the casinos" and frequently hear of people losing homes, good businesses, jobs, embezeling, etc...  to feed their adiction.  This hobby could become one also.  YOU must decide how much you can afford...  Everything in life has limits!  Decide on what yours are, withdraw the money & put it in a separate place.  When it's gone, you're done for the month!
Make a decision about how you want to allocate those resources.  Shorter visits, dinner dates, overnights?  Then stick to it.  
You want to be able to continue doing this indefinately.  
No gambling for me...  this is a sure bet!

tmtlr273797 reads

I need some of the more experienced on this question. New to the hobby and promised myself I would start out slow. But like the heading...I'm like a kid in a candy shop and with each new day I see a new provider (of course they are all new to me!!) that I just have to try.

So here is my main question. How do you slow it down a bit. I mean I saw three ladies just last week. I know like anything after the new wears out you will slow down but how to you "pace" yourself. It's killing my time away from work (self employed) and dipping into the savings account too!!

Thanks as always for everyones input!

I would love to be finding good times like you.  Please give me some insight on where you search and what criteria you put in.  I'm a little skittish of cops showing up at my door or at the hotel I go to meet them, but first need to find someone with good reviews.

tmtlr274317 reads

I'm in the Carolina's so I first go to that board and see who is available. Unfortunately these ladies must book up fast as I've only found one available in my short go at this. My next stop is to the review in the carolina's. Then I see who gave the review and see who else that guy has seen. Going back and forth I've been able to see nothing but new gals and I only go with the ones with the reviews I like. Good luck but I'm still needing someone to help me slow the pace a bit....again any suggestions??

He'll tell you when it's time to slow down.
I know there is a tendency to want to screw every provider in your area when you first discover this, before they have a chance to quit or move away. Just remember, for every one that disappears, a new one pops up. Endless supply. It really is a beautiful thing. You'll find the right frequency for you.

Is exactly what has happened to most of us in the beginning. I know it happened to me. It will take a little time, but you'll level off and reach a good comfort zone. The only thing to watch at this point is not letting your pecker run away with your wallet. That can happen very easily.

Good luck and have some fun.

shudaknownbetter1168 reads

I admit to "binges" when the family was out of town...  but really it wasn't smart...  In general, I hobby once a month or so.  I save up my hobby money from my normal spending money until I have enough.
You just have to get control before you crash & burn!

you will eventually slow down.  

You have to be disciplined to stay within your budget.  For some of us, it is one date about every 4-5 weeks; others have more disposable cash and therefore can play more.

BTW, your research methods are very good and are obviously working.

shudaknownbetter1600 reads

I'm located near "the casinos" and frequently hear of people losing homes, good businesses, jobs, embezeling, etc...  to feed their adiction.  This hobby could become one also.  YOU must decide how much you can afford...  Everything in life has limits!  Decide on what yours are, withdraw the money & put it in a separate place.  When it's gone, you're done for the month!
Make a decision about how you want to allocate those resources.  Shorter visits, dinner dates, overnights?  Then stick to it.  
You want to be able to continue doing this indefinately.  
No gambling for me...  this is a sure bet!

Kid, party until the money runs out and then go out and get some more.  Another thought is that you move your sights up a little.  Try a two hour party.  At three ladies a week, unless you're independently wealthy the cash will slow you down.  If you are independently wealthy, what the hell see them all.  Great hunting,have fun, and play safe.

Like some of the other posts have stated, you need to get things under control. The sooner the better, while you do not describe your economic situation, I'm guessing you may be feeling the economic slowdown. Set up a separate hobby fund,
and when it's gone, you're done for the month.
Do not take cash advances, use overdraft protection, spend what you have in your hobby fund and not a penny more. Think with your big head, not your little one. Good luck and good hobbying.

You will be OK Duck, you are just overly excited about getting your bill waxed by some new duck tail. Seriously, just take a step back, look at what time you can afford to invest, and what funds you have to spend and then set up a budget.

Then ENJOY!!!!

GlitterOnTheHighway1756 reads

and I just want to play with each toy for a little bit, before trying the next one.

Not so long ago, I set up 5 date in 3 days, figuring that some would cancel or no show on me, and in this case I ended up with all 5.

My dick was so tired & sore... I don't think I'll try to pull that one again.

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