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Re: Kami, not to lecture you, but...
SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1286 reads

Can you send and receive private messages on here? If not, please e-mail me at [email protected]

You really DON'T have to advertise on CL, and if you will e-mail I will tell you why, and how.


sexymskami3406 reads

Ok heres my problem....

Last night I saw a guy. He called me around 3am and booked for 3:30am and showed up on time. I woke up outta my sleep to see him.

He came in and seemed alittle nervous so I tried my best to put him at ease he had told me over the phone that he had a panty hose fetish so I made sure I had some on for him. H e gave me the donation and I proceded to try to get him on the bed for some hugging/cuddleing before we got down to the real business. Then he started freaking out asking me if someone else was here and did I hear that and it was super quiet in the room.

It was then that I realized that what I mistook as nervousness was really a drug impaired state. So I asked him what he was on and he told me that he had done a little bit of coke. He was bouncing off the walls he kept jumping up off the bed and running to the door and I just didnt feel comfortable anymore so I asked him to put on his clothes and I would give him his money back and he could leave. But I just didnt feel comfortable.

Thats when he really started going crazy yelling and screaming and he tried to grab me like in a hug and was trying to grind on me and I pulled away and told him it was time to go I put the money on the counter and grabbed his clothes and tried to hand them to him but he wouldnt take em.

Then he ran into the bathroom and tried to lock himself in there so I grabbed him as I ws much bigger than him and told him that if he did not put on his clothes and take his money and go quietly that I would trow him and his stuff outta my room and keep the money.

Well he still didnt get dressed and go so I did just that...I pushed him and his clothes outta the door and I guess that woke him up a little.

But do you know he ran through my hotel parking lot naked about 3 times before getting in his car still naked and leaving.

I just need to know do you think that I was wrong?
I mean I am independent so I dont have a pimp to look out for me and I couldnt think of anything else!

All feedback will be appreciated!

The mistake you made was seeing a guy who called you at 3:00 in the morning.  No decent guy would ever do that.

I would never see anybody at 3am.  I hardly ever take a same day request from anybody and much less last minute one.  You should also collect the money in the beginning, not the end.

sexymskami1310 reads

I feel you but I keep late hours. Because I go to school during the day.

That's great but I think you can still book decent hours.  Working late night is asking for trouble.

First off, STOP advertising on CL. Second, if your phone rings at 3 am, don't even bother to answer it. The ONLY kind of client you are going to get at that hour is one who is drunk dialing or worse. Absolutely NO amount of money is worth seeing some coked up or drunk baffoon at 3 am.

Much better places to advertise would be Eros, right here on TER, Cityvibe, and a number of other websites dedicated to escorting. Basically, places that cost money to advertise. But trust me, its worth every penny and then some to market to men with more common sense than this bozo had.

Finally, SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN. I can't emphasize this enough. Your joker is probably listed on every blacklist for escorts on the internet, and clearly for good reason.

Hon, you don't NEED a pimp, you just need to know how to keep yourself safe. Please be careful out there.

PS you were one hell of alot more tolerant than I would have been. One mention of coke, and I would have pitched him out on his butt right then and there. But I'm glad you are OK. It could have turned out worse when dealing with someone zoned out on who knows what (your description sounds like he was high on more than just coke)

No pimps needed as long as ya do it right and protect yourself sweets.
I would have tossed him out sooner too!
I may be little but I carry the strength of 3 WOMEN!


He put a roofie in my wine and when I woke up, my clothes were in the shower, and he was gone. I went home very wet and broke. He stole my ss card and phone.

I stopped drinking after that incident.

I continued to post on CL for quite some time, but was extremely cautious about whom I saw and cut off any guy that even gave the slightest hint of being a wacko.

Leave CL alone. I know it makes you a lot of money...but money won't do you a bit of good if you're dead or beaten to a pulp by a crazy client.

Trust me, you don't want a pimp. They're the worst type of person you could ever meet.

You've got to be careful in this business. One mistake could cost you EVERYTHING.

-- Modified on 3/11/2008 9:40:42 PM

Hobbying and providing will have alot of advantages for both sides and once in a great while a disadvantage will rear it's ugly head.  Sorry it happened to you but thankfullly it didn't end up in a worse case scenerio.  Maybe having a "friend" girl or guy that you can call when a client shows up and leaves would add some comfort in just such an occasion. Thankfully your alright.

UncleJazz1792 reads


First and foremost, I am thrilled that you survived this experience, and I don't mean to scare you, but I carefully chose the word survived!!!  While unlikely in most cases, there are many ways this encounter could have ended worse than it did.

I applaud, you for recognizing what you were dealing with, being creative in dealing with the situation, and being successful in dealing with it.  

Still it didn't have to happen!!!  A guy you don't know from Adam calls at 3:00 am asking for a 3:30 appointment!?!

You work independently - you have no muscle behind you, and no one to check out your prospective clients!!!  30 minutes to screen a new client, not very likely!!!

I am truly happy this one worked-out well, but PLEASE be more careful!!!


sexymskami1533 reads

Thank you to everyone for their responses....
Unfortunately when I have posted on ros and Cityvibe I didnt make that much money and on craigslist I am able to average at least 500 a day and I am so far in debt with credit card bills and rent and school that I really need all the money I can get so for now I have to post on C.L. at least until my own website starts generating more clients. Like I said I am new to this about Five months strong in this profession and I am trying the best that I can to learn the ins and outs of all of this. So any help is greatly appreciated.

Can you send and receive private messages on here? If not, please e-mail me at [email protected]

You really DON'T have to advertise on CL, and if you will e-mail I will tell you why, and how.


It is great that you guys would help Kami and look out for her.

Kami-  Please listen to these people.  There are people out there that could do you great harm.  

Be careful.

Please listen to the ladies and take them up on their kind offer to help.  That's exactly what this site is all about, helping each other hobby safer all around.

I'm not going to lecture because it's really not my place, so I will stop with this:  you obviously have a head on your shoulders for extricating yourself from a bad situation once you realized what was happening, and, forgive me, you've got balls for how you did it.  Therefore, you have the personal tools to make things better for yourself if you listen to the ladies.

Oh, to answer your question, yes, you did the right thing, but only after doing the wrong thing.

Good Luck

you get what you deserve. I'm sorry. I know that is harsh. However with all the knowledge and resourses we have, for you to not use them is just plain stupid.

By not using the tools available to you, you put yourself in danger. Seeing an unscreened client, and don't say you did, as I don't see how you could have at 3am is wrong on every count. Period. If you don't care enough about yourself to protect yourself, then nothing we say here will make a difference.

I've been around this game for over twenty years and have seen some very tragic occurences. Sadly, most could have been avoided.  Don't become a statistic. Empower yourself and care enough about yourself to not stand there with a bullseye on your head for every sicko psycho to aim for. SCREEEN.

If you need help please p/m me.

Sweetheart. I understand you're in a financial situation. However, your safety needs to come first. There are many ways to increase your business without using CL and seeing clients 24/7. Seeing an unreferenced client is a ticking time bomb. Sooner or later your luck will run out.

You can get a lot of exposure here by posting an ad on the regional boards. There are several other sites that you can post your ad for free. If you want a list you can p/m me or if Uncle Jazz feels it's okay to post here, I can do that.

You have many options. Try not to feel you're backed into a corner and you only have extreme choices.

brookrenolds1181 reads

Please be careful girl. There are better ways to get the word out about your services without putting your life in danger.
I am glad you are ok. We are not all bad guys.

Actually, I would love to have seen that guy running around the parking lot naked. There have been a few times I felt like doing that.

Sounds to mee like he had too much pot. I have a cousin who used to go nuts on that stuff. of course I know nothing about drugs.

tokai1577 reads

You were wrong for not screening.

BTW: He was high on more than just Coke. I don't recall coke making you paranoid. Just a guess, but possibly PCP. I have no idea what the current drugs are out there.

You were right for kicking him out, although I would have kept the money for bothering me at 3am and being high.

Best wishes.

GaGambler1499 reads

His behavior sounds like a coke head who was getting a visit from the "geek monster".

I know you have bills to pay, you mention that you've been at this for five months. I genuinely haop you make it to six. Please take the advice given here, there are some seriously wacked out people in this world, you need to take precaoutions.

tokai1431 reads

My mistake. Never knew anyone that got that far.

anon88941169 reads

I disagree with most of these people that you should not see client in the wee morning hours.  I do think you need to screen better in the future.  I might even go so far as to say that you might want to leave the wee morning hours to your regulars or those that have booked in advance.  

I don't think the time of day makes a difference if you do your screening right.

Now if you do no screening for do a lot of business off CL then your chances of running into nut jobs increases with the later hour after bar close.

Lets be honest though, does everyone really think that people only get wacked out on drugs late at night?

I truly am glad that every thing turned out with only a little anxiety on your end.  Please be safe no matter the time of day by checking out the guys ahead of time! :)



-- Modified on 3/12/2008 3:46:29 PM

GaGambler1946 reads

You have to admit, the percentages go up the later in the evening it gets. The chances of getting a coked out or drunk client at three in the afternoon are less than one in ten, at three in the morning the chances are better than not the client is fucked up on something.

sexymskami1140 reads

For some reason the reply that I previously posted never mad it to the board but I want to once again thank everyone for their replies any further advice is very much appreciated. Also where do you go to screen your clients?


Just kidding, sorry, couldn't resist from your last question.

Screening just means getting enough information to verify who you are dealing with, to check them against any blacklists, and try to make it safer.  Most ladies require, among other things, a reference from another provider, who they then call to check the guy out.  There are services too, but they are not used in my area (Boston), so someone else will have to help you with those.

Just take the ladies up on their offer of help, you would be foolish not to.

Good Luck

That is always the risk you take seeing someone at 3:00am.

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