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Re: Just do it
joext50 2997 reads
1 / 11

I have an appointment with a provider who stated in her email reply, "please let me know if I can do anything else for you". So I thought "what?" So now I'm thinking maybe that was my clue to tell her what i want her to wear or bring to the meeting. But how can I do that in an email?

Please, I don't want to screw this up.


Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 1067 reads
2 / 11

If she is well reviewed...Do It.

You can always get what you want.


Sexy Carolina  XO

mattradd 40 Reviews 1136 reads
3 / 11

You can ask her if that is what she meant. I can't see any problem stating a request regarding wardrobe. Just don't mention any explicit sexual acts.

Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 1524 reads
4 / 11

Just new to this.  Perfectly acceptable question.  That's what the newbie board is for. Take the advise of the two veteran posters above and you'll do just fine.  Best of luck, and have fun.  Like the hokie pokie, that's what it's all about.

RocketMan36 74 Reviews 1034 reads
5 / 11

And if the lady does something special for you, it makes the adventure even better....

So yes, ask in general terms if you are not sure....


joext50 1395 reads
6 / 11

Well, I'm not sure how that went. I sent her an email that said:

Hi xxxxxxx,

Can you bring an underbust corset and a smooth satin thong?

Have a Great Day,

See you soon

and her reply was:

"ill see what i can come up with"

no smiley face, no xoxo, no have a great day.

So I don't know what to think. But I do know I'm turned off.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 3867 reads
7 / 11

She might have been having a bad day, who knows.
Remember escorts have lives, jobs, family etc.
Don't hang on every word in her email. Good luck.

joext50 2261 reads
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joext50 1189 reads
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joext50 1456 reads
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