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Re: If a review is declined, TER lets the reviewer know . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 292 reads

what was incomplete or missing.  Sometimes it is a bad website, sometimes (as has been stated) not graphic enough, etc.

Curious, I submitted five reviews, only one of which was accepted.  Not sure what I'm doing that violates the standards, but obviously I'd like to edit the reviews and see them used.  

Can you guys maybe send some ideas of common mistakes that cause reviews to be rejected?

They always tell me why my review isn't accepted, I fix it and they accept it. Only one wasn't accepted in the end because of the 3 month between review policy.  

Contact admin and ask why if it isn't spelled out.

There are dozens of reasons why it could be rejected.  What does it say?

Posted By: par38
Curious, I submitted five reviews, only one of which was accepted.  Not sure what I'm doing that violates the standards, but obviously I'd like to edit the reviews and see them used.    
 Can you guys maybe send some ideas of common mistakes that cause reviews to be rejected?

nom_de_plume297 reads

Which can happen when dealing with hundreds of reviews a day. It's happened to me more than once; my review was rejected, I asked Admin for the reason, and I saw that they had made a mistake. When I explained to them why my review followed the rules, they allowed it.

-- Modified on 2/6/2015 6:36:35 AM

...My Reviews link. It's slightly below the tab just to the left. This will bring up a list of your reviews. Look to the far right under status. The reason for rejection is there. If you don't understand what they said then use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of every page to ask Admin for an explanation.

Some common reasons are not enough juicy details of the encounter.  Information in the details that TER considers personal not discreet. The internet link doesn't work anymore.

I had a review rejected, but then without me changing anything it got approved the following day. I guess it depends on who is approving the review, as different admins have different standards.

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