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Re: I'd love to help! :)
SashaBenjamin See my TER Reviews 105 reads

Omg omg . I'm going to PM you ! Thank you !

Hey ladies. I'm doing my first professional boudoir shoot in 2 days. I'm beyond ecstatic. These will be used in FINALLY creating my personal website. I currently don't have a site and have refrained from posting on "higher end" sites because I'm a business women and won't compete unless I'm on the same level.

My question is how did you transition from lower end site men to higher end men. What was hard for you ?

Hey girl,

I'm a newbie on this board, so I was browsing the newbie section, and your question is right up my alley! You sound like me about 6 months ago, and sounds like we might have a lot in common business-wise, as that has been exactly my mindset too. I've been a provider for 4 years, but suffered through an abusive relationship and a serious health problem that made me self-destruct quite a bit. I got out of the relationship with the help of my mom a year ago, then got help for my medical issue, and I'm happy to say I've been healthy for a year and even got engaged recently to an amazing man! During that year, I've been working my ASS OFF building my reputation back up, which involved getting my own upscale incall, set up three professional photo shoots (each one better than the last), and took myself on my first "business trip" to fly to L.A. to meet with an exceptional web designer ( with whom I've been working to build my website for a couple months now. (It's almost done and I'm so excited!)

I pride myself on being extremely professional, and have gone above and beyond professionalism in the past year to make up for my past. I'm often told that I should do consulting for other girls similar to myself, but for now, I would be very pleased to just lend other girls like me a hand. And you sound like that girl! I completely revolutionized my entire practice, image, clientele, and have even been able to raise my rates significantly. If you'd like some help on where to go from here, or just want to talk and pick my brain, I would love to help you out. And any other ladies in a similar situations, please ping me and I would love to get coffee or a drink sometime to talk shop. :)

-Penelope Querida xo

Omg omg . I'm going to PM you ! Thank you !

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