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Re: I would NOT hand her cash
Timbow 1159 reads

Guess I  am a generous  redneck :)Never had a girl say it was crass and say she did not want the money :)

I am a new hobbyist and have done lots of research but in my research I have not seen the appropriate amount of a gratuity.  I know it will probably be based on the provider, but can someone give me a ballpark idea, 20 -25-30 percent?  Also if we cannot hand money over by hand does this need to be included in the donation/gift?  What do women prefer gifts or tips? And yes I know both, but if there is only one option? I will not always be able to get a gift.  Thanks for your help.

tmtlr271522 reads

Tall, there is no right/wrong answer as no tip is ever expected from the ladies. If you feel like you would like to any they usually have what they like on their website.

I've stated this on an ealier post the best tip you can give a lady is to ask to see her again and then do see her again. Steady income from someone they already met is a great tip and they will be the first to tell you that!

Good luck with your first time!

Tips are not a mandatory thing but it's so appreciated.. More then you know

As far as I can tell, nobody has answered the issue of how to tactically deliver the tip to the provider.  I am new to this sport, but I get the feeling a provider would be thoroughly horrified if I were to pull a Ben Franklin out of my pocket and try to hand it to her at the end of the session.

My solution, so far, has been to add something extra to the envelope and trust that the provider will subsequently earn it (even though she won't find out until later that she's been tipped).

It's one of those awkward protocol things we newbies struggle with, and I can't find an answer to the issue in my searches so far.

I usually just place it on top of the envelope or another visible place while she's dressing or we're chatting as I'm about to leave. Very rarely does the lady even touch the envelope while I'm there, so it's usually easy to put it on top.

dickus2104 reads

Or just place it in plain sight when you're getting ready to leave, without comment.  She'll find it.

Timbow1248 reads

Why would she care and even if you gave her 10 bucks she should be happy.

It's not about how much.  The issue is handing cash to a provider, which is traditionally frowned upon (hence the whole "envelope-on-the-table" dance).

Thanks for the helpful replies in this thread, I didn't realize the apprehensions about exchanging cash went away at the end of the session.

Timbow1484 reads

I guess you cannot connect the dots . Why would she care refers to just handing her cash :)

Set it down somewhere.  Even though it's a tip and it's after the session, it's still crass to stick the cash in her hand.

Timbow1160 reads

Guess I  am a generous  redneck :)Never had a girl say it was crass and say she did not want the money :)

Have the cash in your pocket and after you are dressed and ready to leave, but just before the goodbye hug and kiss, reach in and palm the cash so that you have it in your hand during the hug and kiss.

Then as you withdraw, run your hand along her arm betweeh your thumb and forefinger as the other three fingers keep a grip on the bills and then grasp her hand as you discreetly place the cash in her palm.

Believe me, she will smile big and pretty.

It's never failed me.

I saw Sharon Stone do that a few days ago in "Casino".  She made it look great!

I always leave the envelope in the open and the bills are unfolded. Since it is not sealed, I can slip the tip, folded this time into the envelope. How to do it, timing, etc. Simply ask the escort to turn around and slip it in.  She knows what I'm doing and thanks me.  For the same escort I just put the tip in beforehand.  I haven't been disappointed on a second, etc. date.  Lucky me!

There's really no set guideline to "tipping." Each gentleman decides if they'll tip and how much.  

For a one hour session in the $300-500 range, I generally tip $50-60, but I might tip $80-100 if it was truly a special session, or she provided a service such as greek at no additional charge, or if we went over the alloted time by more than a few minutes.

Although I generally tip, I wait until the end of the session. You never know how the session is going to progress. For example, I once saw an ATF who was having her period and didn't tell me in advance.  I got some kissing and a handjob for $300.  Not even close to what I was expecting or wanted, so I didn't tip.

Timbow1803 reads

You are nicer then me if a girl showed up on her period she would leave with no money at all .

First, yes, you are not suppose to hand your donation directly to the lady; you are to simply to leave it in a viewable location and never mention its existence (don’t ask, its all legal semantics). But, with respect to tipping, once the session is over, you can feel safe to hand your gratuity directly to the lady. At this point you have long completed the feeling out process and you are fairly certain that the other participant is not LE (and if for some reason its an LE bust at that point, hey, at least you went out banging a cop!)

There are no rules with respect to tipping. Some men do not tip; they prefer to show their appreciation by making a return appointment. Other men may tip quite extravagantly; perhaps leaving double the donation amount. Only you know your economic limitations and what you are comfortable doing. If you ask 100 hobbyists you will get 100 different answers with respect to the appropriate amount to leave as a tip.

With respect to gifts, again, no rules (got to love this hobby). Some ladies believe a small token gift (doesn’t have to be expensive) is more satisfying than receiving cash because it shows some thoughtfulness on part of the hobbyist. Others would prefer cash so that they can buy what they need and not what the hobbyist thinks they want to receive. If you decide on a gift, make sure she is not allergic (flowers, candy with nuts, etc.)

Continue to do research on TER and you will find answers to many of these questions. Also, many ladies have a "gift" page on their web site. This will give you an idea of the kinds of gifts they like to receive.


Thanks to all that have responded so far this is awefully helpful and I appreciate all your tips and suggestions.

kokopuff1415 reads

What Hardy5456 said, plus this obviously is more of an isssue if it is the first time with a provider. With someone you've been before you just set it on top of the envelope.

Another thing you can do, is have a tip in a second envelope and put it next to the donation.

$ in the envelope for superior service during the previous visit.  Sometimes I will bring a small gift.  Not a good idea to reach into your wallet and hand over cash.

Timbow1411 reads

Right a girl is gonna care if you reach into your wallet if you give her money after  seeing her :)

smartassplayin1924 reads

at the end of the evening after all the fun youve just had the provider is about leave you say "take this"  im sure nobody has any idea it was for the extra effort! oh and is probably not in envelope.

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