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Re: I will sometimes ask the lady prior to the date ...
keystonekid 114 Reviews 1368 reads

what kind of wine she prefers, or what fragrance candles she likes, etc.

I'd like to bring a small gift when I meet a provider. Most don't seem to post gifts requests on their websites. Wondering about some you can't go wrong gift ideas. Any help would be appreciated. ie if candles was one, what kind etc? Thanks

Is a return visit.  That being said, if you must bring something, ask.  Personally, I only do this with ladies I have met with previously, so let her tell you what would please her.  Bringing small gifts like candles probably never hurts, though.  Just make sure that anything you bring is not directly noticeable to any bystanders when walking though the hotel lobby...being incognito is something you should always strive for...

If I am meeting a provider for the first time, I don't bring a gift. Mainly it's because I don't know her yet, so I don't know what she would like. But also, I often see providers at in-call hotel rooms, and I don't want to burden them and their luggage with something extra to schlep.

With my ATF, it's a different matter. But even there, it took me a certain amount of time to find out what she really liked.

So I guess you could say I'm not a romantic guy. Or maybe I'm a realist. I find some of the guys in the TER community who shower a perfect stranger with gifts a little strange. I wouldn't do that in any other aspect of my life, and the hobby doesn't seem so different. I think the provider are happy is you are polite, respectful, on-time, and clean. A gift can just as easily go wrong as go right.

Girls love candles.  I get a jar candle set from Wally World for 10 bucks and also a $25 VS gift card.  Never had a problem with those.

I like to make them feel special, and it usually works.


.... works wonders. Once upon a time I was going to see an asian lady at her incall and happened to have a package of Japanese sweets at home. I brought those along, they were a big hit and ended up staying for a three course dinner.  Probably one of the more extreme cases of YMMV.


If I bring a gift on a first visit it is almost always a small box of Godiva chocolates or, if I can stop on the way to the appointment, Chocolate covered strawberries.  

Once I get to know a gal it may be candles, books or CD's. All based on her preferences.  My ATF has received many of all three but recently we have hit on a new arrangement.  She is an avid animal lover and supporter of her local SPCA chapter.  I bring gift cards now on each visit to either a local pet store or grocery store.  She uses the cards to purchase items that the SPCA chapter desperately needs to operate.

You never know who's allergic to what ... or if they're on a diet. :)

Agreeing with several posters above: When in doubt, ask!

what kind of wine she prefers, or what fragrance candles she likes, etc.

For instance, I have really bad allergies and so does my cat. I do not like getting flowers. I mean . . . I love flowers, but I have to give them away or trash them once I get home. So, it's pointless to spend the money and I feel bad when someone brings them.  Also, not everyone can do scented candles. And, I love chocolate but I don't normally do sweets, nor do I want to gain the extra weight. I'm actually not craving sweets anymore since I eat healthier now. Also, some people are allergic to certain types of food.

I know it's always been the romantic gesture to bring chocolates and flowers, but some really don't want them. It's best to wait until the first meeting to find out more about a lady.

If you really want to bring a gift, the best gift you could give to any lady is a tip (extra). ;)  Works best for me.


-- Modified on 1/4/2009 8:35:33 AM

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