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Re: I kinda thought that was what you meant...
GaGambler 1421 reads

An added word. It is not only good form to ask a gal if she is willing to provide a reference, it's also very much in your best interest to do so. Listing a reference that either does not remember you, or is pissed that you used her name without permisission is worse than no references at all.

myfavoriteDILF!!!2342 reads

Smart move to ask here first.  So many jump right in making mistakes right and left.

To answer:  Be specific.  We're not mindreaders.  Specific is not requesting GFE (everyone wants that).  The more specifics you provide the better we can help you.  Body type, age range, price range, ethnicity, location, date & time are examples of the specifics you should be requesting.  Be cool.  "Specifics" doesn't mean blunt or tactless (i.e. "Looking for a mature red-head with large rack for titty-fucking on Fri. afternoon" is specific, but it'll get you nowhere).  Use your real username, not an alias (as I'm doing right now).  Remember you're asking for help.  People want to see who you are (i.e., see that you have some reviews and are not "hiding behind an alias").  Also, let people know that they're not only welcome to PM you, but you should encourage them to do so. This allows for more privacy, which is beneficial to all.  But most importantly, do your homework.  For example, DON'T REQUEST REVIEWS, only referrals!  And only after you've searched the area code(s) for reviews.  By doing this first, you may find a well-reviewed provider that suits you, thus eliminating the need for an all-out "help me" plea.  In those situations, you may want to PM some of her reviewers to ask them specific questions.  You have to be a VIP member to do this, so if you're not one already, then that's your first move!

Great information, but I believe not what I what I was looking for.

I was actually looking for providers to review/refer me so other providers can see that I have been "screened" and can see feedback from other SPs.

Obviously, alot depends one how you act during the visit!!!  Treat a gal with respect and appreciate her companionship no matter how nasty the visit may be.

I you found her on TER, at the end of the session, or in a after visit thank-you email, ask her if she whitelists guys.

It is also good form to ask a gal if she is willing to provide a reference for you before you cite her.

GaGambler1422 reads

An added word. It is not only good form to ask a gal if she is willing to provide a reference, it's also very much in your best interest to do so. Listing a reference that either does not remember you, or is pissed that you used her name without permisission is worse than no references at all.

TER has the White List, which is a list that a reviewed provider can place you on as a general reference for other providers that you are a good guy.  When you see a provider who is reviewed by TER, which is all you should see (especially as a Newbie), you can simply ask her if she is willing to put you on the White List at the end of your session.  This will usually only apply to Independents rather than Agency ladies because the Agency Ladies aren't usually active on TER by themselves.

For a specific reference from a previous provider for screening for a new one, you should email the provider from whom you want the reference and ask her if you can give the next provider her name and email for verification.  If she says yes, then you are OK.  If she says no, you should respect that.

Providers won't "review" you, per se, regarding your performance.  They will recommend or not as discussed above, but if you ask a provider for a "review" she is liable to laugh at you because you are really asking for a critique of your performance.

Good luck

-- Modified on 2/8/2008 3:46:45 PM

If you havnt already, join a good verification site. Ive found it makes a profound difference, at least in my area.

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