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Re: I have a different perspectiveconfused_smile
lungman 10 Reviews 1689 reads

No DFK to start,,,,what a wuss!

wysiwyg1004447 reads

I would say about 75% of provider ads offer a GFE experience.  Since I am new to this I think I would be more comfortable and relaxed if I didn't have to DFK the moment she walks in the door.  I'm wondering what a more traditional escort experience might be like, and some of the dos and donts.  Also, would a GFE girl be offended if I asked for a non-GFE appointment?  Thanks for all replies.

If you're emailing in advance, just tell her "I'm not really into GFE". It'll be fine.

I've seen 6 different girls and only felt comfortable enough to go GFE with two of them. You might make a nice connection when you meet and will feel ok about it.

First of all, the term GFE is so vague that you can't put any reliance on it as to what a provider offers. TER reviews are the only way to know in advance.

I would never e-mail a provider in advance to say I wasn't interested in GFE. It borders on discussing sex which is a no-no, but, again, it's so vague that it won't be clear what you mean.  It will imply that you're cold and just want someone to help you get your rocks off.

FYI I never start a session with with a new provider with dfk. I agree, that is a little weird with someone you barely know. And at the end of a session, if I adore someone and she rocked my world, I give her a big, enveloping hug. That seems like a much more sincere show of friendship than a DFK.

Part of the GFE concept is that the provider won't be mechanical but will respond to you. So don't be so concerned. You can dictate the flow of a session and what happens. You don't need to put up a warning sign. Just let her know what you like and dislike. That, plus being really good at DATY, will make for a successful experience.

tmtlr271606 reads

3b's and 3m's is telling you the truth. I wouldn't discuss anything remotely about the session by email as it might spook her away.

I usually read as much as I can about a new provider so I kinda know how the game will go down when I meet her. I too will not DFK her until I feel very comfortable. However, unlike 3m3b I also don't feel comfortable with DATY unless I have a good sense of her and how clean she is. I had one really bad experience on that front once. I would come closer to DFK long before the DATY.

The good news for you is you are the paying customer and you can control the session. Don't do anything you aren't comfortable with as I assure you the provider won't do anything she is uncomfortable with either.

Good luck and get VIP if you don't have it as this will open up a wealth of info for you!

You don't have to DFK at all if you don't want to. It's your money.

For what it's worth, most girls don't actually shove their tongues down your throat the minute you walk in the door though, for some reason, many reviewers like to say that they do...

GFE means a lot more than playing tonsil hockey. Read a gal's reviews and decide if she is the one for you.  Don't decide based solely on three very ambiguous letters from the alphabet.

As others have stated, almost everyone claims to be GFE these days, all seem to have a different definition as to what it really means. Hell, I have heard so many definitions I get confused as to what it really means anymore! When seeing a lady remember you are there on your dime and most will only do what you are comfortable with. Boundaries will be established in the normal course of events when you first meet.

Whenever calling or emailing a lady you have never met, it would be wise to never ever refer to any sexual content in any way.

Dear Wysiwyg100,

If you were scheduling with me, it would be very nice if you let me know in correspondence that you are a new hobbyist and expect to be a bit timid at first.

When I greet you with a warm hug and kiss, you could turn your cheek if you don't want to kiss full on the lips.  (Some men do this and then tell me that they aren't much into open mouth kissing, or that they have a tickle in their throat and are not sure if it is a cold coming on.)

After the initial greeting, we will engage in some 'getting to know you' conversation. (Most ladies do this.)  That is a great time to discuss your don'ts.  

It is possible for providers (like all women) to get their feelings hurt if they feel rejected.  That is why it is important for you to actually tell her how you feel.

Experienced providers will easily and quickly adjust to meet your comfort level.  You are not the only gent who doesn't kiss in the first 2 minutes of the session.

Happy Hobbying,
Sarah Nicole

wysiwyg1001165 reads

Thank you, Sarah.  You mention one big concern I have about this.  If she comes in looking for a big kiss and I turn away and gently nudge her aside it gets the appointment off to a bad start and might hurt her feelings.  I'll keep your advice in mind.

As you turn your head, you say "Oh, look at that! Is that a hawk outside the window?" She'll never know the truth.  -;)

The real answer is that it doesn't need to get things off on a bad note. These ladies are paid to be sensitive to your needs and give you a good time. I imagine you could hurt a woman's feelings or not hurt a woman's feelings with the same gesture depending on the way it is pulled off. Just be warm and positive. If you say something like, "Oh my God, you are so much more beautiful than your photos. I can't believe my luck. I know I am going to have an incredible time with you," that should get things off to a good start, kiss or no. Why not flatter a woman? Everyone likes being flattered. It makes them feel good.

Believe me my man,,,if you find a good one(provider,that is)and she is as sexy and beautiful as mine,you won't be able to resist!
A hug and some DFK,,,you'll relax!,,,If she's good at the GFE thing,,,you'll feel like you've known her your whole life,because that's the way she'll treat you!Talking about feeling like a KING!,,,If nothing else,slip her the tongue,for me!....LOL!

then search for that only..but a lot of us provide as a TRUE GFE..i wouldn't provide any other way, there is always lots of kissing and touching and connecting when you spend time with me. Why even bother contacting a GFE provider if your looking for a completely different experience??

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