Newbie - FAQ

Re: How to Post Pics is an FAQ.
Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 240 reads

See Iโ€™ve done that before but got a message from Admin saying that my post is not following guidelines?? Idk if Iโ€™m doin it wrong or if I really am that slow ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Hi yโ€™all! Iโ€™m still pretty new on TER and still learning how to use this website. How do I post a photo under the photo discussion board, and what websites do yโ€™all use?

You're not the only one asking. It's an FAQ. Start with this link (from a post a few threads down) in the "I need some direction" thread:
Try a few things by posting (replying) here to see if you've got it.

Posted By: Lovelyxemkay

Hi yโ€™all! Iโ€™m still pretty new on TER and still learning how to use this website. How do I post a photo under the photo discussion board, and what websites do yโ€™all use?
As far as websites go, several are mentioned in the above linked-linked threads. But ... (MANY photos on the Photo Only Board are from
and maybe some others.  
Or, one can post an image or pic found on some other "public" site such as I am doing, below. Since you are emkay, I am pasting this link:  
into the "Picture URL" box and then hitting the "Post Message" button.
More Qs or problems? Post 'em if you got 'em.

-- Modified on 2/11/2023 3:13:10 PM

See Iโ€™ve done that before but got a message from Admin saying that my post is not following guidelines?? Idk if Iโ€™m doin it wrong or if I really am that slow ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Aha! "How to post a pic?" is different from "What are the posting rules or policies or guidelines?"  
For Photo Only Board:  
and scroll down to "Photo Only."  E.g., NO TEXT other than the subject line with Name and Cities. And more stuff like that.  
For Regional Ad Boards, scroll down to "Ads & iso posts."  
General and other boards: No pics allowed!

Posted By: Lovelyxemkay
Re: How to Post Pics is an FAQ.
See Iโ€™ve done that before but got a message from Admin saying that my post is not following guidelines?? Idk if Iโ€™m doin it wrong or if I really am that slow ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
And you still have to figure out how to store your photos on a hosting site and then link them to your post.

... try here on the Newbie board.
I saw your post to Photo Only
but the photo presents as a big blue box with "Image not found."
Does anybody else see her actual photo?

Posted By: Lovelyxemkay

Hi yโ€™all! Iโ€™m still pretty new on TER and still learning how to use this website. How do I post a photo under the photo discussion board, and what websites do yโ€™all use?
You can describe here (this thread) what you did / didn't do and maybe we can figure out what the problem is and solve it.  
First thought: you have to leave the photo(s) on the ibb server. You can't just upload it for a few minutes, copy the link, and then delete the photo from . You can't move it around on ibb, either. That is, if you post the link to Photo Only but go back to ibb and put the photo in a new folder or change the URL, it will still produce a "image not found" error.
Original path:
posted to Photo Only
Move the photo1 file someplace else:
Now, when a TER viewer opens your post, it is looking in folder1 but photo1.jpg is no longer there so we get and error like this:

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