Newbie - FAQ

joext50 4093 reads

Do providers have any preference for the cash in the white envelope? i.e. 20s 50s or 100s

I would'nt think so. As long as its green, all there, and respectfully placed in a visable place.

Good Luck,
Ash Stone

It all spends the same. HOwever, I did once have a fellow pay in all $5 bills. That was rather unusual. I had no trouble spending them though :)

As long as it's not in pocket change, I don't care. Although if it's a longer date (say, 3 hours or more), those 20s are gonna get a little bulky. But I know a lot of gentlemen visit the ATM to discreetly withdraw cash over a period of time, so if it's 20s you have, 20s I'll take!

Just no trying to pay it all in 1s, 5s, personal checks, goats, or mayonnaise, please.

So I guess showing up with a big sack of pennies won't do either.  Goats or mayonnaise, LMFO.

dickus1170 reads

Goats are very good with mustard, in the words of W.C.Fields.  Fie on this mayonnaise stuff.

I was wondering why my ATF looked at me so strangely when I last saw her and left the donation in mayo jars of pennies!!

(note to self - don't use mayo jars next time)


I mean 10,000 of them is probably worth at least $100.   Good luck using them though!

I usually use $20s because I get them from my ATM, and that is the largest denomination it will dispense. I have never had a lady return any of mine or refuse them. lol

As Carrie and Ash have said, money is money, but is preferred to be received in bills no smaller than twenties. Personally, I like to use crisp $100 bills. Less bulky, and as a kid, I was always impressed when I received a crisp bill, as a gift from relatives.

I stop at the bank and withdraw hundreds when I can. I would stay away from tens, fives and singles whenever possible. I don't honestly know if gals have a preference but I like the hundreds just because they are easier to carry around and fit into the envelope.

Next time bring 3 evelopes ... one full of 20s, another of 50s and 4rd of 100s ...

I guarantee she will like ALL 3 :)

joext501104 reads

OK, Thanks everyone. I think I'll just put the 20s, 50s, and 100s in one envelope and see which ones she picks out and leaves behind.

I read on one girls site( cant remember who)
she liked getting gold,
my thought at the time was, gee, I wonder when you go to count it, or weigh it, if you know if you get short changed?

The price fluxuates.   I would guess that she is referring to a tip perhaps.  

Perhaps I could remove a gold filling and give that to her?

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