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Re: For a new guy here you certainly
ThirteenEcho 433 reads

I'm  new in the sense that I just created an account and, got VIP (still haven't met my first provider). I have been "lurking" for a few months now. I had a good idea how the process worked as far as initiating contact and etiquette. Many providers have their own process. That's where it gets a bit cloudy.

I am brand new to this hobby and made contact with my first provider. Everything seemed to be going well , then all communication stopped. Mind you its only been a few days and I dont want to press the issue. Since this was going to be my first experience I was attempting to schedule a "lunch only" date.

So my questions are...  

Does the screening process usually take a few days?  

If you say or do something wrong in an e-mail (mistakenly) is it typical to be shut down with no response?

How do you know if there was an issue with the screening process? Will a provider tell you there's a problem?

Provider requested a pic, was I that unattractive? lol

I don't believe this person flaked out, she doesn't seem the type. How long should I wait before moving on?
I feel like we have gone this far , it would be rude to contact another provider maybe I simply didn't give the process enough time.  

Thanks in advance for any information you can throw at me. I know its probably been covered 1000 times.

questions answered, lol

Go ahead and respond though, this may be helpful information.

and I assume no play time included, there are lots of possibilities. As far as how long the screening procedure takes, there is no set time, it depends on what info she wants from you and how much work it involves verifying it.  I would not suggest waiting more then 4-5 days, then try contacting her again.  If you still get no response, move on.    

If you had asked for a specific time and date, the possibility that she got a better offer is pretty good.  Like a multi-hour date.  However, the real reason for her silence could be just about anything.


-- Modified on 5/9/2016 7:43:39 PM

Posted By: ThirteenEcho
Provider requested a pic, was I that unattractive? lol

Thanks in advance for any information you can throw at me. I know its probably been covered 1000 times.

A 1000 times would be FREQUENT = FAQ.

I would not send a pic. But that's me.  

Sometimes, they only want a pic to get a true idea of age, color, gender (hi, lopaw!), etc. You can convey all of that verbally or send her a pic of some guy stolen from pinterest. Truth is truth and lying is lying.

Sometimes, they want an idea of who they should expect looking thru the peephole - which does not apply to your request for lunch. Once again, a verbal is pretty good: I'm wearing a Team Baseball Cap, Black NorthFace Windbreaker, clean shaven, ... If she's staring into the belly button of a 7 foot tall black guy, she'll know it's Wilt Chamberlain and not me.  On the day of your meeting, if it gets arranged, you can tell her what to look for at the cafe or restaurant that very day so she can't miss you. "I'll park my Lamborghini outside and I'll be wearing khaki's and a white tee shirt."

I also recommend using the celebrity look alike instead of a pic: "People tell me that I look like Gregory Peck. Eh ... You never heard of Gregory Peck? Then how about Zac Efron?"  

If you have given her your full info (hmmmm), can she find pics of you on the web by googling? (Facebook, job, mug shots, magazine story ...)?

Good luck

VOO-doo625 reads

She might've been worried that you thought that lunch was "free" because there was no playtime involved.  

Or, that you'd flake out. (She might have interpreted the lunch-only request as nervousness or hesitancy).  

I don't usually ask for a photo, but it's possible that she wanted it to verify that you were the same person she'd screened (or, to be able to recognize you when meeting in public).  

I'd be curious to know the reason for her delayed response.

We had the fee worked out. We were just fleshing out a date time and place.

Funny thing, she responded minutes before I started this thread. I actually didnt know until after I posted it.

She said she had been really busy. I'm going to give it a few days, to let her get caught up.The appointment I was trying to make was a few weeks out. Without ever making an appointment, I wasnt sure how far in advance I needed to schedule.

Sometimes real life gets in the way. If it's been a few days I suggest email her and say something breezy like " Hi there, just checking to see if you need anything else from me for screening. Looking forward to hearing from you." and keep it simple. It happened to me recently where I thought he never got back to ME and we didn't talk again for 2 months.. until he have it a shot again. We finally connected and had a great time and laugh about that time I "ignored him for 2 months".  Just saying you never know. It's been a few days, so email her.  Good luck!

Posted By: ThirteenEcho
I am brand new to this hobby and made contact with my first provider. Everything seemed to be going well , then all communication stopped. Mind you its only been a few days and I dont want to press the issue. Since this was going to be my first experience I was attempting to schedule a "lunch only" date.  
 So my questions are...  
 Does the screening process usually take a few days?  
 If you say or do something wrong in an e-mail (mistakenly) is it typical to be shut down with no response?  
 How do you know if there was an issue with the screening process? Will a provider tell you there's a problem?  
 Provider requested a pic, was I that unattractive? lol  
 I don't believe this person flaked out, she doesn't seem the type. How long should I wait before moving on?  
 I feel like we have gone this far , it would be rude to contact another provider maybe I simply didn't give the process enough time.  
 Thanks in advance for any information you can throw at me. I know its probably been covered 1000 times.

Exactly my thoughts.  

I didnt want to press, I understand you ladies can be a bit skittish when it comes to seeing newbies.  

I was just concerned about the abrupt stop of communication. On my end it felt like there was a problem with the screening. I didnt know what it could have possibly been.

Well did you email her? I'm curious now.  


Posted By: ThirteenEcho
Exactly my thoughts.  
 I didnt want to press, I understand you ladies can be a bit skittish when it comes to seeing newbies.  
 I was just concerned about the abrupt stop of communication. On my end it felt like there was a problem with the screening. I didnt know what it could have possibly been.

Lol, not yet rabbit.... not yet.

I'm being patient.

seem to know what you're doing. Just remember one lil thing, some ladies don't do this full time and only access certain things during their private time. And for some that could take days. Give a time limit for yourself that you're comfortable with as far as communication alignment and don't deviate unless you are willing to wait to speak to a woman you really want to see. We all run our businesses very differently but the core process is about the same.  

Good luck and enjoy yourself...have fun!


I'm  new in the sense that I just created an account and, got VIP (still haven't met my first provider). I have been "lurking" for a few months now. I had a good idea how the process worked as far as initiating contact and etiquette. Many providers have their own process. That's where it gets a bit cloudy.

Sort of a double post, The first one didn't show up for 3 hours.


I've been "lurking " here for  a month or so but, only recently set up an account and purchased VIP. I just last week contacted my first provider. So, yes I'm very new.

All reputable providers seem to be pretty unanimous in what's expected as far as etiquette and making initial contact. After that, is where things get a bit muddled. It seems to be stemming from different philosophies and requirements amongst the providers during the screening. I have no issue with that at all. Please do what ever it takes to be comfortable with me,and me with you.  

I guess I expected more correspondence while going through the process. I probably shouldn't have, it IS her time after all.

I'm 4 weeks away from the date I requested, maybe that's  why there is no urgency on her end. For now I will wait and see what happens.

-- Modified on 5/12/2016 8:34:53 AM

You'll find some women are chatty Kathy's and others are email one liners. You may find after meeting a few ladies and going thru the while process from screening to meet time what works best for you personally. Some guys are very into knowing the woman they are going to meet and others not so much. That's the great thing about this always have a choice as you are the paying client. When one woman doesn't work you only have 1000s of others to choose from lol. I don't envy you guys, that's for sure.  

Take care 13 ;)

Posted By: ThirteenEcho
 Sort of a double post, The first one didn't show up for 3 hours.  
 I've been "lurking " here for  a month or so but, only recently set up an account and purchased VIP. I just last week contacted my first provider. So, yes I'm very new.  
 All reputable providers seem to be pretty unanimous in what's expected as far as etiquette and making initial contact. After that, is where things get a bit muddled. It seems to be stemming from different philosophies and requirements amongst the providers during the screening. I have no issue with that at all. Please do what ever it takes to be comfortable with me,and me with you.  
 I guess I expected more correspondence while going through the process. I probably shouldn't have, it IS her time after all.  
 I'm 4 weeks away from the date I requested, maybe that's  why there is no urgency on her end. For now I will wait and see what happens.

-- Modified on 5/12/2016 8:34:53 AM

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