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Re: Easy way to screen/verify clients = take a look at their car and common sense
famkejensen 978 reads

The stench of fish is all over you. You do not communicate like an educated individual. Your narrow perception of police and most likely escorts is ludicris and if you really knew what you were talking about you'd realize that not only police but fire and paramedics quite often have other forms of employment including owning businesses that they can easily afford to shell out $50,000 for a "C" class Mercedes if they so desired so that blows your nice little theory away right there.

You sound like a very manipulative borderline personality disorder who wants to see how many escorts he can sway his way (power trip). Stick to CL...your cover was already blown on that one...(a smart business savvy person can at least cover their tracks and fudge convincingly).

Bottom line...go away and stop pestering people on's getting old.

if you are looking out for LE well, that's easy . . . they're stupid. Anyone with above average intelligence would never become a cop. And the one in a million LE with brains would not waste his time trying to bust an escort. If you are talking to a client and he seems intelligent, educated, well spoken or well travelled he is not a cop. How many pigs do you know that have been to Paris or Fiji? First of all they can't afford it and secondly they would have no interest. What is there to see in Paris anyways, just stick to beer and football.

What about asking a potential client what kind of car he drives (and  watching him approach to make sure it's true)? if the car is worth 50K or more then he is obviously neither a cop nor a psycho.

Cops just don't have the resources to organize a sting that includes driving up in a nice car. If you beleive the stuff you see on TV you're just a fool, you probably believe that the war is about democracy and freedom too don't you?

If the guy is a dangerous pscho looser, then he would not be able to afford the car either right?

Pretty simple stuff.

If anyone out there has ever been busted by a cop that showed in a Mercedes Benz SL 550 please let me know.


For discretion purposes, I avoid going to sessions in my car whenever possible.  Instead, I take the train or a bus, especially if going to a downtown area.  Public transportation very anonymous, and being one of the many in a crowd adds to the discretion factor.  Also, if God forbid I get busted, they won't tow my car, because I never drove it there.  

Many providers I saw said that this was a smart thing to do.  (Or maybe there just humoring me, whatever.)  But either way, it's one less thing to worry about.

i have very little interest in cars except as a means of transportation of necessity. with one past exception, my car is at the very bottom of the list of spending priorities. unless i am joy riding in the country, i hate to drive! younger folks who work for me all drive nicer cars. so if my provider friends had screened me on the basis of my car, well, i probably wouldn't have seen anyone yet. :-)

don't get me started on blackberries......

One of the LE in Arizona that is now in possession of a Ferrari 43C CP- seized in the last large prostitution bust.  - I guess that negates his statement.  (*LE can use seized property.... so that really isn't a good idea! *)

and guess what, usually by the time LE arrives at the location they aren't still "building a case" they already have enough to bust in and arrest.

....."I drive a Ferrari- is 2:15 ok for an hour appointment..."

-- Modified on 10/9/2008 6:46:32 PM

yes and someone is also going to win the lotto tonight

The persona of what you portray LE is somewhat like what we providers are looked upon as well.

LE are college educated hard working gentlemen and believe it or not most ladies here are educated as well.

You obviously have not done any research on this subject or you would know what LE has at their disposal. And let's not talk realestate here.

By the way, if you ask a lady how Monday night was she will tell you it was dead because of a football game on TV. I hate to say it but beer and football just seem to catch the eye of more than just the LE ;-)

Kisses Haley

no one who's job description is to just follow the law blindly and just do what they are told without any sense of individual thought deserves my respect. Nazi ring a bell. Any LE that did deserve my respect would acknowledge that there is nothing wrong with charging for sex and refuse on ethical and moral grounds to enforce those laws. Go catch the real bad guys.

londawg1205 reads

Your perceptions on law enforcement are so narrow. Have you had any dealings with the police? To equate all police men as Nazi's is just silly. Unfortunatly, I have had several dealings with the police, and they have all treated me with the upmost respect. It is unfortunate that some peoples occupations are currantly against the law, but it's the law. LE is only doing their job. Would you be saying the same if you got car jacked and these Nazi's did nothing? You have to ask your self this, before you start lumping a group of people into an idea you don't agree with because it doesn't suit your personal agenda.

Haley, this is funny, because I am drinking beer AND watching football as I'm writing you! But you are right. I know guys who are cops. I've known them since high school, 20+ years ago, and never would've thought they would be LE then. I run into them every once in awhile where I live, and actually got shitfaced drunk with one at a concert a few months ago. But having history with these guys, I know they wouldn't bust me for being with a provider. Hell, one even pulled my buddy over one night a while back, and seeing I was in the passenger seat laughed and told us to split. But they are educated and deserve respect, just as much as you lovely ladies that provide your services. They're just not as goodlooking as you ladies! :)~

BTW Haley, I disagree about the Monday night football thing. I am going to Vegas on the 1st of December, which is a Monday, and am going to spend the evening with the lovely, gorgeous, and all around cool Danielle Dai! We're going to have dinner at a fine Italian restaurant, because she prefers Italian and I'm told the place we're going to is the best in the city. Only the best for this lady! Then it's up to our room for dessert! I'll keep everyone posted on VIP!!! :)

You have an agenda here. Your logic is flawed in many ways in addition to the fact that your insults are unnecessary here.

I doubt any intelligent provider would take any of your advice seriously. Lots of cops and pscho loosers (I think you meant psycho losers but I'm just guessing) drive very nice cars. You are displaying very little here in the way of real logic.

-- Modified on 10/9/2008 7:38:27 PM

There's been plenty of helpful posts on screening already.  Any smart and reputable provider will have some form of screening process no matter what you think of it.  Perhaps you are better off sticking with your "filthy" providers from CL, as you called it, who would see you without asking you any questions?

JoeFollowmeFriday-7141697 reads

You are clearly a 10-96 who is bitter for being stopped on a 10-55 and was taken downtown for refusing a 10-81.

10 – 4

Thank you

The stench of fish is all over you. You do not communicate like an educated individual. Your narrow perception of police and most likely escorts is ludicris and if you really knew what you were talking about you'd realize that not only police but fire and paramedics quite often have other forms of employment including owning businesses that they can easily afford to shell out $50,000 for a "C" class Mercedes if they so desired so that blows your nice little theory away right there.

You sound like a very manipulative borderline personality disorder who wants to see how many escorts he can sway his way (power trip). Stick to CL...your cover was already blown on that one...(a smart business savvy person can at least cover their tracks and fudge convincingly).

Bottom line...go away and stop pestering people on's getting old.

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