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Re: DON'T SURF FROM WORK!angry_smile
Trygger 28 Reviews 1812 reads

It's not possible to tell you anything.  Your descriptions of the setup are not right ... trust me, you don't have three DSL lines going into the router.  Furthermore, even if you provide an accurate description there is no way of knowing if part of your company's service plan with Verizon is the provision/analysis of traffic logs.  

If you want to keep you job then don't surf from work!

Bob L2546 reads

How do you know if a log of sites visited is being kept somewhere?
I use Macs. At home I use airport and Verizon DSL and at work I use UBS cable to a router and then verizon dsl there are two other PC computers on the router

hotplants1329 reads

“How do you know if a log of sites visited is being kept somewhere?”

A log of activity is always kept somewhere. The question is where.

”I use Macs”   The type of computer you use is irrelevant

“At home I use airport and Verizon DSL”

Not sure what you mean by “airport”, but if you are using Verizon DSL at home, and this is your personal account, that you pay for, then the only thing you need to worry about is your SO (if you have one). Any internet service provider can tell what sites you’ve visited. But they don’t care. ISP’s are not the moral police. Engaging in child porn might be an exception to this—and I’m not suggesting you are---but some ISPs do actively monitor for this type of traffic and will contact LE to set-up an introduction for you. Other than that, whatever you do online is your personal business.

One exception there---if you’re using a company laptop, on your personal internet connection, stop doing this. If the laptop is configured with an automatic VPN connection then it doesn’t matter how you get connected to the Internet.  That traffic will always be routed through your employers network. Even if that is not the case, when you use next use that laptop on the company network, a log-in script is probably grabbing your browser history.

“ and at work I use UBS cable to a router and then verizon dsl there are two other PC computers on the router”

If you’re using your employers network, regardless of how you connect to it (wired connection to a router, WiFi, Wireless modem, DSL, cable modem etc..), always assume your activity is being monitored.

Some employers never look at this stuff unless they have a reason. Some employers make a point of reviewing this information on a regular basis. But the data is always there.

Even if they don’t look at the activity logs regularly, they will eventually, and your employer does care. From their perspective, they pay you money in exchange for a service---they do not pay you to surf TER and set-up apts with escorts.  So *when* (and that is not *if*) they catch you at it they will be more than happy to help you clear your schedule for web surfing all day long;)

Bob L1425 reads

Thanks for the very thorough response!
That said how can you check if logs are kept?
It is a three person office all I connect to it through a router with my personal Mac Computer. The office is PC.
Must software be installed to log everyone . Will I be  logged as I use the only  mac.
Thanks Again!
This board Rocks!

hotplants1056 reads

Bob, whether you have a MAC or a PC makes no difference. A computer is a computer is a computer as far as this goes. Software does not have to be installed on your laptop. The data is captured on the network side. In the scenario you describe, with only a 3 person office----MAYBE nobody is looking. I wouldn't count on it though.

These days this is, almost universally, considered inappropriate use of company resources and is grounds for immediate termination.

My best advice to you is this: Don't spend time trying to figure out how to get around the technology and not get caught. If you're having to ask this question in the first place, you're not prepared for this. So, just don't do it. Period.

And you'll sleep better at night not having to worry about it.

Just adding a few more things ...

Can't give you any info on Macs, but if it were a PC there would be cookies, history, etc on your PC that need to be cleaned out.  When surfing from home, this is the most serious vulnerability.  Google is your friend.

As far as the "airport," I don't know the specifics.  A few higher end home routers can be set up to keep logs.  You need to know what you are doing to set it up.  Go to the configuration screen of your router and see if it is an option (unlikely).  If your SO is a network engineer, be very scared :-)

and reiterating what hotplants said (and there was a previous thread as well) ... NEVER surf from work.  The risk is huge.  If you are a small company and really only have three PCs on a router going DIRECTLY to Verizon, (no internal network) the risk may be low.  Verizon knows where you go, but they won't know which PC it was (since your router probably uses NAT).  And with a setup that small it's unlikely to be monitored by the workplace.  Still, DON'T SURF FROM WORK unless you are the network administrator and know how everything is set up and exactly what services are being purchased from the ISP.

Bob L1299 reads

the way it works our 3 dsl lines go into the router fed by one Verizon line.
How does that sound? What should I look for in this configuration to make sure no logging is going on?

It's not possible to tell you anything.  Your descriptions of the setup are not right ... trust me, you don't have three DSL lines going into the router.  Furthermore, even if you provide an accurate description there is no way of knowing if part of your company's service plan with Verizon is the provision/analysis of traffic logs.  

If you want to keep you job then don't surf from work!

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