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Re: best practices for avoiding legal trouble
putterboy2008 1342 reads

i found provider on cl and preparing first meeting. she is reviewed here, can i be reasonably certain due to ter reviews that she is not LE, or does LE pose here too?

johnb09872832 reads

Hi. I am new to TER but an old timer on another site which isn't to current anymore.

What are the best practices in terms of avoiding a legal or other trap. I avoid incall because I am concerned about hidden cameras. I also tend to stay away from providers who don't have lots of reviews? Does this make sense?

Any other tips?

Sticking with well reviewed and established providers is always the best course of action. In calls to legit ladies and agencies are generally perfectly safe. If you delve into more unknown territory, like CL, I would avoid in calls as they are much more likely to be a sting. Of course, the out calls can be pretty much a rip-off as well so the best Idea is to avoid CL all together.

... you are not on your own turf and you can turn around and walk away if anything just doesn't seem right.  NEVER talk to her in person about $$$ for X/Y/Z...
You should be good to go.

i found provider on cl and preparing first meeting. she is reviewed here, can i be reasonably certain due to ter reviews that she is not LE, or does LE pose here too?

It seems that you are being reasonably careful.
In my experience, most of my LE encounters have been with either moles or informants. Remember nothing is 100% safe from LE.

what is all this LE talk about??? are pigs really gonna waste their time with high end escorts??? has anybody ever been in any trouble??? it's hard for me to beleive that they would waste their time with this, at least in a big city like los angeles; maybe in Utah or something.

I've been hobbying for over thirty years:  high end, low end and no end.

I've never had a hint of LE trouble.

But things like the recent busts in Phoenix should remind us that safety can not be taken for granted, and we should all operate discreetly.

Police respond to complaints. Police respond to political pressure.
Police will investigate suspicious activities that they observe. Police everywhere do this. Avoid situations where police need to be and you should be relatively safe.

LE goes where LE is told to go. Mostly in big cities it is about going after street walkers but lately Craig's List is the target.  The reason for this is because CL has become the "track" of the 21st century. Girls who post 30 times a day, mention what city they are in and even what hotel they are in just invite heat from LE.

LE tends not to bother providers who don't attract attention. In twenty years of hobbying I've stayed relatively safe. Got caught with a street walker once many many years ago and had a couple of near misses with agencies that got busted for acting in an indiscriminate manner and attracting too much attention to themselves.

What it boils down to is that the more discretion you and the women you see use the safer you will be.

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