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Back to square one
buzzbee599 1 Reviews 2938 reads

I had been lurking around here for several months, but finally jumped in last December. I followed the advice given here, chose a well-reviewed independent lady, managed to pass screening, and had a fantastic time. So much so that i saw her again the next time I was in her city.

I decided I was definitely going to be sticking with this hobby, and was pleased that I now had at least one good reference. Two weeks ago she went silent (we had been exchanging mail occasionally before that), and her add is no longer up.

So now I am back to "contact and hope".

I do have a couple of questions:

How long is reasonable to wait for a response after making contact?

Should I then try again or move on? I don't want to be a pest, but I hate to feel like I gave up too early.

And one for the ladies, How many of you send a response if you are going to decline to see someone, and how many just ignore the request?


Much better to join the verification sites that are in common use in your area. This way you have some documentation of your hobbying credentials. Many if not most of the ladies you will want to see accept one or more of the verification sites as a part of their screening.

I recommend

roomservice 2000

AVOID all others unless you ask here first. There are a few scams out there that claim to be verification sites but are not.....

Thanks, I did join P411, and Date-Check is in progress, although it seems they have limited value until you get some endorsements. Am I wrong?

-- Modified on 3/7/2009 9:21:46 AM

you can choose from among those ladies to get your first few referrals or provider OKs and build your "resume"...

Providers come and go, you will get used to it. Just stay in the game and it gets easier all of the time. Sometimes too easy for limited resources! lol

I would wait 2 or 3 days for a reply, then possibly forward the intial email again with a little note asking them if they got the initial mail. If there is no response move on.

Some are better than others about scheduling.


-- Modified on 3/7/2009 9:56:43 AM

Hey Buzzbee!  I only ignore really ridiculous/inappropriate emails.  If a fellow appears genuine, I will answer his questions.  Those gentlemen who fail the screening, for whatever reason, get a nice letter explaining the problem for which he invariably has an explaination... (usually complete BS).  

The lady that you want to use for a reference may still be a viable reference.  I'd mention her to your new lady on the chance she knows your reference.

tmtlr271439 reads

Sometimes girls take down their site for many reasons. They may have a stalker, may have had an operation that will keep them out of the loop for a bit, may have found a sugar daddy and in some cases decide they are burned out and want to rest a bit.

I've found it's best to send one email and then wait a day or two and if no reply then send one more. If neither is returned then move on. Sometimes they will get back to you much later as they do have busy lives in/out of the hobby.

I've never had a lady send me a decline email. In talking to quite a few they just delete the ones that don't want to see.

Getting verified as suggested is a really good way to go. I have Datecheck and it's worked really well for me.

Good luck...DB8

yes and no.  There are many providers members of those services and will see you based on their verification alone.  Many others wait until you get at least one OK. So maybe it's a smaller pool at first but it's a big step int he right direction.

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