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Re: Assumption being the soreness is from sex. Like others have said, the . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 1191 reads

soreness could be from many other issues/causes.

89Springer2381 reads

I started the thread in General Discussion about a provider being sore from a previous session, but never really figured out how to deal with it in a future session. (Things went well enough otherwise  that I'm going to see her again).  

Would it be best to say something like, "please don't be sore this time" when communicating prior to the upcoming session? Would it be better to take it up with her assistant? Wait and see if she shows up sore, then deal with it if she does?  

If I could take the best parts of our prior two sessions and roll them into one, it would be a fantastic time.  

If it were a real girlfriend, she'd be sore from me. If she was sore from another guy, she wouldn't be my girlfriend.  In the P4P world, I still often don't know what the right thing to do is.

JackDunphy1043 reads

Are you asking whether or not to ask a sex worker if she can lighten up her volume just prior to seeing you? LOL

And, how did you know she was "sore" from sex? Couldn't she have had another medical issue that caused her discomfort during sex i.e. back sprain, leg injury, whatever?

Clue me in here bro.

Hell has frozen over, y'all! :D

Posted By: JackDunphy
Are you asking whether or not to ask a sex worker if she can lighten up her volume just prior to seeing you? LOL  
 And, how did you know she was "sore" from sex? Couldn't she have had another medical issue that caused her discomfort during sex i.e. back sprain, leg injury, whatever?  
 Clue me in here bro.

She could be sore from last night but if 8+ hours have passed it'll probably let her recover somewhat.  

If it was a sore from something else, well I'm not sure what to say to that other than see her after she recovers from her possible medical condition.

There is nothing you can say to her that is going to do anything other than antagonize her.  There are plenty of great ladies out there.  I never give a gal a second chance to make a good first impression.  If I saw her and things didn't go well I'm not going to see her again.

a repeat.  I'm not looking for "average" twice with the same lady.

89Springer963 reads

It's not average. Way above the first time, and the second time would have been as well if not for the soreness.

I'll see in a couple of weeks if it's as good as the first time

daalias899 reads

I would let her know that I was disappointed in the last session and expect her to be at her best this time. Since you keep coming back she must have some good points that you like. If she is a true professional she will make it up to you. Stand up old friend. If you let her get over on you she may try to get over on me. The next session may be your best ever. Good luck let us know how it goes

89Springer788 reads

She's fantastic in every other respect. Best BJ's I've had in nearly 30 years. Killer face and body. Dresses really fine.  

Maybe it was her boyfriend the night before. Maybe some guy just was too rough and she didn't call him on it. Dunno.

I'm very tempted to just say that I expect her to be up for whatever reasonable things that would be expected.  

I haven't been happy with the providers I've seen so far this year, and I don't see anything promising elsewhere. If this was an aberration, and everything goes great again, that would be the ideal.

daalias751 reads

If you have to see her again make it work for you. MAN UP. if you can't do that move on. we play in a big ocean with lots of fish

Posted By: 89Springer
She's fantastic in every other respect. Best BJ's I've had in nearly 30 years. Killer face and body. Dresses really fine.  
 Maybe it was her boyfriend the night before. Maybe some guy just was too rough and she didn't call him on it. Dunno.  
 I'm very tempted to just say that I expect her to be up for whatever reasonable things that would be expected.  
 I haven't been happy with the providers I've seen so far this year, and I don't see anything promising elsewhere. If this was an aberration, and everything goes great again, that would be the ideal.

Cause here's the thing, we KNOW how much that situation sucks. We certainly don't make our schedules with the idea that we will go until it hurts too much, but sometimes, stuff happens. Sometimes, you hop on board and you're like "the fuck?? where did this come from??" And it's a surprise even to us. I hope that she made it up to you, either way.  

Now, shoulda coulda woulda I would say she should have canceled. Guys don't like that, I get it, but I bet you liked blowing hundreds of dollars to feel weird about it even less. I get why she didn't... It's hard when you have to have a sick day from work when you're not actually sick, but the mentality expressed above is what we are dealing with and we are often in a damned if you do damned if you don't position, but still.

If she's sore the next time, just tell her 1) you care and you're not upset but you don't want to hurt her, and 2) that you'd be happy to come back when she's feeling better. That shows that you're not just one of those guys that wants her to push through physical pain for your giggles, and makes it clear that you don't like to play that way. Even if she wants you to stay, it's not healthy for her and will only make her situation worse, and it's not fair to you that she's going to be so obviously uncomfortable.

Of course, there is no way to know for sure, but there are few things might indicate she  does not see many people:

1. She doesn't advertise on every site (usually just P411 and TER, which she uses for verification purposes)  
2. She has 2 hours minimum, and probably starts from $1500 (NYC market)
3. Does not get reviews often

maybe trying to see her early in the day.  If she is sore from clients, this might make a difference.  Downside is, she might be high volume, which I would stay away from.  The boyfriend thing is also a good possibility.  Of course you could always just go for the oral and skip the fs.


89Springer949 reads

I decided while eating dinner that, having asked for opinions in this thread, I would be better off listening to the opinions offered rather than arguing with them. Radical concept for a forum, I know. ;)

JackDunphy, I don't know with 100% certainty that her soreness was due to sex. There's a couple of reasons why I think so, but I don't know.

Bostonguy57, she was good enough the first time and good enough in all but this one respect the second time for me to give it a third try. Maybe it's a bad idea. I'll find out.  

OhCharlie, it may be that she didn't want to send me away because I have to drive from another state to see her. It's not the usual entire weekend deal that I've had before, but it's a trek. Or maybe she didn't think of that at all.

artificial_intelligence, she doesn't advertise anywhere except Eros. I think the bulk of her business comes from her reviews here. Is she high or low volume? I don't know. I don't even know what those terms mean. 1 a day? 1 a week? It doesn't matter to me as long as my service is good.

swimtrekr, I see everybody at noon on Sundays. For one thing, I don't have to be away from the office phone. For another, Sundays seem to be more laid back. Noon seems to minimize, but not eliminate, the possibility of another guy before me. There's always the boyfriend or customer the night before,  though.  As for BJ's, they're my most favorite thing in life. I book three to four hours, though. That's a long BJ. ;)

Keep 'em comin

We really do just want to make you guys happy, and there's not much that makes you feel like such an asshole as turning someone around after a long drive :-/ I really do hope that if you see her again it all works out. Noon on Sundays is a pretty random time to get... pounded out for lack of a better way of putting it, so maybe it was just something else going on that she was recovering from that did her in.  

Posted By: 89Springer
I decided while eating dinner that, having asked for opinions in this thread, I would be better off listening to the opinions offered rather than arguing with them. Radical concept for a forum, I know. ;)  
 JackDunphy, I don't know with 100% certainty that her soreness was due to sex. There's a couple of reasons why I think so, but I don't know.  
 Bostonguy57, she was good enough the first time and good enough in all but this one respect the second time for me to give it a third try. Maybe it's a bad idea. I'll find out.  
 OhCharlie, it may be that she didn't want to send me away because I have to drive from another state to see her. It's not the usual entire weekend deal that I've had before, but it's a trek. Or maybe she didn't think of that at all.  
 artificial_intelligence, she doesn't advertise anywhere except Eros. I think the bulk of her business comes from her reviews here. Is she high or low volume? I don't know. I don't even know what those terms mean. 1 a day? 1 a week? It doesn't matter to me as long as my service is good.  
 swimtrekr, I see everybody at noon on Sundays. For one thing, I don't have to be away from the office phone. For another, Sundays seem to be more laid back. Noon seems to minimize, but not eliminate, the possibility of another guy before me. There's always the boyfriend or customer the night before,  though.  As for BJ's, they're my most favorite thing in life. I book three to four hours, though. That's a long BJ. ;)  
 Keep 'em coming  

Wait wait wait...3-4 hour BJs? My teeth would tear through my lips at that point. No wonder the poor girl was sore.  

Posted By: 89Springer
I decided while eating dinner that, having asked for opinions in this thread, I would be better off listening to the opinions offered rather than arguing with them. Radical concept for a forum, I know. ;)  
 JackDunphy, I don't know with 100% certainty that her soreness was due to sex. There's a couple of reasons why I think so, but I don't know.  
 Bostonguy57, she was good enough the first time and good enough in all but this one respect the second time for me to give it a third try. Maybe it's a bad idea. I'll find out.  
 OhCharlie, it may be that she didn't want to send me away because I have to drive from another state to see her. It's not the usual entire weekend deal that I've had before, but it's a trek. Or maybe she didn't think of that at all.  
 artificial_intelligence, she doesn't advertise anywhere except Eros. I think the bulk of her business comes from her reviews here. Is she high or low volume? I don't know. I don't even know what those terms mean. 1 a day? 1 a week? It doesn't matter to me as long as my service is good.  
 swimtrekr, I see everybody at noon on Sundays. For one thing, I don't have to be away from the office phone. For another, Sundays seem to be more laid back. Noon seems to minimize, but not eliminate, the possibility of another guy before me. There's always the boyfriend or customer the night before,  though.  As for BJ's, they're my most favorite thing in life. I book three to four hours, though. That's a long BJ. ;)  
 Keep 'em coming  

89Springer884 reads

Tobi, I was joking. We were just getting started. We hadn't done anything yet, and I found that she was sore.  

I have to be careful how I say things.

My guess is that she decided to try and tough it out. It is a bummer that you expected FS and didn't get it. I wonder if she'll try to provide you an incentive to re-book.

89Springer872 reads

I wonder if she'll try to provide you an incentive to re-book.
I haven't had that seemingly mystical experience yet, with a provider offering an incentive to make up for a mistake. Even the provider with the small dog in our bed, after I'd told her I was upset about it, didn't offer any incentives for another visit or do anything else. So, I won't be going back.

Simply find someone who fucks once a week or even better, twice a month, not every day or every hour of the day. If she's at all 'tiny', becoming sore happens quite easily. Not all of us have holes that stretch like the Grand Canyon here no matter what size you are. But if she's not, going super low volume is your only way out of this issue I'm afraid.  

-- Modified on 6/24/2014 5:13:50 PM

Other possibilities, maybe the soreness was more in the pelvic bone area? Ever bike 30+ miles without padded biking shorts? Vibrator used too roughly and inappropriately? The one guy she may have seen the day prior jammed is ragged edge fingers in her sensitive area, causing the outside and inside to be sensitive and sore?
Or jammed his manhood in without even trying to get her primed let alone thinking of lube?
All sorts of possibilities that aren't necessarily due to being high volume.
Just to add, unless she has a private incall, noon is not an ideal timeto make an appointment. Even though you stated you book 3-4 hours, that basically means booking an incall for both Saturday and Sunday.

89Springer970 reads

Just to be clear, I never said she was high volume, and never would. That means different things to different people.

Noon has never been a problem before. The ladies have been able to sweet talk the desk clerks into getting rooms early. Another reason for noon rather than 2 or 3 pm is that I usually have to drive to another state on Saturday morning, overnight, and see the lady on Sunday. A 2 or 3 pm appointment time means I'm leaving that city at 5 to 7 pm and would be getting home anywhere from 11 pm to 1 am. That makes for a really long weekend.

There is a large variety in the wear and tear on a provider from different clients. Some guys are small and quick and others are large and take a long time to finish. Plus, some positions can cause more soreness than others. Also, it is possible that the soreness comes only from you, and not from a previous client. Or it could be that the soreness is not from sex.  

I think that it is reasonable to raise this issue with her, but try to look at it from her point of view. Tell her how much you enjoyed your previous sessions, and tell her if you are interested in becoming a regular. If so, then she might be willing to adjust her schedule to accommodate you. Or, she might suggest a slight change in activities to minimize the wear and tear. This might limit her availability, but your sessions should be more enjoyable.

If you don't want to become a regular client, then I wouldn't bother to raise the issue.

If you come off as genuinely concerned for HER, you stand less chance of making her angry. IE in your confirmation communication in the few hours prior, just ask how she is doing and express your concern for her well being. People tend to be less defensive when you put their well being first. If she says she is fine and you get the same, then take the money and run. As some else says, do not reward bad behavior.

89Springer767 reads

I'm always a nice guy, and I have the footprints up and down my back to prove it. ;)

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