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Rates, Costs, etc...So confused!red_smile
CollegeGirlAnya See my TER Reviews 2556 reads

So, I had a nice hour session with a man today (it was my first time) and wasn't sure about rates. He was nice and generous, but I felt dumb. What are standard rates per hour? =/

you read some of the Ladies reviews who you respect and admire, check out their websites, see what they offer, where they are, local to where you are, rates are often different depending on where you live.
Noone can determine for you what you feel your time is worth. Remember without reviews you may want to price yourself lower than your target rate just to get started.
And you can always offer a discount to Ter members in good standing, to interest them in seeing you and hopefully writing a review in the end.
It's all a personal thing, what you feel your time is worth. Yet nothing is written in stone you can raise your rates over time and run specials as many ladies do to attract interest.
Find a range that you are comfortable with and go from there.
Being active on the boards and your local board will allow the Gentlemen to get to know you and see what you are all about.
Read as much as you can on this board of course and ask any questions you'd like, thats what it's for.
Good luck and welcome...;)


Wow, you need to be careful or you're going to be taken advantage of big time. You need to think about providing as if you were running a small business. You have the same issues of advertising, competitive positioning, and customer satisfaction. One of the biggest issues for any small business is pricing. It is very important that you state prices up front and you don't vary from them. I can't stress this enough. This is not like babysitting when you were a teenager where you took whatever a family offered. If you want to have any sort of career as a provider, it is extremely important that you work out the cost issue and stick to it.

You should read other ads and websites in your area to determine the proper cost.

This advice is often hard for young people to take, but it is so important to success. good luck.

where are you located - PM me maybe I can help u set some guidelines

People helping people. Damn, this site is terrific. Thank you, Brooklynn!!!

GaGambler1396 reads

not a single smartass suggesting a $20 rate. Well not until now at least. lol and of course I am only joking.

I would suggest perusing both TER and an escort mall such as EROS or Citivibe to see what other providers in you area are charging. Average rates range anywhere from $200-$400 per hr depending on location. There are a few markets that push that upper range such as Manhatten or Vegas, but most providers fall within the range I mentioned.

Good Luck and welcome to TER

I actually offer a provider pricing strategy AT NO CHARGE! I conduct background research into the current rates in your local market. I interview you about your goals in terms of volume, income, and client type. Then you provide one-hour, two-hour and overnight sessions to me so I can get a sense of your services. At the end I provide a professionally produced pricing strategy. It will put you in good stead. I'm a professional marketing consultant and I stand behind my results. -;)

not to burst your bubble, but I lost my internet connection when I was posting the smartass $20 response, and it wasn't worth the effort to go back.  What can I say, I'm an evil, evil man!

GaGambler941 reads

and I am not surprised one little bit that you would have been the first culprit. I hereby charge you with attempted "smartassery" and sentence you to two hours with your ATF, at full price. lol

hatethecrapola1436 reads

check out what is being said about her on the minn board!

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