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Safe DATY?
bubbalou 13289 reads

Is there such a thing as safe or covered DATY? Any suggestions on techniques?  What do providers think if you ask for some safe form of DATY?

BigPoppaPumplv10496 reads

They would use a dental damm, yuck.   I've never done DATY with covering, but have heard of it being done.

Most providers apparently allow DATY, all of mine in Vancouver do anyway. But you can still catch a STD from DATY.

Using covering almost defeats the purpose of DATY. However, if you just gotta delve into some irresistible nana, use saran wrap with baby oil or lubricant on the side that touches her. Put cherry juice or something on the tongue side and lick away. At the very least ask to wash her, or she wash herself in your presence, so you can be sure you're not enjoying the residual deposit from her last client.

ProviderAdvocate11886 reads

Please don't assume that we providers are all dirty, soiled ladies, who do not know how to clean ourselves. I find this funny, for there are many men who come into our sessions straight from work, stinking like they just came out of pig farm. Most of us do get regular check-ups, brush our teeth, floss, rinse, wash below, because our mother's taught us well. If you play in the hobby, then expect it's ups and downs, and also know that it can be dangerous to both parties.

Also some piece of advice: Never ever use baby oil, lotion, cooking oil, or any type of oils, that were not made to go near a woman's vagina. Oils such as these, could internally cause a woman harm, rather than good. Gentlemen, when giving advice about a woman's body, please make sure to give the correct advice, not something which can cause serious complications.


Provider Advocate.

-- Modified on 1/11/2004 11:39:39 PM

I understand sticking up for providers, but you don't represent them all. A smart hobbyist shouldn't assume a woman is clean just because she's pretty. And stinking after work is different from a provider merely freshening up between back-to-back clients.

The point is there are bad apples in every barrel so how does one mitigate the risk? I'm glad you represent your profession well but I know a couple of guys walking aroung with herpes because of a provider they had a menage et trois with in San Diego.

And lastly, with all due respect but baby oil near a woman's vagina is nothing compared to the probability of coming across a bare dick ladened with crabs or something.

Having said that and probably pissing you off, I will say that I take risks and can't speak for all clients. But let's give these newbies the cold, hard truth.

ProviderAdvocate10411 reads

If you read my post, I said that most of us (which clearly does not mean all=100%), are clean, dieased free, brush our teeth, wash below,  so lets clear that one up, shall we? ;) Also, in regards to the baby oil, near the vagina, go see your local doctor and he/she will tell you the same thing about any types of oils such as those ( I hear of horror stories of men wanting to use crisco oil in place of ky jellies, etc. what a damn shame!), which could actually harm the inside walls of a Vagina, and could lead to some other disorders. I would know about that my dear, for I am a woman, and you could not speak for me on that case. Hello! Men have been known to carry crabs, dieases, etc., around and not even know about it! I have heard of cases of females catching dieases by performing bbbj, to please her clients. As for pissing me off? Nope. I tend to be very direct, straight to the point, and if someone is being miss accurate in their findings, such  as the baby oil near the vagina (which again, I do repeat, could actually harm (in some cases) or to bring discomfort to a woman's Vagina), Yes, I will speak up about it. That is one case, where all doctor's could concur to be the truth.

Thanks! :)



What causes vaginitis?

Questions About Vaginal Fluidsan infection, irritation, or an allergic reaction that can also be attributed to the use of baby oil, cooking oils, types of oils that are not lubricant based. Also, can be attributed to douches, hormone estrogen, perfumed soaps, allergies (like to latex), too much sexual activity. So it goes to show, not everything was made for the vagina (damn, I was hoping NOT to see the sexual activity listed, but it is there lol).  

-- Modified on 1/11/2004 11:38:37 PM

When you said, and I quote:

Please don't assume that we providers are all dirty, soiled ladies, who do not know how to clean ourselves.

...I guess I took your statement as a generalization. I apologize for misreading you.

As a man, I'm always willing to take a woman's advice on the female body, especially the vagina. I never tried to baby oil a woman down below and thanks to you, I never will.

About 15 years back or so, an idea popped in my head out of the blue to invent a tongue condom, but I said naa, it defeats the whole purpose of DATY, But, can you imagine if it was realistic and I were to get a patent on it. WOW!!!!

RoadToad14131 reads

Safe DATY??
What do you think just happened an hour before you met your provider?
Pleasure for her?
PLEASE! Not happinin'

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