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Question re PMs
NoYellowEnvelope 688 reads

I'm not a newbie, but I've never seen this question before so I though it would be best to ask it here.  

Are PMs moderated, randomly or otherwise?  I ask because in the recent past, I replied to a PM sent to me by someone I'd never PMed with before. Then a few minutes later I read a post from the same person and sent them a PM about it. But the first PM I sent had a "sent" time stamp nearly one hour LATER than the second PM. Interestingly, the later time stamp value was about 30 minutes later than my current local time (!). The time stamp value on the other PM was the local time I sent it.  

I suppose it could have been caused by a glitch in the PM system, but i was wondering if the delay could have been caused by (random) moderation.  I've never seen that behavior in PMs before.

GaGambler248 reads

I would say the chances are 99% that it's a glitch, but on the off chance there is any kind of moderation in the PM system (which I doubt) the chances are more like 100% that no one will ever admit to it.

The PM system does have the occasional hiccup, I have received as many as 8 duplicate messages recently from a person who I am sure that only hit send once. It happens, I wouldn't read too much into it.

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
I'm not a newbie, but I've never seen this question before so I though it would be best to ask it here.  
 Are PMs moderated, randomly or otherwise?  I ask because in the recent past, I replied to a PM sent to me by someone I'd never PMed with before. Then a few minutes later I read a post from the same person and sent them a PM about it. But the first PM I sent had a "sent" time stamp nearly one hour LATER than the second PM. Interestingly, the later time stamp value was about 30 minutes later than my current local time (!). The time stamp value on the other PM was the local time I sent it.  
 I suppose it could have been caused by a glitch in the PM system, but i was wondering if the delay could have been caused by (random) moderation.  I've never seen that behavior in PMs before.

ThePeopleRule180 reads

Except the usual suspect, who had not comment, or whatever.

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