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Provider verification
JJLLRRKK1971 6 Reviews 126 reads

Guessing you are a newbie to the hobby world.  Are you by any chance a P411 member because if you are check to see if the provider is as well. This should cut out some of the suspicious thoughts if she is an LE or not. If you are  newbie you should be sticking to highly well review ladies for a bit. If this is your girl of choice maybe leave it for down the road when you got more experience or maybe even pm the reviewer of this girl if possible. I have seen ads on Eros and where the girl has no reviews on TER. Personally for me at this point in time, it will be a no go, and if she only had one review most likely the same answer.

I would like to see a provider who is listed on TER and Eros, but who has only one review on this site. Should I be concerned about whether she is LE or any other concerns?

We always tell newbies to stick to "well reviewed" providers. One review is certainly not "well reviewed."

Sure it is possible that it's LE, but not likely. As fish said, you are a lot more likely to have poor service, or even be scammed or robbed or something than be busted by LE. Or she might be just fine, but that's a big gamble. Unless the one reviewer is reputable, it could be a shill review, or a self review etc. More experienced monger can take a chance like that. Newbies shouldn't. You should look for someone with more reviews (and good reviews) from reviewers who have written more than a few reviews themselves.  

If you really like her look and think you still want to see her, you can watch her profile, and wait until she has more reviews then try. If you are VIP on TER, and you should be), you can always set her as a "favorite." That's the easiest way to know when she gets new reviews

When a potential client sends me references, I actually do look at the number of reviews of the provider he is using.  All of us have started somewhere, though, so not an automatic red flag.  To alleviate my concerns if only a few or no references, I ask for a cock picture!!!!   Clients usually ask for one in return and I oblige.  It has only upset a couple of men and surprised even more.  I explain that often references don't respond or it does not occur prior to appt.  Additionally, you can ask for a FaceTime or Skype introduction.  I show mine if they are also willing to show theirs.  To some it may seem unprofessional, obtrusive, offensive, etc. but I wear my naughty on my sleeve and consider it kind of voyeuristic and hot!

Julian7103 reads

What does receiving a dick pic tell to a girl other than that the client's name might be Wiener or Bolling?

I doubt law enforcement would send to an unknown, potentially underage entity so if someone sends one, Maybe a poor one but assumption the client is not LE.

I do have clients busted from providers on this board (so they said) and took a suggestion from them.  I don't know if what they said is credible but makes sense.

If you are into collecting dick pictures and your clients are okay sending them, that's fine. TEHO. However, to use that as a screening method, and worse yet, to present it to a newbie as a viable screening method is beyond ridiculous!

There are a whole bunch of things wrong with your idea.  

1) You say you "doubt" LE would send dick pics. WHile it is probable that LE wouldn't, it is not a definite fact. Your "doubt" means nothing. Just like all the stupid "LE checks" that happen in the room are useless, this is also useless as an LE check. LE can do just about anything they want to, up to and including having sex with a prostitute before arresting her. Yes that was totally legal here in Hawaii, up to 2 years ago. Different jurisdictions have different rules, and nobody can know what LE will or won't do in every city or town.

2) Even if it did work to screen out LE (which it doesn't), what about all the other things that can go wrong. Most providers screen for a number of things. Do you only screen for LE? If he's not LE, then he's a good client? WTF?

3) The OP in this thread is a client not a provider. He is asking about making sure the provider is not LE. Sending a dick pic sounds like a quicker way to get arrested if she is LE, or a quick way to get him blocked and put on her DNS list if she is a legit provider.  

I just listed 3. I could go on with more reasons why that was bad advice, but I'm busy and hopefully that was enough to get the point across.

-- Modified on 9/9/2017 1:28:21 PM

GaGambler102 reads

and it looks like we have yet another new member giving VERY bad advice here.

Guys please ignore this advice and don't EVER send dick pics to a provider, not even a BSC hooker who asks for them as part of screening. and ladies PLEASE, you too should ignore this advice as a dick pic is not going to protect you in the least from ANYONE who wants to do you harm, whether it be stalker, psycho, or LE.

This may be the WORST piece of advice ever given on this board. It's not voyeuristic or hot, it's stupid, reckless and likely to get some gullible newbie arrested or worse if they were to follow your advice.

The ONLY time this has occurred is if a reference had not responded prior to when a client had requested an appt.  I believe I also stated an introduction via FaceTime and certainly did recommend others do as I do.  I'm sure that everything you know about providers, hobbyists, and screening is the absolute in proper conduct and etiquette since so quick to freely judge and ridicule. simply just don't meet the provider if your references do not respond to potential providers?  If alternative, what is it?

...and what is your expert advice to the poster?  I sincerely would like to know.  What I have done on occasion is not advice only my experience.

GaGambler118 reads

Perfect Storm of course being not only another EXPERT on the subject, but the host here as well.

The OP is a newbie, and as a newbie he should only be seeing "well reviewed" providers until he gets a sense of what is and is not an acceptable risk.  My EXPERT advice is for him to pass on this particular provider unless and until she gets a couple of more reviews to her credit, provided those reviews are written by established and credible reviewers.

Him showing her his cock does NOTHING to keep her or him safe and her showing him her pussy also proves NOTHING, and it really may go down as the WORST advice I have ever read on this board, with the possible exception of the advice by BSCTaylor that reviews mean nothing and that providers and clients alike should go by "their gut" instead. Your advice runs a close second to that gem.

BTW PerfectStorm and I have a combined 75 years or so at this, PerfectStorm is the current host of this board and I used to moderate this board several years ago. We do know of what we speak.

🤦‍♂️ shaking my damn head.
GaGambler is spot on in his reply.

And certainly isn't a way to have a guy prove he's not a cop!  



DaRegularJoe106 reads

I have posted a synopsis of my experience at the following:

Though I do not have decades of experience as some other older folks :-), Newbies should restrict to well-reviewed or if less number of reviews then have to be by well-known reviewers.

Take a look at the above link and see if that helps at all.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to keep 'little' head in check but that is what newbies need to learn to do.  

And please no pics, no facetime/skype etc. That is ridiculous.

Guessing you are a newbie to the hobby world.  Are you by any chance a P411 member because if you are check to see if the provider is as well. This should cut out some of the suspicious thoughts if she is an LE or not. If you are  newbie you should be sticking to highly well review ladies for a bit. If this is your girl of choice maybe leave it for down the road when you got more experience or maybe even pm the reviewer of this girl if possible. I have seen ads on Eros and where the girl has no reviews on TER. Personally for me at this point in time, it will be a no go, and if she only had one review most likely the same answer.

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