Newbie - FAQ

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 2207 reads
1 / 15

When you get a flood of e-mails and voicemails for dates, how do you choose who to reply to first? Do you reply in the order they were received or do you have a different system?  

Personally, Flattery goes a long way, so I reply to the sweetest ones first (BTW, I'm new but I've noticed Indian gentlemen have offered the most flattery and showers of compliments thus far. Have you found that to be true?) Followed by the "I like your page, are you available for x/y/z?" Then I reply to the ones who don't read the whole thing and ask questions that I put in the ad.  And, the "Hi mami", "Got any more pictures", "What can I get for 75" I don't even reply to, or if I have some time I might troll them.

And, this question is regarding clients that ARE gentlemen and DO honor the donation, but you couldn't stand being with them, or there was something really weird/gross about their fetishes that makes you never want to see them again. If a provider is calling you for client verification, do you warn her? Or, do you just say "Yep, I saw him and he honored the donation." Is it completely unprofessional to warn her?

I'm asking because I had one of those guys. I e-mailed a provider for client verification, and she replied back "Yep, I have him in my phone as [nickname]. Does that answer your question?" At the time, I thought it was weird because we e-mailed back and forth trying to figure out if she's seen him. I'm not conveying my thoughts to words coherently as it is hard to explain the vibe I got from her e-mail. Anyway, my intuition was right because the gentleman, although very sweet, was ZOMG THAT WAS SO WEIRD AND GROSS AND I NEED AND ENEMA AND DOUCHE STAT AND I WANT TO LAY IN THIS BATHTUB FOREVER UNTIL I SCRUB MY SKIN OFF WITH A BRILO PAD!!111! kind of weird. I'm not sexually conservative by any means, so for me to say it was gross and weird, TRUST AND BELIEVE it was gross and weird.

And, on the other hand is it unprofessional to brag on the gentleman when a provider calls for verification, like mentioning that he was sexy or a really great lover or saying she's really going to like him? I know I would be really happy and excited and grow hot with anticipation if she told me so.

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 555 reads
2 / 15

It involves him eating my deepthroat mucus, sucking snot out of my nose with his mouth, and fucking my ass with his tongue. But, not just fucking my ass with his tongue, but putting spit in my ass so he could suck it out. And, I let him. UGH!

Posted By: HaViNgFuN78
what was the weird fetish that grossed u out?  

Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 598 reads
3 / 15

I think the best advice on the person who grossed you out would be:
A. Don't really talk about it publicly unless you want to be asked a lot of questions about it & risk offending others.
B. Try to distinguish in your mind just exactly what it was about him you didn't like, the fetish or the bad vibe or both
C. Be simple and to the point think: report on without attaching your opinion to..  
                    I have a couple very specific questions I ask, "is he safe and would you see him again" are always part of what I ask you could add in the added info.
 Example:you will need large "condiments", or "he does have a ___ fetish," also it's nice to let each other know the general age & slight description, such as bald,short, tall good looking or bigger is all a matter of perspective & therefore not very descriptive.  
 we all have our own likes and dislikes so it only seems right to report if needed and keep the opinions quiet unless asked.
I also think saying you got bad vibes or something seemed off is just fine to say if that's how you felt.
         IMO one should answer the emails that are waiting the longest, in order -and of course don't feel guilty for not responding to the ones who seem to be just chatting or playing games.  
Anyway that's my 2 cents, hope it helps =)
Keep smiling,

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 789 reads
4 / 15

Get a few reviews and ask to be able to post on the ladies board.. I think this is better fit for over there. :)

mrfisher 108 Reviews 473 reads
5 / 15

And by the way, while certainly weird, snot fetish is not even close to the top for some of the really weird stuff that comes up (literally sometimes) in the hobby.

Not my thing, but as long as it doesn't involve kids or animals, we generally don't judge here.

You should, however, have the right to know first what odd things a guy wants to do and have the final say as to whether or not you are OK with that.

TalkToTrees 409 reads
6 / 15

A few providers over the years have told me that Indian men tend to be "romantic" in their way of emails and texting, but actually are bastards the moment they walk into the room.

Sweet talk does not necessarily equate a gentleman in bed.  

You've been warned.

The Forest Waits

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 432 reads
7 / 15

"Would you see him again".....that's really good advice, Mindy. I appreciate your taking time to thoughtfully reply. Stellar advice. And, you bring up a good point too about the details. I might see if I can edit my post, as I can see how it might offend someone. Thank you. :)

Posted By: Mindyzurgirl
I think the best advice on the person who grossed you out would be:  
 A. Don't really talk about it publicly unless you want to be asked a lot of questions about it & risk offending others.  
 B. Try to distinguish in your mind just exactly what it was about him you didn't like, the fetish or the bad vibe or both  
 C. Be simple and to the point think: report on without attaching your opinion to..  
                     I have a couple very specific questions I ask, "is he safe and would you see him again" are always part of what I ask you could add in the added info.  
  Example:you will need large "condiments", or "he does have a ___ fetish," also it's nice to let each other know the general age & slight description, such as bald,short, tall good looking or bigger is all a matter of perspective & therefore not very descriptive.  
  we all have our own likes and dislikes so it only seems right to report if needed and keep the opinions quiet unless asked.  
 I also think saying you got bad vibes or something seemed off is just fine to say if that's how you felt.  
          IMO one should answer the emails that are waiting the longest, in order -and of course don't feel guilty for not responding to the ones who seem to be just chatting or playing games.  
 Anyway that's my 2 cents, hope it helps =)  
 Keep smiling,  

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 434 reads
8 / 15

Alyssa, working on it. Should have one any time now. It's hard to get more because I only play once or twice a week. It may be a while before I can get another because I'm pre booked for a bit by non-TER gents.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 442 reads
9 / 15

I never judge a clients fetish.  I only share important details that are needed when providing a positive, or negative reference after I have verified the provider.  I respond to emails as they come & prefer to respond to those who may be serious about booking a playdate.

Sooo...YouWanna 437 reads
10 / 15

I'll probably be flamed for this, but watch them. This goes for all clients, but do not leave them alone in your room, and don't let them slip the condom off while in doggy. Do not give them any personal information; this is the only group of guys where I have heard several talk about setting up a sting to get back at a girl. They are the ones who have consistently robbed and raped my friends here in the hobby. There's a similar track record among my civie friends, and those girls hardly ever even get a chance to meet them! I have fucked hundreds of them in almost five years, and there's literally ONE I remember fondly. They aren't all awful guys by a long shot, and there will be some who make up for the many duds, but enough of them are that you need to be careful.  

And for the Indian guys who get mad at me for saying this, sorry. This is the experience others have given girls in this industry, and I wish someone had warned me to watch out for them in particular, instead of leaving me to find out the hard way. Only you can change the stereotype that's been burned in our mind through massive amounts of experience.

-Old Ho
Posted By: TalkToTrees
A few providers over the years have told me that Indian men tend to be "romantic" in their way of emails and texting, but actually are bastards the moment they walk into the room.  
 Sweet talk does not necessarily equate a gentleman in bed.  
 You've been warned.  
 The Forest Waits

brilove See my TER Reviews 417 reads
12 / 15

Obviously get on my calendar first.  So if the guy sends handles, references, date and time with # of hours needed then he gets booked first ... The guy who is sweet but only sends date and time then I have to respond asking for the rest then wait for his reply then I can start the verifying process .... This takes more time.  

Moral of the story: early bird with all his ducks in a row gets the day/time preference to get his worm played with

HaveAGoodTime 346 reads
13 / 15

I'm not surprised to hear this. India has one of the worst class hierarchies in the world, and hookers are basically worthless in their cultural view.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
I'll probably be flamed for this, but watch them. This goes for all clients, but do not leave them alone in your room, and don't let them slip the condom off while in doggy. Do not give them any personal information; this is the only group of guys where I have heard several talk about setting up a sting to get back at a girl. They are the ones who have consistently robbed and raped my friends here in the hobby. There's a similar track record among my civie friends, and those girls hardly ever even get a chance to meet them! I have fucked hundreds of them in almost five years, and there's literally ONE I remember fondly. They aren't all awful guys by a long shot, and there will be some who make up for the many duds, but enough of them are that you need to be careful.  
 And for the Indian guys who get mad at me for saying this, sorry. This is the experience others have given girls in this industry, and I wish someone had warned me to watch out for them in particular, instead of leaving me to find out the hard way. Only you can change the stereotype that's been burned in our mind through massive amounts of experience.  
 -Old Ho  
Posted By: TalkToTrees
A few providers over the years have told me that Indian men tend to be "romantic" in their way of emails and texting, but actually are bastards the moment they walk into the room.  
  Sweet talk does not necessarily equate a gentleman in bed.    
  You've been warned.  
  The Forest Waits

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 308 reads
14 / 15

i have done appts with all kinds. fat old sexy , tatted up, biker, gangsters , rappers, judges, policemen, firefighters. guys are guys, and business is fuckn business, if a guy is being a dick wad well then he should learn not to be a dick wad, . its not my fault he is a dick? so i am gonna protect his ass and not tell it like it is? i get in get out and make my money but if a guy was a prick yes i will tell the lady , in detail,
and if he awsome i will emphasize how awsome,.
                   one word advice to you.
 if you cringe easily, and wann be selective, try offering fbsm, for starters, and then your in charge of what your doing, and if you like them and are into it you can offer more,
 i been advertising and doing just massage hour, and then if they are hotr i do more, if you need to make less in order to have peace of mind baby doll. then do so, if you are traumatized from the nasty dude, and have to wipe down with rubbing alcohol after,
 try thinking was it worht it?
 he gave you what 300?
hell just think you coulda made that doing 2 fbsm with hj. youd have made 20 bucks more and had been able togo back to your life after ,
unless your ready to handly that try doin what i am doin right now and do body rubs, with new clients as a screening in person,  
 after the initial screening thru other ladies. this way you say you can come for a massage and i will see maybe we can do the full service our next session, its good to see how they cum,  
 i had one guy after long massage could not get off by hand, by mouth, then he went to do it himself, and he beat it so hard so fast so long!
 i was glad as hell i hadnt gotten stuck in a gfe with this guy! and had seen how tapped he is before hand via body rub session.
 jack your full service rate up and only offer it at second appt and only if they are worthy...................

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 297 reads
15 / 15

appt. type of men. I have seen alot. alot.  
that are oked by tons and tons of the highest reviewed in boston, i myself am number 9, now,
 but i have to be frank girl. its gross and there will be times where its WORK.

 i seen plenty that were beyond atrocious with hygiene or appearance or just creeps.  
just remeber to speak up and if he has lets say bad breath. move head to side fast if he looms in for kiss,  
then say, sweetie, you need to use some mouth wash!
 i had to do that once, the guy was oked by a million well reviewed hotties on p411, he took it in stride and went to bathroom and said oh! oh! reallY!
 he gave me tip after, i dont make big issue but you do have to learn to be blunt.
i think you need to also get a massage rate up .  
 tell the guys its topless massage only, and you wanna wait and make sure every one is comfortable.  
 if its gonna be traumatizing for you, you have to way out pros and cons, would working at a 9-5- and getting bitched at by a boss all day suck more than this? does this allow me to live the lifestyle i want to live?if this is a job you wanna do, your gonna have to deal with the not fun appts. too.  
 i found that i am getting better looking cleaner younger, more my style, clientelle, now that i am offering bondassage, massages, and also using body rub section on bp

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