Newbie - FAQ

Pretty silly question, but
coleporten 2701 reads

Just wondering, are girls pretty receptive to having a picture taken?  Not of them naked or anything, just a pic maybe with a t-shirt on of the provider and you for a keepsake.  Just wondering.  I would like to memorialize my triumphs!

tokai1575 reads

Porn stars would be the exception.

I would think not. But then again I have never asked.


I would say absolutly no. If you want souveneirs go to Disneyland. Sorry, but I think that is not only tacky but I wouldn't see a guy who wanted to 'memorialize' his session with pics nor would I trust him. Just sounds a bit fishy to me. Gee, how about we providers take pics of you know, just for fun. Yeah right, can you imagine?

What pose do you want? An over the shoulder sulty smirk? Big smile with lots of skin? :)


Great idea meow!  I can just take a picture of my client with my cell phone so that there face shows up when they call!  "Sure, I remember you!"  ~~wiping tears off of my face from laughing so hard~~

The lovely lady had finished pleasing me orally, and called to her girlfriend to snap a photo of us with the results of my pleasure dripping down her chin.

Before anybody flips out, my face didn't make the picture, and her girlfriend is smokin hot.  Sadly, she didn't join in.

But in most cases it's not going to happen. Think about what you are asking. Nude or not what promise does a lady have that you won't put her picture on the internet? Even many porn stars who operate "under the radar" or simply want control of their image will not allow photos.

I'd say the best way to remember the experience is to simply repeat with the lady. Oh, by the way, "Triumph"? Dude, you're paying her....

coleporten1455 reads

Okay, I was joking about the "triumph", I guess that doesn't always come through in writing.

Anyway, thanks for the serious responses, and the non-serious ones that were at least funny.


I am sure some would not mind
But for me I am SOOOO DISCREET, so that would be a:

are those where the poster has not done any research prior to asking the question.  There is a TER Instuction Manual (now marked abbreviations and acrynyms - newbies manual) on the top of this board which answers most questions.  On each board, there is a search engine, where someone can put in key phrases to see if the subject has been covered.  For instance, the question about acronyms/abbreviations is a recurrent one and a search will provide lots of responses.  

If you have tried these two resources, then asking a question is not silly.  If you haven't, and you get a "curt" reply from one of the gents (who are non-newbies but who sign on here to help newbie) its simply because they tire of answering questions because people are too lazy to look up the info on their own first.

Now, as it relates to your question, my general response would be NO!  Especially if the provider has "blurred" or altered photos of themself on their site.  This is telling you, the client, that they do not choose to show their entire face on the internet for personal reasons.

That said, there are providers who advertise that they allow photos.. some for an additional charge.  If in doubt, my best response, ask...  But, don't be surprised if you are turned down.  Do not, however, show up with a camera assuming she will allow photos.  She may become upset and ask you to leave.

You can always ask questions that are benign such as about photos.  What you should not ask are specific questions regarding "whats included."  If you have done your research, and read reviews, this is not necessary and doing so may result in being turned down for an appointment or having your e-mail deleted with no response.

Have fun and enjoy your erotic adventures!

SINfully sinthia

-- Modified on 12/3/2007 10:05:21 PM

-- Modified on 12/3/2007 10:06:24 PM

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