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allsportstrophies2041 reads

hello all, i'm curious to know how to act during an incall at a hotel. i've read the FAQs and quite a few posts about in calls at hotels and safety, but i'm still nervous about going to a hotel to a provider. the providers i'm interested in are well reviewed.
my worry is walking in and walking out. about nosy staff members and other guests who might be there that may see me walking out of the room.anyone care to give any tips to blending in/ what to do if stopped by staff or if anyone has any posts/threads they can link to.

If elevators are involved, ask her where they are before entering the hotel.  You do not want to wander around like you are lost, that will only attract the curious.  Dress appropriately for where you are, nothing to draw unwanted attention.  If a staff member greets you, return the greeting and keep moving.  Other guests you do not need to worry about, they don't know if you are also a guest or not.

This question has been asked many times on this forum.  If you are bringing her a gift, have it in something like a Walmart bag, so it looks like you went out to get something you forgot.

Act natural.


...nobody gives a rat's ass as to who you are or why you are there. The more unnecessarily paranoid you act the more attention you will inadvertently draw to yourself. The only thing the front desk and staff care about is that you don't disturb any other guests and just go about your business. As much as paranoid hobbyists feel that every other guest is sizing them up trust me - it's all in your head.

over my shoulder to help "look like a businessman" coming back from a day out working or to going to see a business associate in his room. the backpack might contain a bottle of wine or champagne, or a small gift for the provider I'm about to see. I also bring along some soap so I smell the same when I leave.

If someone else gets on the elevator when I do, I will either get off on a different floor. I don't need another guest following me down the hallway to the provider's room. For example, if other guest pushes 4 [same floor as provider], I will push 5 or 6 and then take another elevator back down to 4 to see the provider.

allsportstrophies683 reads

thanks for the messages, appreciate the comments, some stuff you said did calm my nerves. never thought about the elevator though, will use it. i although don't carry a backpack, and not sure if i will if thats ok

GaGambler551 reads

Much of what has been suggested here is overkill, lopaw gave the best advice, most people don't give two shits about what you are doing there, they have their own lives to live. Ask yourself this, when you are in a hotel on non hooker business, do you put even the least bit of thought into "blending in"??? Of course not, you simply go about your business, mostly oblivious to the other guests and the hotel staff. That is the mindset you should have when visiting a hooker.

Once upon a time "attire" was important and some of the "old folks" still feel that way, but dressing in a suit at a beach resort makes you look more of place than showing up a five star hotel in shorts, assuming of course it's not the dead of winter. lol

There is no need to bring a backpack, a computer bag or anything else for that matter. Bring a smile, a good attitude, relax and enjoy yourself.  

Lastly, do you have any idea how many times a day the front desk clerk gets asked "where are the elevators?" Most "normal" people ask for help rather than wandering around looking lost. If you can't find the elevator, there is no harm in asking someone. They aren't going to look at you and immediately think to themselves "this guy is here to see a hooker" lol

But you give excellent advice...I'll give you that!

Posted By: GaGambler
Much of what has been suggested here is overkill, lopaw gave the best advice, most people don't give two shits about what you are doing there, they have their own lives to live. Ask yourself this, when you are in a hotel on non hooker business, do you put even the least bit of thought into "blending in"??? Of course not, you simply go about your business, mostly oblivious to the other guests and the hotel staff. That is the mindset you should have when visiting a hooker.  
 Once upon a time "attire" was important and some of the "old folks" still feel that way, but dressing in a suit at a beach resort makes you look more of place than showing up a five star hotel in shorts, assuming of course it's not the dead of winter. lol  
 There is no need to bring a backpack, a computer bag or anything else for that matter. Bring a smile, a good attitude, relax and enjoy yourself.  
 Lastly, do you have any idea how many times a day the front desk clerk gets asked "where are the elevators?" Most "normal" people ask for help rather than wandering around looking lost. If you can't find the elevator, there is no harm in asking someone. They aren't going to look at you and immediately think to themselves "this guy is here to see a hooker" lol

How about ALL of it? I get paranoia abounds but worrying about every aspect of how one acts, walks, talks, dresses, etc in a hotel is borderline psychotic. lol

Yes, I will agree I would leave the sign that says "I am here to nail a hooker" off my back but other than that, I wouldn't worry about any of this.

Hotels see many people dressed many different ways from Wall Street types in $3000 suits to tourists wearing cut off shorts and dumpy t-shirts and many people walk through there looking around "lost" because...well...THEY ARE!!! lol

Contrary to popular belief there isn't any secret hotel spies looking around every corner for an odd acting john so they can nab him and hand him over to the popo. lol

I get the fear by the OP, and its a legit question from a newb, but some of the experienced mongers here who play into this paranoia is very confusing

GaGambler399 reads

I will agree that virtually everyone one else at least tacitly bought into the overkill by not calling it as such.

I also agree that it's natural for a newbie to be nervous, but that there is no excuse for anyone who has done this a hundred times or more to be fueling this kind of paranoia.

I carry a touristy bag from a place like Hudson News or an equivalent.  Luckily, my city's train station has  these stores.  I just pop into the station, visit the store, and get some snack-type foods: chips, Slim Jims, soda, etc.  Then I head over to the hotel carrying the bag.  This way, I look like a gullible tourist who shops at an overpriced touristy convenience store, rather than a shrewd hobbyist.  Then I just leave the bag in the provider's room; she can eat the food or dump it, I don't care.

Even better on Sunday going to church or coming back.

A laptop bag, messenger bag, briefcase, carry on size suitcase...  expected to go in/out of hotel.  
Be wary of thin see through shopping bags BECAUSE they can be seen through (& reveal things you don't want seen. Like your astrolube & condoms, LOL!)  Now a reuseable cloth bag or small cooler might be appropriate for snacks/desert/candles...  I have brought all of them at times.  Shopping bags per say are not bad, many travelors go to the nearest store to purchase snacks or items not worth the bother of packing.    

Dress & act like you belong...  In some cases business attire is appropriate...  others sport clothes or travel clothes.

allsportstrophies446 reads

thanks for the replies. i didnt realize having something to carry would be an important part. i don't think that i'll be bringing anything with me, so i don't know the reason i would have a backpack/briefcase, but maybe that's a good idea. business attire does sound like a good idea, but perhaps business casual maybe a shirt and some jeans?

Posted By: allsportstrophies
thanks for the replies. i didnt realize having something to carry would be an important part. i don't think that i'll be bringing anything with me, so i don't know the reason i would have a backpack/briefcase, but maybe that's a good idea. business attire does sound like a good idea, but perhaps business casual maybe a shirt and some jeans?
A shirt and jeans is "business casual" now?   I'm not chastising, I'm asking, as I really don't know.  

Would this be a button-down shirt?  

When in doubt, go with khakis!  (Jake baby, where are ya I need ya??)

GaGambler379 reads

but our summers in Texas can be brutal.  

Actually "business casual" has become more and more casual over the years, unless you are in a business like insurance or banking where you still have to "wear the uniform"

In my business I rarely dress more formally than "jeans and a shirt" I still own a few suits and even a tuxedo, but I haven't worn any of them for years and I certainly am not going to don a coat and tie in some misguided effort to blend in at some hotel where I am visiting a hooker.

SE-Newbie415 reads

Now, if your ATF uses the SAME hotel time after time and the front desk staff start winking at you when you come in...

As far as elevator locations..... Even if I've been at a hotel for a week, I may still get turned around in the lobby. So, location is not really a big deal, except I will NOT ask the Front Desk for location.

Twice when I've gone to see my ATF, the maids were right outside her room with their cleaning cart.  I just smiled at them, said "Hello," and knocked on my ATF's door.  And absolutely nothing happened.  If I can get away with that, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

just IF you are dressed appropriately to the location.  If you are going to carry something in, package it so it blends.    

-- Modified on 7/2/2016 8:22:39 PM

go to a hotel incall, only a residential (house or apartment) incall.  If I'm staying in a hotel while traveling on business, then I will often book an outcall where the provider comes to MY room.

Do bring the bag, inside your backpack
A professional will also give you direction into the hotel to the elevator, stairs and door
Please don't show up too early and sit in the parking lot
Also do not enter the hotel and call on your cell repeating the room number out loud
I prefer you calling me from inside your parked car
Good luc

I don't want explain all the ins and outs of getting past the reception desk into the elevator in a text  
Text when you arrive from your parked car and then I will call

Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I don't want explain all the ins and outs of getting past the reception desk into the elevator in a text  
 Text when you arrive from your parked car and then I will call
What if you're in a dense urban area where you take public transit?  Which "parked car" (or lack thereof) do you text from then?

When I hobby in an area like that, I generally text from a waiting area within a block or two.  Usually, a quiet restaurant in colder weather, or an empty bus stop bench in warmer weather.  But what do most providers prefer in areas like this?  Obviously, not from the hotel lobby; my last provider said one her past hobbyists did that.

And give you a general place to make the call or text
I time everything and I wait at the door, no knocking for me, ever. I think what you've d scrib d sounds great

Posted By: I_like_escorts
Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I don't want explain all the ins and outs of getting past the reception desk into the elevator in a text    
  Text when you arrive from your parked car and then I will call
What if you're in a dense urban area where you take public transit?  Which "parked car" (or lack thereof) do you text from then?  
 When I hobby in an area like that, I generally text from a waiting area within a block or two.  Usually, a quiet restaurant in colder weather, or an empty bus stop bench in warmer weather.  But what do most providers prefer in areas like this?  Obviously, not from the hotel lobby; my last provider said one her past hobbyists did that.

I remember her specifically telling me *not* to knock, or even do any greeting until the door closes.  I listened, of course.  She thanked me for showing discretion by texting from a restaurant two blocks away, rather than from the lobby.  Most providers have been very good at giving me layout instructions, be it in a hotel or a residential building.

Of course, my first time hobbying, the hotel was HUGE.  I actually got lost there.  Luckily, I had the smarts to call the agency scheduler to get directions to the room, rather than go to the front desk.  I now deal solely with independents, which makes getting directions a bit easier.

Here is what I do:

1. Walk in a deliberate way, as if you know exactly where you are going.

2. If stopped (and I've been visiting in calls in hotels for years and was only stopped once), simply say "checking on my sister in law... the funeral is tomorrow and we are making the arrangements...yada-yada..." (Or something like that. No one will question you.

3. I always wear business casual or better attire. When you look like a person on business, you are often treated as such

I was heading to an incall, which happened to be at one of my city's famous hotels.  I did everything right: dress to fit in, walk confidently, and ask the provider for instructions on the hotel layout.  She obliged, and thanked me for being discreet.

As I walked from the city bus stop to the hotel---right past a group of LE on foot patrol, no less---my hair got messed up in the wind pretty bad .  Thank to my provider's instructions, I made a beeline to the elevators, after returning a "hello" to the doorman.  I started using the elevator's mirrors to fix my hair.  Suddenly, the elevator stopped one floor higher, and an older couple got on.  They looked at me, and said: "Ah-ha!  We caught you now!"  I smiled back, and continued fixing my hair, until the elevator stopped on my floor.

When got to the provider's hotel room, and told her what happened in the elevator, she thought it was the funniest story she heard in a long time.  I'm 99.9% sure the couple didn't suspect a thing.  But I do wonder what they meant.

When possible, I like to book outcalls when I am on travel.  I recall a while back being in Denver taking the elevator back to my room.  I hadn't planned anything that night.  I caught a glimpse of someone heading towards the elevator, so I held the door.  Lo & behold, a gorgeous 20-something who absolutely had to be a provider got on the elevator with me -- short skirt, heels, make-up, small purse.  She gave me a couple of glances and I looked back at her with a look and body language that (I hope) said that I knew exactly why she was here.  I was tempted to say something like "If he stiffs you, I'm in Room xxx." but I didn't...  The message for me is that she was a good example of a lot of us asking the provider to "dress down."  The girl in the elevator with me that night clearly didn't look like she belonged there.  

Another cautionary tale was when I booked an incall in DC with a visiting provider.  I booked for mid-afternoon.  I played the part with the (empty) computer bag and business casual dress.  But, when I got to her floor, there were tons of maids working the rooms on her floor.  I found a break in the action to be able to knock on her door and quickly go inside.  I had a great time, but I felt way too visible and out of place, especially around people who work there every day.  Nobody visits a guest in a hotel in the middle of the work day.

Posted By: allsportstrophies
hello all, i'm curious to know how to act during an incall at a hotel. i've read the FAQs and quite a few posts about in calls at hotels and safety, but i'm still nervous about going to a hotel to a provider. the providers i'm interested in are well reviewed.  
 my worry is walking in and walking out. about nosy staff members and other guests who might be there that may see me walking out of the room.anyone care to give any tips to blending in/ what to do if stopped by staff or if anyone has any posts/threads they can link to.

No hotel can withstand public pressure if if becomes known that providers are working out of there.  
Some hotels don't care what you do as long as the room is rented...  and it's kept low profile.  A Fav told me the owner had hinted he knew what she did...  but she admitted nothing.  She's used that place for trists pretty often...  but she's pretty low volume.  Apparently a high volume gal was asked to leave.  
Some hotels aggressively work to chase providers out.  
The gal can make a difference by tipping the staff well...  the maids that clean the room & change the sheets

come around with photos of gals who advertise on BP that they are seeing guys in that town, and ask the motel to call them if they see the gal show up so they can case the place and bust her

Posted By: harborview
No hotel can withstand public pressure if if becomes known that providers are working out of there.    
 Some hotels don't care what you do as long as the room is rented...  and it's kept low profile.  A Fav told me the owner had hinted he knew what she did...  but she admitted nothing.  She's used that place for trists pretty often...  but she's pretty low volume.  Apparently a high volume gal was asked to leave.    
 Some hotels aggressively work to chase providers out.  
 The gal can make a difference by tipping the staff well...  the maids that clean the room & change the sheets.            
Does matter escort low volume she conducting Illegal business in hotel.

Leeroy-Jenkins365 reads

Just act naturally and you'll be fine.  For example, in an upscale hotel, some guy in business casual clothing who is waiting in the lobby, reading the paper or on a smartphone, will not stand out to anyone.  You'll just blend into the background.  And in the rare case when someone asks you if you need anything (never had it happen to me), you can just say you're waiting on a friend who is staying there.  If it helps, imagine you are meeting an old girlfriend who is passing through town on business.  Once you do it a couple of times, you'll lose the nerves.  Good luck!

allsportstrophies200 reads

hey all were great advice, actually made me more comfortable going to an incall. and there wasn't anything to worry about. one piece of advice from me would be to give the name of the exact name of thelocation the night or so before. the provider did it with me and i was able to become familiar with it before going there, resulting in more comfort and actually "acting like I belong there", then all i had to do was wait for the room. i think more providers/assistants should do that

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