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Oh boy... I see where you are going with this...
Senator.Blutarsky 577 reads

...and it is not that clear cut. To answer your question, it's not common in the sense you are rate for BCD and a different rate for being together in public. Although I can think of one gal who advertises this way.  

I think most have tiered rates based on time spent, with some expectation that at least some of that time is in public at dinner or a show.  I wouldn't say it's taboo to broach the subject with whomever you are interested.  In reality, I think this is where most will be open to negotiate...or as my colleague from Ohio suggests, have a drink/dinner with you OTC.

-- Modified on 2/7/2015 8:36:47 PM

professor_spanky1660 reads

So I am a little curious about multi-hour rates and was hoping some of you veterans could shed some light. When booking with a provider is it common for them to have different "in" and "out" of room rates and packages ie dinner and show dates. I understand that it is still a provider's time but I could see how rates could be different for the type of time spent and I could see the potential business benefits from offering those types of rates as well.  

The thing is I rarely see those out of the room rates advertised, so my question is: is it common practice for a provider to have them and not advertise them explicitly? Is it taboo to ask if they do?

If the incall rate is higher, she is probably letting her clients shoulder the cost of the room.  If the outcall rate is higher, she  is probably figuring time and gas as extra expenses.  If she has to drive over half an hour to get to you, that means she is losing an hour of possible working time, so again, the clients have to cover the costs for her.

Remember you are paying for her time, even if it's not 'play time', i.e., dinner or a movie.  Many providers offer reduced hourly add-ons if you are booking a multi-hour date.  Just do a unit pricing on the multi-hour date rate and compare it to thr single hour rate.


...for a multitude of reasons.  

   If the OP would like to contact me at [email protected], I will be happy to elaborate.

Hugs and Kisses,

Based on your OP it seems you are prepared to buy a 2+ BCD package from a lady.  That would translate to a nice financial deal in most cases.

The outside time you are seeking is generally part of this IMHO.  I wouldn't ever suggest for any guy to pay a woman to go out for drinks or eats and pay her to do so.  That just smacks of desperation on your part.  And honestly (yep, there's that keyword), most women like to eat/drink.  

If all you're seeking is a dinner companion, there are plenty of fish out there who would love to accompany you at no charge.  If it's a P4P gal, pay her to play.  But don't pay her to eat/drink.  

Simply ask as your time is winding down if she is interested in joining you for a drink/eat.  Most will be happy to.  Those who seek money for this are fairly uncommon.  And greedy to even think along those lines.

There is nothing taboo about asking.  It's either a yes or no question.

I know you're new here so let me offer another point of view from you and one lady who earlier sees things in black and white. I'm a bit different. First, as a frequent target of the 'board boys' who love to target guys who pay ladies to eat and sleep, I typically do extended visits. Usually overnight, often 3-5 nights. Money's not an issue. That said, I do like to get my money's worth. Second, to answer the OP directly, I find that even without having seen me, ladies will offer reduced rates from their 'rack rates' for extended visits. On occasion they wait until the second date, if there is one. My point? ALL women I've met with for extended visits discount. Without exception. Do they get their 'downtime?' Sure. Do they even get to go shopping or hanging out on the beach during the day? Sure. BUT, typically at a discount of 30-40% off their rack rate, in 24 hours I'll get minimum three sessions which make the rate agreeable to both of us. Third, if you know where the 'board boys' have disappeared to, please send them here. I'm an easy and willing target and miss their absence from my life of late greatly. Lastly, please note I know this doesn't directly answer your question about OTC meals and drinks but I thought I'd offer up myself as the current NB board pineta in absence, once again, of our dear departed world champ board pineta. I look forward to the friendly fire from those elusive of late hooligans aka 'The Board Boys!'

Senator.Blutarsky578 reads

...and it is not that clear cut. To answer your question, it's not common in the sense you are rate for BCD and a different rate for being together in public. Although I can think of one gal who advertises this way.  

I think most have tiered rates based on time spent, with some expectation that at least some of that time is in public at dinner or a show.  I wouldn't say it's taboo to broach the subject with whomever you are interested.  In reality, I think this is where most will be open to negotiate...or as my colleague from Ohio suggests, have a drink/dinner with you OTC.

-- Modified on 2/7/2015 8:36:47 PM

We're off the clock so to speak.  And I know you love to just sit and listen to some of the women who are part of our team as well.

I also know that as a gentleman we would of course pick up the tab.  But to pay an esteemed colleague to join us, it's simply not happening.  Most wouldn't even ask.  

No real need to negotiate here either.  It's often implied with a multi-hour session that most women in P4P have finished up for the day.  And from what I've heard from the other Senators, the P4P women really don't have much going on after a session.

Just like us.

A.Pismo.Clam598 reads

Now, this ain't sum thing a newbie should pull, and certainly not on a 1st or even a 2nd date.  But let's not pertend I duzn't happen.
But there'z nuthin wrong with suggesting dinner (or lunch) if she's free.  Gals will give you signals ("I'm starving," or, "Well, this is my last date for today," etc.).
Itz clearly a suggestion.
An ol' frend haz this motto: I will gladly pay you 4 sex, and I will happily pay for your dinner.  I jest won't pay to watch you eat it.

care to do public activities.  To dress to go out, takes a lot of time & effort.  They can make more money by staying BCDs.   That said, a few are happy to do multi hour packages.  Some charge full rates & others don't...  or offer a multi hour rate.  It will require research...  maybe an ISO posting...  and revIew readings & other verification.  Extended dates, dinner dates, overnights are othen not in the price schedule & I'd consider them fair game to describe (face to face) what you have in mind & the donation expected.    

I wouldn't do a multi hour without a standard hour incall first...  for enjoyment & compatability.

I had a 4 hr dinner date last night. With a date like that, I'm not sweating a thing as far as what I could make with more shorter dates. I love getting dressed up and having fun out and about and BCDs afterwards.

And it was my first date with my new friend as well. Dinner ran longer than expected so yes the date was over 4 hours but it was fine with me.



-- Modified on 2/8/2015 8:48:19 PM

You kidding?  I'd be delighted to be on the arm of a sweet gentleman for public activities, and retire BCD for more private conversation later.  It sounds like fun (and a chance to show off my little black dresses!)


They might have different rates for bcd+social dates and imo even if they might not have it on their website a lot of ladies who are open to 3hr+ dates expect a little out of the room time somewhere in there. I don't see most having issue with if you asked them if they offered dates LONGER than what they have advertised....less maybe lol (ie; she doesn't advertise 30mins but you ask anyways).

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