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Not sure, but many want phone only it seems.
buckeye-kev 15 Reviews 1509 reads

Most agencies I have dealt with ignore or reject emails.  They seem to want all phone correspondnces - it could be a tracability issue.  I'd call and see if I were you.  They may just send a blanket - no new members out to get you to call only.  Or maybe they really are exclusive and selective - but I doubt it as most want all the paying clients they can get and all the appts they can get their girls to take.


BIGLNYC2822 reads

Tried e-mailing a well known agency for an appointment with a young lady i really wanted to see,was told its members only(they are not accepting new members).Did i do something wrong or is this normal??

Most agencies I have dealt with ignore or reject emails.  They seem to want all phone correspondnces - it could be a tracability issue.  I'd call and see if I were you.  They may just send a blanket - no new members out to get you to call only.  Or maybe they really are exclusive and selective - but I doubt it as most want all the paying clients they can get and all the appts they can get their girls to take.


freeway881496 reads

Just started to use these sites and it is like e-mail is spam to providers.I can't get a response from anyone I lowered my stardard of ladies and even went for special " today only" with no luck. I then called a local girl and she asked me is was white because she said I had a deep voice and when I told her I was [which I am 100%] but did it matter?.She told me to find another provider and hung up on me!! I guess business is booming. I have had better luck with the bar seen but I hate it.

Some providers respond much more to emails or PMs while others don't respond to them much at all.  I've also noticed that they are GENERALLY not interested in responding if they are not interested in new clients or something about your request doesn't match their openings - say you ask for a time or day they are already busy.  They seem to be quick to shitcan anything they can't honor - many don't reply.

To be fair, some locals are only part-timers and even full timers sometimes don't take more than 1-2 a day and sometimes don't need new customers when they are busy with regulars and repeats.  Also to be fair, some have told me they get as many as 25 emails that don't pan out ( no or bad refs or no follow-up back ) for every one they get an appt from.  So the volume can make them quick to discard anything they don't match up with.

It is a rather unfortunate fact that the best providers tend to be busy already and can therefore be much more selective about new clients.  So it can be tough to break that.  like many other hobbys, networking with providers to get referrals and recommendations can help the situation - which is tuff when u r a newbie like us!

Don't get too discouraged, try calling if they list a number and use that deep voice to sweet talk them!  LOL

As an indy, I agree that I get plenty of emails from guys who don't follow through or don't provide proper info.. I assume this applies to agencies as well, although I can't speak to how agencies run, I can say that your initial contact has a lot to do with whether you get to see a gal or not.

My suggestions for initial contact would be as follows (some of these may apply more to indys but some are universal)

1. Read the site and be sure to provide all the screening info that is being asked for. We get so many emails; we don't have time to prod and probe you to get the basic screening information. Offer it up and you're more likely to get a prompt response and/or an appointment.

2. Be polite and friendly, but don't use specifics or words such as- oral, gfe, sex, etc. We know why you're emailing us, but putting it in these terms makes us suspicious. As an indy who schedules her own appointments, I personally like a bit of a personal touch, a general introduction, etc., but some ladies may prefer shorter or more business-like initial contacts, especially through an agency or booking service.

3. Suggest more than one day or time that might work, if available. She'll be much more likely to be able to accommodate you if you offer two or three possibilities. Also, she will know that you are serious and have planned ahead.

4. Contact in advance if you can- I generally book 1-2 weeks out and feel that the sooner you contact her, the better. You are more likely to get your preferred time; she is more likely to have time to check references and feel comfortable with you.

5. Pay attention to how she prefers to be contacted, whether agency or indy. Don't waste your time emailing her if she operates by phone, or vice versa. I state in huge letters that I prefer email, but my site automatically generates a contact form as it is the rare-escorts template, and you'd be surprised how many guys bypass the huge letters requesting email contact and just fill in a name and 2 sentences on that damn form! Consequently I give priority to those new clients who email me and provide the proper information as requested on my site.

Hope this helps!! Best of luck~


-- Modified on 7/8/2007 8:44:34 PM

BIGLNYC1786 reads

I would have called,but there is no number on the website!

I e-mailed a highly reputable agency in NYC to set up an appointment.  I also left a message because it was a weekend and I guess they don;t pick up on weekends.  It's been a week already and no response.  I moved on but I am puzzled.

If agencies won't respond to e-mail why make it an option?

freeway881578 reads

If they don't want new clients why do they keep listing themselves? Are they just lazy?.Going to LA and it looks like its the strip clubs, bar scene,or hanging in the Barnes and Noble.It's somewhat true at least here in Florida but you need a rap and time,I have half a rap and no time while there.What's this world coming to I cant even give my generousity away!!

Check the NY board.  Sounds legit...there is an agency serving the area there (LI, NYC) that is supposedly members only.  Would move on and seek elsewhere...this is not normal, just this particular agency's way of doing business...

BIGLNYC1479 reads

Thanks to all for your responses!

I had the same situation with BDJ her in NYC. Filled out their form online (2 weeks ahead), followed up with another e-mail offering cooperation for screening. Called day before asking about confirmation, left 3 contacts. NOTHING. Never any e-mail, phone. As a result, had no appt and had to scramble to contact an indy. Couldn't and my day was a waste.

I think you just move on to whoever is receptive.

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