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mackenzi See my TER Reviews 1025 reads

Just a quick question like that to help ease your time with a provider isn't a problem.

I wouldn't be offended at all. Whatever a man needs to ask me to help him feel comfortable with me is certainly acceptable. That wouldn't turn me off. Ask the question then move onto some body rocking fun!

Have fun!!

Mackenzi : ))

Is it appropriate to ask a provider if she has or ever has had an STD?  I know this is a delicate situation, but clearly an important issue.  Remember, this is the Newbie Board, which I am a member extradiaire.

I wouldn't be offended and i'm sure it is appropriate. It is, after all your health and body on the line.

This really doesn't reply to my question, but Miss Brook, I wish you did outcalls to San Diego!

lol i do with a minimum hour appointment. Also, I thought you were asking whether it is alright to ask a provider whether she has had an STD, to which I answered. But I agree with the posts, it is unlikely that the lady will ever admit to have had an STD.

Hugs, Brooke

Sure, you can ask.

Unfortunately, there are two, and only two answers you will ever get to such a question. You will either get an honest "no, I've never had an STD", or a DIShonest "no, I've never had an STD".

Do you really think a woman is going to fess up to having once had an STD, or to currently having an STD? I suppose some women actually might admit to having been treated for an STD - but I'm betting such a woman would be an extreme rarity.

If you are concerned about your health, either refrain from hobbying, or use condoms for any activity that you feel is risky. That is the best way to keep yourself safe and clean :)

so make informed decisions with respect to the risk vs rewards of any uncovered activities (BBBJ, DATY)
Risk chart attached

A hobbyist should test frequently for STDs so as not to pass it on to other providers, civvy dates, SOs etc. The great majority of STDs are easily treatable - simple infections that yeild to the appropriate antibiotic taken on a timely basis.

The real issue is not becoming a vector of transmission....

As with all good questions, this opens up a whole new line of questioning.  How often do hobbyists get tested?  Is there a "standard STD test" that one requests?  How does one broach this to ones' physician (especially the stern, scary, old fashion ones -- like mine!)?  How does one get the physician's office not to send test results home (for those with S.O.s)?

Timbow1083 reads

True some may say it is not proper but their reaction to the question really can be revealing.

Personally?  I think it is.  Would you be offended if she asked you??

If your that freaked out about it...get a new hobby.  A provider is more cautious about this subject than ANY civilian chic ANY day.

Timbow1564 reads

I am used to fielding  more difficult questions then that so it would  not be a problem :)

I get  tested far more often now than I did as a civilian and that's fairly typical amongst providers.  I agree with the above poster that you will be told NO regardless.  It's not that the ? is so offensive but it doesn't necessarily make sense.  Use a condom for full service and only do what else you are comfy with - AKA no more than you would trust with a one night stand or a civie you met at a ballgame, dated and then got intimate with.

As far as STD advice, standards and practices... ask your doctor.  Don't get your medical advice from the boards or chats as it will lead you all over the place.  When I decided to become a provider I sat with my doctor for more than an hour and we really got to the nitty gritty of activities and risk.  You probably won't need more than a few minutes of asking ?s but the dr is the best place to find out.

odds are the provider has a more recent test in her medical records then the hobbyist

Asking a lady if she had an STD is worthless question. Also many of us (ladies and hobbyist) have had an STD and have been successfully treated. A TER indicate that 50 % of us who have been tested have had and STD. You should assume every lady has an STD and take the appropriate action that is compatible with you risk tolerance you want to assume. The primary reason to get tested is for the preservation of your own health not your partners in this hobby.  Your hobby partner need to take responsibility for his/her own action by assuming you have an STD and taking appropriate action that is compatible with their own risk tolerance.

granted, while your question has merit and makes sense, think about what it implies.  do u think ANYONE appreciates being asked if they've had an STD?  its a question best left for your SO.  sure, u might find a pro. whos NOT offended by the question, but u've already poisoned the well.

best bet if worried about STDs? do your research, go w/a reliable well reviewed pro, and expect to pay beaucoup dollars to ease your mind!

I don't think the price one pays protects them from STD's.  A gal can think highly of herself yet be dumb when it comes to her health.

Just a quick question like that to help ease your time with a provider isn't a problem.

I wouldn't be offended at all. Whatever a man needs to ask me to help him feel comfortable with me is certainly acceptable. That wouldn't turn me off. Ask the question then move onto some body rocking fun!

Have fun!!

Mackenzi : ))

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