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No sir terrible suggestion do not listen to this guy(eom)
jaydalee See my TER Reviews 119 reads


Good Evening Everyone,

I was wondering what is the best course of action if the provider you meet bolts half way through a session after receiving her gift.  

At this point, its not about getting any compensation back [I understand that's the risk we run], but what are the proper channels to file a complaint for the community's sake.

I had a provider leave halfway through an extended session with the excuse that she was out of protection. I didn't want to ruin the evening and trusted her as she was on a reputable screening service.

Thank you in advance for any advice on this matter!

All the best,


Posted By: meitantei

Good Evening Everyone,  
 I was wondering what is the best course of action if the provider you meet bolts half way through a session after receiving her gift.  
 At this point, its not about getting any compensation back [I understand that's the risk we run], but what are the proper channels to file a complaint for the community's sake.  
 I had a provider leave halfway through an extended session with the excuse that she was out of protection. I didn't want to ruin the evening and trusted her as she was on a reputable screening service.  
 Thank you in advance for any advice on this matter!  
 All the best,  

ROGM182 reads

Now you'll never pay upfront going forward. She wants to be paid upfront then just walk out. I always pay after I'm done playing.

One provider who dashed early is no reason to penalize all providers,   almost all of whom wish to see the donation up front.

That's the second time in recent days you've told newbies to withhold the donation to the end.  

Just stop it.    

And as was said above, correctly, the OP should include the details of the provider leaving early in his review and score it appropriately.

-- Modified on 5/29/2017 7:01:37 AM

as she got dressed?

Bending over backwards for a moment to understand things from her POV, it is possible she never checked the donation, and was under the impression the session was say, 1/2 hour rather than an hour.  

Before excoriating her with a bad review, it would be fair to give her a chance to explain herself.   Maybe you'll get a make up session for your efforts.

GaGambler185 reads

Newbies have a hard enough time figuring out how things work in P4P without posters like you constantly giving them bad advice.

MOST providers will insist on being paid at the beginning of the session or there will be no session and the client will most likely end up on her DNS list at a minimum and possibly one of the BL's which may keep a guy with few or no references from ever being able to play with most of the ladies here, all because he listened to one dumbass on the internet who likes to run his fucking mouth without putting his brain into gear.

I know we are supposed to be "nice" here, but I've about had it with your bad, counterproductive and potentially harmful advice that you constantly are posting around here. PLEASE just STFU if you have nothing helpful to offer on this board.

Thanks, GaG and nogreenborderedenvelope. ROGM is a nuisance on this board, continually giving bad advice. You don't have to be nice to him. I could ask admin to remove his post but I think at this point it is better to leave it up along with your admonishments.

To the OP, pay ROGM no mind. Listen to hiddenhills, mrfisher, GaGambler and others.

I'm sorry you got ripped off by this provider. Chalk it up to a lesson learned. All you can do now is try to do better research in the future, and warn others so hopefully she doesn't do it to others. Submit a review and say exactly what happened. You can write about her on your local discussion board. Also you said she is on a verification site. Report her to the site. If it's P411, they don't take too kindly to clients or providers fucking around like that and she can get banned from the site.

Exactly! I've been doing this since 1992, have NEVER been ripped off by a provider and I've always paid the full amount up front at the beginning of the appointment.

I've always seen well-reviewed and established providers, have don plenty of research ahead of time and even had som communication with them before the session. Take your time, listen to the big head and enjoy.

Sorry you had the bad experience you did, but learn the lesson and play safely.

Posted By: perfectstorm
Re: DO NOT listen to ROGM!
Thanks, GaG and nogreenborderedenvelope. ROGM is a nuisance on this board, continually giving bad advice. You don't have to be nice to him. I could ask admin to remove his post but I think at this point it is better to leave it up along with your admonishments.  
 To the OP, pay ROGM no mind. Listen to hiddenhills, mrfisher, GaGambler and others.  
 I'm sorry you got ripped off by this provider. Chalk it up to a lesson learned. All you can do now is try to do better research in the future, and warn others so hopefully she doesn't do it to others. Submit a review and say exactly what happened. You can write about her on your local discussion board. Also you said she is on a verification site. Report her to the site. If it's P411, they don't take too kindly to clients or providers fucking around like that and she can get banned from the site.

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