Newbie - FAQ

Newbie to Hobbyred_smile
missohara 2033 reads

Hi, I'm S ( Private Liaisons) and i have a few reviews with decent scores... But how can I get more reviews? My dates constantly re book me, for several hour dates; so clearly I'm doing something right, but they say they don't post bc they don't want me to get " too popular" since I'm so new... Fresh meat I guess.  
Is there an etiquette to asking for a review?  

If a provider has an 8.9 in performance; what's a good donation?  
Thanks! can advertise a little more - once every seven days.  You can also participate in discussions on your local board if you have something worthwhile to contribute so people can get to know you.

as for how to price, there are many considerations, not the least of which is how valuable you regard yourself and what makes you comfortable.

I would start with research in your area to see how gals with comparable looks, age, menus, etc. and price yourself in the middle of that range.  Then you can adjust as you feel.

they are a member of TER.  If they are, ask if they would write a review of your time together.  As mentioned already, you can be proactive here, post pics on the daily photo board, post your ad on your local regional ad board, and enter in on threads on your local regional board.  If you are providing good service for the price you charge, word will get around.  Sometimes you just have to be patient, esp when you are starting out.  Since you have some reviews, contact admin for the limited provider VIP and to have your reviews linked to your handle.  That way, every time you post, the link to your profile page will be under your handle.

If you haven't read it yet, but you should read the self help center.  It will answer some other questions you may have.

Swim they set your donation. Though if you're bringing in the business they could consider raising it slightly above their norm.

Yes, it's acceptable to say  they should feel free to write an honest review.  


edited for grammar

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 1:29:33 PM

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