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Newbie ready for first it safe?
armygentleman 2002 reads

Hello everyone, I am the newest of newb and have done extensive research on the provider I would like to contact, however I would like some feedback (if possible) on whether or not you feel this is a real provider and not LE.  My biggest fear is LE and would love to avoid if at all possible.  Below are the results of my provider research.

1. She has 11 solid reviews, 3 of which are Whitelisted by other providers whom have other reviewers that are Whitelisted by other providers.  A couple of the reviewers are even in the top 10-20 reviewers of the city she works in.

2. She has a personal website with another listing on an additional website that runs back to Aug 2011.

3. She has whitelisted at least one of her clients.

It does appear that she only does upscale hotel Incalls, this is the only thing that has me worried.

I know that you cannot ever ensure that someone isn't LE until you meet them, however do you all feel that this would be a considerably safe provider to contact?  She would be my first provider and she does require two references but I was thinking that if things are in the clear that we could find a way to get me screened to where she is comfortable.

On last question, how do you handle guys that are in the military (if you have).  While the military is certainly and established place of employment, how does screening someone in the military differ than regular civilians.  Also, any other tips would be helpful!  Thanks and take care!

She is certainly not LE, nor a scam. She may decline to see a newbie without references, that's her call. I suggest you contact her and ask if there is an alternative way to screen as she would be your first. I can't address your question about the military, but I assume the methods are similar to civilian. She will call your office (?) to see if you really work there or not, on pretense of another purpose, and then hang up when it is clear that you work there.

If this specific provider does not want to see a newbie, there are others. Don't pin all your hopes on one provider. There are many more!

so you are good to go on that point.

As for how gals qualify a person in the military, I'm not sure it would be any differnt than when a person is in private business as long as there is a phone that can be used to reach you where you are stationed.

1.  Good on the review situation, all around.
2.  Personal website also good, as is listing on another site.
3.  Whitelisting is good.  

All these things are in your favor as far as making sure she is legitimate, which it seems she is.  Having looked at all these things, you should have a good knowledge of her rates and services, so there are no surprises on either side.

If she is doing incalls using an upscale hotel, she is paying for the room.  This is good for you.  LE is not likely to be using this kind of venue for stings, too costly.  On the surface, it would seem she is legit and not a threat to get you in trouble.  Since you have no references, you might consider joining one or more of the verification sites, DateCheck, Preferred411, or RoomService2000.  Ask around and see which is most popular in your area.

Since you are asking about military, I assume you are in the service.  I don't know how she would screen you thru your employer, chances are she would not be able to, making the verification sites even more necessary.  Other than those, I really don't know how she could screen you since you have no provider references.  Even though you seem to have done your research on this one, you may have to look further to find one that says she is newbie friendly.  On P411, many providers indicate if they are newbie friendly, which makes it easier for guys in your situation.  You can always contact this lady, explain your situation and see what can be done on her part.

Good luck,

just a thought and probably fodder for a new thread..why are so many newbies concerned about le? it seems to be an unfounded cause for fear among our newcomers..

First of all, thank you everybody for your fast replies!  While it does seem that this provider is legit, I may need to move elsewhere.  I will contact her and ask what the options could be.  Maybe a meeting in public for some coffee?

Secondly to Mac, I worry because I am in the military (and a person with some rank) not to mention that I am married.  Getting busted by LE would be a tremendous blow to my job and marriage.  The only reason I am seeking a provider is because I will be deploying soon and my wife hasn't been around for six months (nothing bad, but just don't feel like explaining personal life lol) so I need a little attention before I head out the door for a year.

Thanks again.

LE seems to be the big worry lately.  It should really not be such an issue.


Well as a newbie in NYC I get to see the fuzz bust all sorts. Everywhere you look, there are cops. It is a constant reminder that big brother is always watching. Plus have you ever been to central booking here? Not an experience I would wish on my worst enemy. I really sucks.
We have Soccer Mom, Spitzer, and major crackdowns on low hanging fruit.
Oh and forget about Nassau County. Those guys think they will get a promotion if they catch me.
There is definitely a relationship between newbie fear of LE, and where they live.

the research he has done.  It's pretty rare to see someone asking questions that has spent as much time figuring out the right way to go about things as armygentleman has.

You will be fine.  

Good luck, God Bless, and stay safe while deployed!!

Most providers will not meet for coffee unless you are paying for that time.  To get fully dressed & makeup takes prep time, transportation, the visitation time...  all out of her available work hours.  Sometimes, meeting in a hotel bar for cocktails is done but expect the time to be added.

I appaud your spending the time to correctly research this provider.  Switching to another just means doing the same research.   Now this is not match . com   It is a temporary GF.  It is actually wise to not get locked into a single provider.

Stay safe both here & deployed,

Posted By: JB1982
the research he has done.  It's pretty rare to see someone asking questions that has spent as much time figuring out the right way to go about things as armygentleman has.

You will be fine.  

Good luck, God Bless, and stay safe while deployed!!

Thanks again to everyone who offered advice it really helps to not be making decisions on my own.  I will email her today and see where it goes.  I know her (and my) safety is upmost important and she is not ok with it the I do have a couple other providers in mind.

Hello, I too am new to this but one thing I am sure of, these providers are not le. I'm not exactly
sure how stings net so many guys, but they are not part of the TER world or word would get out like wildfire. Another thing you can do is to meet the provider downstairs at hotel bar to make you more comfortable or PM some former clients. also, bring  some wine and have fun!

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