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Newbie here... question.
pr0n 3 Reviews 2429 reads

Hi all.

So I contacted someone that I am very interested in meeting... she has rave reviews on this site.  Pretty much the only one in my area.

I sent her an email and she responded pretty quickly.  We sent emails back and forth almost instantly.  She finally requested my information for the "pre-screen" process.  Once I gave her all my information, I never heard back from her.  Does that mean it's a no go?

The only thing that may have been an issue is my employment.  I work for one of the largest companies but because of my line of work, I don't actually work in a office building.  I work from home.  We actually don't have an actuall Business Location in all of my district.

So is that usually an issue?

If she had concerns about anything, I was hoping she would either call me or reply to the email stating so.

If so, what other options do I have?  I don't have any references of course... because I'm new.

Ideas please...

since you gave her your information? I would give her a day or two to do the screening, then write back and explain your situation. She may have alternative methods of screening you. These ladies are very business smart. Your other option is to join one of the verification sites. (Date-Check, Preferred411)

I guess I need to give her more time.  It has only been a day.  The goal was to hang out tonight since that is my only free night for the next 2 weeks.

I did explain the situation in the email so I guess that is what alerted her.  Fully understandable.

especially if you have no references.

I would suggest that you join a screening organization like RS2000 or date-check.

Thanks... I just checked out date-check and they do/require the same exact thing to become a member.

I sent them an email to see what other verification processes they have.

THanks everyone for your help... hopefully it will all get sorted out soon enough.

Sometimes you just need to contact some other ladies(well reviewed of course)and find someone that is OK with the information you can provide. Just do not get discouraged, it will happen, and then it will just be too easy, then you will be posting on here about I am running out of hobby money, how do you guys keep this up.....etc.


I'm gonna guess that probably only 2 of the 10 I have seen so far actually looked me up and followed thru on the Verification process to any degree.

Granted, a couple later ones were easier because I was able to give the names of some girls they knew.

Point being it shouldn't be too hard to find a girl who will let you in with minimal verification and will still be a great lay for the night.

Stay at it... you will find someone who will TOFTT on the Provider side.

Thanks everyone for the advice and encouragement.

I finally got verified through Date-Check so at least that is one step closer.

So my new question is... should I contact the original provider again giving her my Date-Check ID?  Or is it bad ettiquite to email her again before she gets back in touch with me?

I personally wouldnt mind receiving an email through datecheck inquiry. It may or may not be the issue for her, something genuinely may have come up in her life or the turn-off, if there is one, may not have much or anything to do with the verification process. Everybody gets antsy sometimes and read stuff into situations.  It's been a day. Maybe she was overbooked for the day and was figuring out to fit you in.  It could be anything. BUT if it is the verification that I was worried about, I would welcome a date-check inquiry message and check into it further from there.
Good luck hooking up. As someone said, you can hook up with someone else in your area and meet this one another time, if time is of the essence.

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