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new to the hobby, need some advice!!!
nycballer 17 Reviews 8921 reads

okay, i'm new to the hobby.  i've ony done this a couple times before, but that is by chance of meeting them in person.  i've never really thought of going online and looking for one.  so, i need some pointers from people who have done this before to get rid of any fears and inexeperience I have.

first off, my budget is kinda tight, so how do i get the best value?  now, i know that you get what you pay for in most cases, but is that the case here?  does a low rate mean a not a very good service or not FS?  and does a a high rate mean that it's a very good experience (and multiple pops)?  or does it vary.  also, do i have to tip them.  i never did, but is tipping expected (like when you go to a restaraunt, taxi, etc).  in other words, will the provider be thinking i'm cheap if i don't?

secondly, is there a difference in agency and independant girls?  which, in you guys' experience is better to deal with?  i would think there's a difference in price, but is there a difference in the way they will act with you.  i know that might seem like a dumb ?, but just asking.

also, about the screening process.  i don't have any security issues i just want to be prepared, but what do they usually do to screen you?  

nextly, in you guys' experiences, how do different girls act when they first meet you?  do most like to get right down to business, or do most like to talk to you a little?  is it also best to let them dictate the evening?  also, how do i go about making sure the night ends in FS?  does it most of the time happen, sometimes happen, or does it depend on you and how you act?  the couple times that i went, it was basically implied and i was 95% sure it would be that way, so i had no worries.  but now, i'm kinda nervious about it.  do i have to make it happen, or will it just happen?  also, do they usually allow only 1 pop, multiple, or does it depend how fast it happens?

lastly, i'm going to sign up for the VIP section so I know more about certain providers, but what if there is a provider out there that hasn't been reviewed but i want to call.  is there any advice i should know to make sure everything goes to [my] plan and there are no b&s, or anything like that?  also, i'm in the miami/ft.lauderdale area, anyone have any suggestions or are there any sites out there (besides the popular ones) that i should check out?

thanks for anyone taking the time to read this, and i really appreciate any help anyone can offer me.  thanks in advance

Hi New fella,
 I would recommend getting a VIP membership, as you've stated you're gonna, because there's a search engine you'd get to use that you can plug in all the questions you've just asked and up will pop a list of providers that suits you.  (Money, FS, Multiple pops, BJ, Hair color, Irish, tatooed and pierced in the bellybutton)  Also included are extended reviews written by the VIP members that will describe everything else.  It's like getting a million-quillion Penthouse Forum letters.  You may not even need a provider after an hour or two of reading some of this stuff.
  Without a VIP membership I'll try to answer your questions quickly: You can get FS and great service at all price ranges. Big money doesn't guarentee a big time nor does small money guarentee a bad one.  Two things seem to dictate the price and I'm speaking very very generally here, 1. years as a provider and 2. if she's a total bombshell and can get away with it.  Both categories can be very crummy experiences or very good ones.  For the most part an experienced provider gives experienced service and knows what you're needing and feeling.  You can find out, as a VIP, all about service and experience.
  An independent provider isn't expecting a tip and won't think you're a cheap bastard if you don't leave one.  Agency providers vary widely on this subject.  Check out the discussion boards for conversations about this.  I think most of the TER members will steer you toward Independent ladies.
 Screening varies from lady to lady.  You'll want a cell phone number.  Some want work info that they'll only use to make sure you are who you'll say you are but no one has ever phoned my workplace.  Some want a reference of someone you've seen before but I haven't come across any lady who will insist.
 How will they act?  Every lady is different.  My experience so far tells me that when setting up an appointment they are all business.  Once in the room you've got your pouncers and your conversationalists.  Again, read the reviews as a VIP and you'll know all.  Some want to dictate the evening some don't.
  The only safe way I can see to answer the rest of your letter is reading reviews in the Miami area...  You state you're becoming a VIP and you're gonna be a happy camper.

 be safe.  don't be on the street anymore.  love,

to Jockeypants' excellent reply:

Regarding pricing, in addition to the factors already mentioned, geography plays a major role.  Thus (for example), an hour of FS with a quality independent provider in Las Vegas seems to average around $$$$ - $$$$$ at present, while in Washington DC the average runs around $$ - $$$.  These are broad averages -- individual provider prices can and do vary widely.

And yes, unless you're an pathological adrenaline junkie, do stay off the street.  *Very* dangerous.  Crime, disease (including deadly HIV), cops -- ugh.  You're going to discover that the ladies who hang out here are *much* more fun.  :)


Most, if not all, of your questions can be answered with a VIP membership and the use of the provider search tool. That being said, I'll try to offer some helpful advice.

Regarding budget, price doesn't necessarily correlate with a good experience. You can get ripped off at $$$$$$/hr., and have a fabulous time at $$.5/hr. It all depends on the girl in question. The search tool in combination with a VIP membership is invaluable here. Tipping is not required, though there are those who feel that if the lady went above and beyond your wildest expectations then a tip might be appropriate.

Differences between agency girls and independents: From your perspective there might not be much difference in how good a time you have or in price. I've had wonderful experiences with both types. (Caveat -- before I discovered TER all but one of my bad experiences were with agency girls.) Again, use the search tool.How they act towards you has very little to do with agency vs. independent and more to do with the lady's personality and outlook.

The biggest difference in agency vs. independent is from the girl's point of view. The agency takes a cut of the donation you give an agency girl. Now, some agencies split the costs of hotels and other incidentals with the girls. But others don't and that means the girl ends up earning far less than what you gave her. If she rocked your world, then a tip might be most appreciated.

Regarding screening: They will want your full, real name, and business, home, and/or cell phone numbers. Most likely an employer name and address. Perhaps a home address. Other info might be required, depending on whom your dealing with. They want to make sure you are who you say you are and not a psychopath. It's for their safety.

How do girls act when they first meet you? Everyone I've ever met has been very friendly and greeted me with at least a hug. Many times a kiss at the door as well. A little conversation is to be expected, and she may invite you to shower (you should accept). At some point in this time frame you should place your donation in plain sight (usually in an envelope). Let her lead the conversation. When she starts getting more specific, it's ok for you to do so as well. If you're both naked and fooling around, you can probably be as specific as you want, even if she doesn't get so first.

Regarding a guarantee of FS or multiple pops, use the search tool. If she's not listed as a rip-off then FS is pretty much a sure thing unless you do or say something stupid to frighten the bejezus out of her. The search tool will let you know who allows multiple pops.

Regarding girls not listed in the TER database: you're on your own. You really have no idea other than your gut instinct as to how the encounter will unfold. Personally, I had medicore results before I discovered TER. Had one really good experience and found out later she was listed here. Go figure.

Good luck, and have fun.

thanks guys for your responses.  but i have another question.

i recently checked out the reviews in my area......slim pickings for my particular tastes.  i only checked out the independant girls since it seems (from the opinions on here) that those are the best ones.  it might seem like a dumb question, but my ? is do the providers that people review on here that are listed as agency work independantly, or ever switch, or is it possible that they are listed as agency by mistake?

btw- jockeypants.  i wasn't on the street.  i actually met taylor morgan at a bar, then she recommended someone else.  i wouldn't really consider street providers part of the hobby, lol.

I wouldn't necessarily say that independents are better than agency girls. You just need to find a reliable agency. Agency girls do go independent, and there are independents who sign on with agencies, possibly under a different name, to supplement their bookings. Sometimes a girl might see an established client whom she likes on her own, but she'd probably risk getting kicked to the curb.

Reliable agencies do serve a very useful purpose: they can help a new girl get established, especially with resources like TER. If the agency and their girls have a good reputation on TER, the agency has a vested interest in maintaining that reputation. They will most likely only take on girls who can help them maintain it, and will cut loose those that put that reputation in jeopardy.

Girls may hire on with agencies for other reasons. Perhaps a girl doesn't want all the hassle involved with managing her own business: answering the phone and email, taking information, screening out LE and weirdos, making hotel or travel arrangements, dealing with cancellations, etc. The price of having someone else handle all of the administration is splitting the proceeds.

Sometimes independents are listed as working for an Agency.  This is because many times they originally start with an Agency, then go independent, but their profile is never changed to reflect this.

So broaden your search a little - if you see somebody that interests you but is listed as Agency, try calling and see if it's still true.  You may be pleasantly surprised!

Oh, and not all agencies are bad.

well, there's a newbie for ya,  always with questions.  again, i don't have alot of $ to spend so i'm looking for the best value, so i'm being kinda picky.  there are some providers that i'm interested in but don't have pics up.  should i assume that they're not working anymore, or is it just their website changed (or maybe working ind.)?  should i just call the # listed and ask?  is it common for people to call providers just to inquire or are the #s just for bookings only (in other words, will they get mad if you're just wasting her time with questions)?

I guess something in your first post made me think you were on the street, alone in a gutter, pan-handling for companionship.
 But about your questions:
 One recommendation is to leave as much of the search engine blank as you can stand to do.  Leave agency/independent blank and see if you get more choices.  Another example: If all that matters to you is CIM  don't put in spits or swallows and more options will arise, so to speak.
  If the website is up and running, someone is paying for it to be up and running so you can presume that the business is up and running.  (I was seeing how many times I could use the phrase "up and running" in one sentence.)
If it's an independent provider's website and there's no photo up it could be anything from a temporary set-back until she gets good ones taken or...well...anything goes.  If there are multiple reviews for the unphotographed lady send a private message to her reviewers and ask what she looks like.  Occasionaly a lady likes to send photos via email only.  Also check more than one site on the net for her photos...many ladies are on more than one "escort mall".  (BTW, always check to see if they've posted a website...and go there...if you haven't been doing that - that's the most up to date info from the provider to you - more up to date than TER regarding rates, etc.)  
 Agency sites are a mixed bag, I find.  The Asian ones in particular.  The photos are so small you don't know who's who and the ladies come and go so much that it never looks the same way twice.  There are some fine agencies but the classic complaint is that they send you a different girl from whatever photo you've seen and you have to think on the spot whether or not you want to continue the evening.
 Do providers like calls with lots of questions?  I would have to guess, NO.  I don't know how providers discuss rates if they haven't posted it on their website.  I've always used TER and never had a problem along knowing what was expected in the $$ department.
 Talk to you later.

Understand that some of these ladies may field dozens of calls a day. Short, polite inquiries are usually ok, but to try to get one of them to spend an hour on the phone with you to answer questions is unreasonable and will probably get you blacklisted.

The best advice I can give you is this: If the girl is unreviewed on TER, has no pictures (or pictures that are so blurry as to preclude identification in person) and you can't find anyone who has seen her, then take a pass. You might, just might, get lucky.  But you might also end up taking a state-sponsored vacation.

On the $ end of things, if a deal seems to good to be true, then it probably is, especially in this particular form of adult entertainment. I don't know what your $ threshold is, but for the sake of argument let's say that you only want to spend $$. If the going rate in your area for a well reviewed lady is $$$, then you're most likely going to get ripped-off by an unknown who charges $$. That's not to say that you won't find a diamond in the rough, but it's unlikely. Now ask yourself this: would you rather get ripped off at $$, or have your world rocked for $$$.

If it were me, I'd find a girl I'd like to see and just keep putting my change in the hobby jar until I can afford her.

Most if not all questions can be answered from a provider's website. I know of one provider that doesn't list her donations. Most do. As for the particulars, those are listed on her TER review profile and should not be discussed. If a provider does not pay attention to the fact that her profile needs updating, (ex: no photo, webpage listed) it is a bad sign! Perhaps le has confiscated her phone number or e-mail and you could be set up. Bad move.

I am an indie, and I don't list my phone number because I can't stand the questions and I am too polite to hang up, so I only correspond through e-mail to the one's that fill out my contact form. Once their info. is verified, then I contact them. Then they go through additional screening which shall not be revealed, as these boards are read by le.

If she lists her number, be ready to book, don't chat it up with her, or ask forbidden questions or she will hang up.

As for agencies, I have heard of several ladies getting busted to agencies not screening properly. I would rather do all the dirty work myself, as I am the bottomline. Good luck.

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