Newbie - FAQ

mrfisher - ever the kinkster. (E)regular_smile
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 291 reads


Get your RSVPs in! TER will be sending the corporate jet to 5 airports then shooting you all over to Kauai for the big celebration. Depending where the most RSVPs come from will dictate where they land. TER is sparing no expense! I can't wait to see GaGambler, Jack, and Jake in their grass skirts practicing the hula. Will Jake wear his skirt over his khakis, one will he remove the khakis? There will be lots of Mai Tais and spam musubis! BigPapasan will swear me in (everyone else will swear at me), swim will pass the crown, and mrfisher will sing, "There he goes, Mr newbie host!" :)

Seriously though, I just wanted to make an official greeting now that my name is in red (or brown as my colorblind buddy would say). Thank you swim for your many years here. thank you to all the well wishers. Now I have big plans to change this board completely and send it in a new direction. Just kidding:) I see no changes in the board or in the way I address the board. I will continue to answer the way I have been. I'm sure everyone else will do the same. I have a life and don't plan to be here 24/7. I will pop in when I can and reply when I can.  

I am not a moderator, so I can not pull posts or moderate anyone. All I can do is scold someone who gets out of hand, and/or hit the RAP button to have admin remove a post. Of course you all can do the same. Because of the time difference I am always a few hours behind most of you, so sometimes I will be very late to a thread, so some of you will catch things long before me. The only thing I have that is different is a red handle. To me, that means I am somewhat of an official representative of TER. So hopefully when it comes to questions of TER policy, rules, guidelines, and history, I,will get those answers correct to the best of my ability and understanding. If I don't know, I will try to get an official answer from admin.  

Other than that there are a lot of answers here that are opinions and all are welcome to share their opinions. This is an information board, not an indoctrination board. There is more than one way to do a lot of things in this hobby. Our main purpose is to try to help newbies enjoy the hobby and more importantly, stay safe. Let's all do our part (as we always have). Please keep this board helpful and friendly.

I look forward to the challenge and look forward to help from xyz23, GaGambler, BigPapasan, Debrah Hollander, Jaydalee, Ginger Taylor, impposter, Jack, Jake, MatureGFE, sweet Melissa, Meena Valero, Tobi, mrfisher, swimtreker, keystone kid, hiddenhills, harbor view, NoYellowEnvelope, and all the rest. Any names not mentioned is not a slight on anyone, and names mentioned are not in any order of importance.  


-- Modified on 6/22/2016 7:09:43 PM

Oh wait... Scratch that as that didn't turn out too well. Lol

Geez, when they give the keys to "one of us" you really have to question wtf TER is thinking! :D

I am not baby sitting GaG at the luau however and I am not counting his drinks. Thats a job for Mr Fissure. Lol

No offense but did you have to list me after BP? Couldn't you put me directly behind Tobi? I mean, have you seen that ass? Lol

Ok, enough jocularity for one day.

Welcome to the throne.

Could you just do me one favor and not pm me anymore when you need help with every FKING Ter rule or regulation? It's really getting bothersome bro.  

Unlike you, I have no life outside this place so I guess feel free to ask whatever you want. Just don't expect a correct answer.


after I said the placement didn't mean anything! :D

Anyway I hope there is an element of humor on the board. Laughing is good for us. The newbie board can be a fun place besides a learning place, just no picking on people, no fun at the expense of another poster, and joking should be obvious, not subtle, as some newbie may take something said in jest as serious info. ;)

GaGambler286 reads

I can virtually guarantee you SOMEONE will take almost any kind of satirical or sarcastic post literally and have even the most obvious joke fly over his head.

and I was pretty sure that you did put those names up in order of importance, except for the obvious mistake of putting xyz first. lol

but we don't care when it happens on the other boards. :)

Or could it mean last Saturday, in which case it would take a bit of doing.

Can I sleep on your floor if I bring my own sleeping bag?

Be sure to have pineapple juice

It means a week from this coming Saturday. Exercise your vocal chords because you have to sing! We can all camp out (or pass out) on the beach. No worries about pineapple juice. We converted this truck!

-- Modified on 6/23/2016 12:00:45 AM

prerequisites to move into the Eastern time zone so you can be on time? Maybe TER will send the corporate 747 cargo jet to move you and your possessions to Cincinnati so you can meet Tobi. Or will it be North Carolina blue to meet Stef?

...told me the only job I could have with them was cleaning out the septic tanks of the corporate jet.

Fucking fuckers!

Posted By: perfectstorm
Get your RSVPs in! TER will be sending the corporate jet to 5 airports then shooting you all over to Kauai for the big celebration. Depending where the most RSVPs come from will dictate where they land. TER is sparing no expense! I can't wait to see GaGambler, Jack, and Jake in their grass skirts practicing the hula. Will Jake wear his skirt over his khakis, one will he remove the khakis? There will be lots of Mai Tais and spam musubis! BigPapasan will swear me in (everyone else will swear at me), swim will pass the crown, and mrfisher will sing, "There he goes, Mr newbie host!" :)  
 Seriously though, I just wanted to make an official greeting now that my name is in red (or brown as my colorblind buddy would say). Thank you swim for your many years here. thank you to all the well wishers. Now I have big plans to change this board completely and send it in a new direction. Just kidding:) I see no changes in the board or in the way I address the board. I will continue to answer the way I have been. I'm sure everyone else will do the same. I have a life and don't plan to be here 24/7. I will pop in when I can and reply when I can.  
 I am not a moderator, so I can not pull posts or moderate anyone. All I can do is scold someone who gets out of hand, and/or hit the RAP button to have admin remove a post. Of course you all can do the same. Because of the time difference I am always a few hours behind most of you, so sometimes I will be very late to a thread, so some of you will catch things long before me. The only thing I have that is different is a red handle. To me, that means I am somewhat of an official representative of TER. So hopefully when it comes to questions of TER policy, rules, guidelines, and history, I,will get those answers correct to the best of my ability and understanding. If I don't know, I will try to get an official answer from admin.  
 Other than that there are a lot of answers here that are opinions and all are welcome to share their opinions. This is an information board, not an indoctrination board. There is more than one way to do a lot of things in this hobby. Our main purpose is to try to help newbies enjoy the hobby and more importantly, stay safe. Let's all do our part (as we always have). Please keep this board helpful and friendly.  
 I look forward to the challenge and look forward to help from xyz23, GaGambler, BigPapasan, Debrah Hollander, Jaydalee, Ginger Taylor, impposter, Jack, Jake, MatureGFE, sweet Melissa, Meena Valero, Tobi, mrfisher, swimtreker, keystone kid, hiddenhills, harbor view, NoYellowEnvelope, and all the rest. Any names not mentioned is not a slight on anyone, and names mentioned are not in any order of importance.  

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 7:09:43 PM

-- Modified on 6/23/2016 7:07:27 AM

Maybe it's just coincidence, but ever since I posted on this thread I've been getting ads from places like Orbitz, etc., to buy plane tickets to Hawaii.

Anyone else?

I never cease to be amazed how the internet tracks every word we write and shares it with whomever thinks they can harness that information to their advantage so I'll get there in time. ...and yes I'd like to meet the ladies in the photo you posted, think you could arrange that?

VOO-doo316 reads

And to perfectstorm...  

Congrats and have fun :-)

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