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Mature men do it better
shudaknownbetter 1396 reads

I never explored the hobby as a younger man...  no lady ever complained.  I even discussed this  with one... who insisted she had been pleased...   but quite frankly, I am a much better lover as a mature man.  I am now cognizant of & truely enjoy giving pleasure as well as recieving.

I've often be asked why I have a minimum age of 38 on my website.  Well, let me explain.  

Coming from a business environment, I originally saw gents of any age.  Then, when it became apparent that most (if not all) of my no shows were coming from younger gents, I raised my minimum to 35.  However, this did not solve the problem to my satisfaction as I still had too many to suit my comfort level.

As a low volume provider, who sees a maximum of 2 clients daily, I cannot afford no shows or last minute cancellations.  That is unless a genuine emergency at work or home occurs as I am genuinely compassionate about real issues that preclude meeting.

I put all my last minute cancellations and no shows, shortages, etc. on a spread sheet.  Then found that if I raised my minimum age to 40, I'd eliminate nearly all of my problems.  But, I also realized that I have some great clients who are around 38 years of age... so I went ahead and giving those good clients the benefit of the doubt, raised my minimum age to 38.

This week I spoke to a younger gent, age 35, who seemed very sincere.  He convinced me to schedule an appointment with him.  My mistake.  We had an appointment scheduled for noon today... and he never called and never showed up.

Sadly, I am now going to stick to my rules and not make any more exceptions.  It seems that older gentlemen are more considerate of a lady's time, they are courteous, timely and always right on the money!

So, for the guys who ask why they can't get appointments with the lady of their choice because of their age as they feel they are mature and considerate, unfortunately your peers have ruined it for others by demonstrating the need for minimum age requirements.  

So please respect our requirements.

SINfully sinthia

They make us look bad! I am 26 and have never cancelled unless I had an absolute necessary reason (hugging the toilet with food poisoning was valid I think!). These people who NCNS make it harder for certain young guys like myself to get dates. As usual, the few ruin it for everybody.

I totally understand your reasoning. Gladly there are a lot of great ladies that will see us young ones.

But thankfully most providers are openminded enough to make room for the exceptions.

I been doing this a while now..and I like the younger guys. Although I can relate to what other girls say too.

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-- Modified on 3/23/2008 11:37:04 AM

TERs_Welcome_Wagon1712 reads

Its great to see you posting here, but you have to remember - you can always post your TER profile, or escort mall ad.  But if you link your personal site, it has to display a TER badge or banner on one of its first two pages.


I am 27 and this one kinda bugs me a bit. I have never cancelled and I am VERY careful not to schedule an appointment unless I know I can keep it. I think your just losing yourself more money/clients by not seeing certain age groups because of a few guys. Those guys that cancelled are thereby costing you more money. I think you might do better to try to pick up on personality traits,as many as you can through conversation over the phone, and judge clients that way.

I always thought that the reason some providers dont see younger guys is because they dont want guys who might last longer and might thus be "more work". Not to say all older guys are not still performing as they always have, thats just what I always figured.

It seems that cancellations are a part of this hobby and they occur on both sides of the table.

I am a low volume provider by choice.  For me, this assures my clients that they have the best experience as I am refreshed and not tired after a long day of appointments.

Given that, I would either have to increase my volume to allow for no shows, last minute cancellations, etc. and take the chance that everyone would show up and I wouldn't be as energetic after multiple appointments.

You are the exception to the rule from what you say.  You are to be commended on that.  But sadly, I've had younger guys no show because they decided to have drinks with friends and got hammered.  Then they call, barely able to talk, saying they want to come over an hour and a half or two hours later when they are done partying.  Its happened more than once.  

I'm just explaining my reasons.  Everyone has their own.  But, sadly, from my own statistical data... it makes sense for me.

SINfully sinthia

I LOVE older men! Always have and always will.

Even as a teenager, I stayed away from the younger crowd and hung out with the older kids.

I stopped seeing younger clients because nearly all of them either:

*tried to rip me off

*came to my location totally wasted on drugs.

*were very foul mouthed and kept on asking me sexual questions.

*Had no idea on how to please a lady

*only wanted "wham-bam-thank you ma'am" appointments.

Plus, I'm just not into younger men. The older a client is, the better!

As a fellow gentleman who is under Sinful’s age minimum I can understand your position but I must agree that she has the right to set her own rules.  This seems to be another case of a few bad apples screwing it up for the good people.  Now I just have to have a few more birthday’s.

I think incalls have a lot higher cancellation rate than outcalls.  I don't have a age minimum per se but I do prefer older gents.  My reason is not really about cancellation but because older gents tend to be better mannered.  Regardless of the age, as long as they pass my screening and they appear to be intelligent and mature, I'd see them.

CyndiSmithBBW1447 reads

I just really love older men! Not that I don't like young men, but an older man with grey hair or bald - *mrowl*! I'm 36, so "older" is relative, of course...


shudaknownbetter1397 reads

I never explored the hobby as a younger man...  no lady ever complained.  I even discussed this  with one... who insisted she had been pleased...   but quite frankly, I am a much better lover as a mature man.  I am now cognizant of & truely enjoy giving pleasure as well as recieving.

It is your business and you get to make the decisions.  When in doubt, go with your gut.


I will see younger guys who are or have done something exceptional.. Examples: one young man I see is 26, sports a PHD and is a traveling Industrial Scientist .. Another, 24 runs his own successful invest firm..
These types of young men are go getters, dependable and like their older counter parts rarely have the time nor desire for the 'normal' bar scene hunting..

They know what they like and seek that pleasure when their times allows..
And they are really good to be with...

CyndiSmith1371 reads

I really do love the looks of an older man, though - and if I have to work extra hard to impress, well, that only hones my skills :)

Hone, hone, hone!

no skinny minnie

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