Newbie - FAQ

Newperson69 2406 reads
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What does PM! or pm mean

JennyDeMilo See my TER Reviews 1130 reads
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ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 968 reads
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It means private message. If you are a VIP member, you can send private messages back and forth to fellow hobbyists and providers. A "private" venue to discuss whatever you wish to.
Or if you want the other definition

The 12-hour clock is a timekeeping convention in which the 24 hours of the day are divided into two periods called ante meridiem (a.m., from Latin, meaning "before mid day", or "before the middle of the day") and post meridiem (p.m., "after mid day" or "after the middle of the day"). Each period consists of 12 hours numbered 12 (acting as zero), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.[1] Twelve o'clock is either noon or midnight.

You decide which one is appropriate in this particular venue

Newperson69 985 reads
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Thank you, I was not aware of the PM systen TER offers, but I am now.

little phil 37 Reviews 988 reads
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So, if I wanted to send a private message in the morning, would that be an AM/PM, and can I buy beer there?

Stupid-is-as-stupid-does 1044 reads
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