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diamondeyes 2 Reviews 1158 reads

My first experience, the provider didn't verify either, she did ask to talk over the phone first and afterwards, said she was comfortable with me based on my voice, etc (I was 23 and nervous as heck so i guess it showed  lol)

Like everyone else said, just relax and enjoy... seems like you did all the necessary leg work and have very little to worry about.....

Hope you're up to letting us know how it goes.
Good luck and take care,

jab72753111 reads

Ok, I am about to make a leap into this hobby and see an indie for the first time.  I have spent quite a bit of time at the legal houses in Nevada, so I am not totally new to the concept.  But I am scared to death of LE given it's an indie and I don't live in Nevada anymore!!!

I've been doing my homework based on the information on this site. Ok, for my first time in this situation, I have selected a provider that has 30+ reviews over two years.  Some of the reviewers have made multiple reviews (+20 in several cases) of other providers.  Her latest review was this month....all good reviews.  She has a professional website.  So far so good.

I have been in email contact with the provider and have set up an appointment when I arrive in her city.  I have decided to do an outcall arrangement and have her come to my hotel as I am not comfortable of doing an incall at her location.  She has agreed, knows the hotel and has no problem.  I will re-confirm with her the day of the appointment and provide room number. Again, she has no problem with same day confirmation.  We haven't spoken on the phone yet.

Emails between us have been all mention of money (exept for travel fee), services or etc.

However, she hasn't asked any screening information of full name, no references, no employement number, etc.  Isn't this an SOP to protect herself from both danger and LE?

I feel comfortable with everything except the lack of verification on her part.

Should I be worried or spooked?  I just don't want to be surprised by an LE. That would be a bad thing!

Thanks and look forward to some opinions.

You covered all the bases most experienced hobbyists do.

The fact that she didn't ask for screening info isn't all bad.  There are several providers who simply don't screen (why, I don't know).  The important thing is that you screened her!!!  You have arranged a visit with a known lady (30+ reviews), who has been reviewed by known hobbyists (some with 20+ reviews).  To me, your life looks mighty good!!!

Relax, enjoy yourself.  Yes, LE intervention is devestating, but the chances of it happening with someone who has been as diligent as you is remote.  Unfortunately, the only way to eliminate the possibility of LE intervention in your hobbying, is not to hobby at all.

-- Modified on 4/29/2007 8:27:31 AM

My first hobby experience, the provider did not screen either.  She exuded confidence i.e., her place, professionalism, and skills. When I asked why, she said she could tell from my e-mail and voice mail that I was OK. Of course I did everything to make her feel at ease in my communication by providing age and occupation. Plus I know I sounded nervous which I think put her at ease. Anyway, the provider you refer to is probably the same kind of skilled and confident person. I think you'll have a great experience. Hope you'll report back to us.

I would have to say that I started the exact same way as cicerogolden did.  And it looks like we all did our fair share of research before delving into this wonderful hobby.
If the provider is as well reviewed as you say, she's definitely a pro and knows when somethings up.  Again, don't worry, relax, and enjoy!

My first experience, the provider didn't verify either, she did ask to talk over the phone first and afterwards, said she was comfortable with me based on my voice, etc (I was 23 and nervous as heck so i guess it showed  lol)

Like everyone else said, just relax and enjoy... seems like you did all the necessary leg work and have very little to worry about.....

Hope you're up to letting us know how it goes.
Good luck and take care,

jab72751991 reads

Thanks for your opinions.  I appreciate it.  I will let you know how it goes.  Less than a week to go.

Not all providers ask for references or work numbers. Just as you are making a judgement about her based on her website and reviews, she is prob. making a judgement about you based on the professionalism of your E-mails. She is obviously comfortable meeting with you, so dont fret the fact she has not asked you for any additional information. Since she is a well reviewed provider, she prob. can tell from the E-mails which gentleman are okay to see. Good luck and have fun

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