Newbie - FAQ

It's similar to giving up your Constitutional Rights so that the Terrorists don't win.
RRO2610 51 Reviews 1892 reads

Recent changes in the hobbyist/provider vetting dynamics are probably working against you (and countless others).

A neopyte provider is required to get her first review from an already published/prolific reviewer.

A neophyte hobbyist's review cannot be of a neophyte provider.

 Already vetted hobbyists are naturally less problematic to screen for the already established providers, and established providers are universally recommended and considered safer for the novice or journeyman hobbyist.

Just as over-moderation (censorship)can quickly turn a discussion board into a ghost town; so too does the conundrum of the vetting process stymie the free flow of information and opportunity.

 Several times a week my work takes me to the County Court house where "you're innocent until proven guilty"; but I cannot enter until I waive my 4th Amendment right and submit to a search to prove I'm an "innocent".

-- Modified on 2/8/2009 7:20:02 AM

I seem to be having some trouble and I'm not sure if I'm just being impatient or what, but I thought it would be easier to attract guys. The trend seems to be, a couple of emails back and forth, I ask for references, and then- nothing. I know it's a little hypocritical to ask for references when I have no reviews, but what's a new girl to do? I want to be careful and I was hoping some guys would be willing to see a new girl. Am I wrong? Any advice?

tmtlr272582 reads

Veronica, you asked advice but I would like to give you my opinion which is a little different. I really think advice would come from another provider and opinion will come from us hobby guys.

Negatives I see for you.

You are in a very busy area with lots of high profile ladies.

For you having no reviews your rate seems a bit high. I would suggest maybe 250 roses per hour and then 50 roses less per hour after. I know ladies are sensitive about the money but once again my opinion based on well reviewed ladies getting the 250 rate in this area.

Screening might be a little too tight in that having a TER handle in this area of the country isn't a given. I'm from this area and it's my understanding there are southern boards where guys hang more than TER. Also demanding 3 reviews is a little much. If they have one review and a good reference or datecheck, or other should be enough. You might be scaring away good guys.

With recent LE present on CL in this area guys might be a little worried about trying someone they can't verify (not much you can do on that)


You have a very good website and great pics.

You are new and I know myself enjoy meeting someone new (to me) and new to the business. My current ATF just started less than 2 months when I met her!!

You are smart to come to the boards and ask for help. I have grown so much because of TER and you will to.

You have very good attitude and are thinking outside the box.

Don't know if you have posted on your regional "carolina" board which is my board and you can do that every 7 days with a link to your website. This might get you a guy to TOFTT!!

Hope this helps and good luck to you. DB8

Thanks for the tips, I really appreciate it. I made some changes to my website. Date-check is on my to do list as soon as I get a couple of reviews, otherwise they won't approve me. I also have a marketing idea which I'm not sure will work. I was thinking of having a special "Chemistry check" rate, where I offer the option of meeting for 1-2hrs for drinks/dinner with new clients, for say.. a third of what a f/s session would be. And it would only be available to new clients before screening. Is that crazy? For me it would be worth it, what's not to like- a few drinks, some company, but would guys consider that option worth it for them? Sorry about all the questions and rambling, but this girl needs feedback lol!

i think that date check will also accept a verification from another lady that they a;ready know, could be wrong, i am new there.

your "Chemistry check" idea is sound. but i would wicker the name differently so there is no conceivable implication of it possibly leading to a f/s date.

While I've not tried it myself, the reports I've heard from other ladies indicate that it will lead to a lot of timewasters. Also, I would be very, VERY hesitant to meet anyone ANYWHERE, even in public, without screening them first. What if that "potential client" ends up being a local undercover reporter wanting to cash in on all the news stories about escorting that have been going on recently? Or what if it's your uncle Joe? Or your boss?

It sounds like they've changed since your initial post, but as far as your rates go, I think they're fine, and your screening requirements don't sound outlandish either. I didn't get my own domain name until this past summer, and I was well-established by then, so while it may help I don't think it's *that* important. YMMV.

I think a lot of clients (and ladies wanting to enter the biz) don't appreciate how difficult it is to get started. It's like opening any other small business -- the first few months to a year you're struggling to keep on your feet and turn a profit. What helped me the most when I started was getting that first review. That put me on the radar and established that I was a legitimate provider (and not going to gut you for your wallet or otherwise abuse your person). Send a follow-up email to every new (good) client you see, thanking him for his time and letting him know that you'd enjoy seeing him again ... and then ask him if he'd write you a review. While plenty have declined, I've yet to have anyone insulted by the suggestion. :)

Edited to add: Find as many free advertising sites as you can and post on them! It costs you nothing but a little time, and while you may not get big returns initially, it will familiarize people with your name. Every little bit helps! Interaction on discussion boards such as this one (and others more local to your area) will go a long, long way in establishing your credibility and will help you get the attention of clients who might otherwise overlook you.

-- Modified on 2/8/2009 8:42:44 AM

I agree with db8, I'm a Newbie, and I am having trouble getting started in this hobby.  Seems ironic that a new provider's requirements are so tight, no reviews, but expects us to have them.
DB8 please pm me.

I understand where you're coming from, NCISFAN. It's a little like a hostage situation, someone has to take a chance and stick their neck out if you're a newbie. However, the ratio of providers v hobbyists being targeted, (to me at least, and I'll admit I'm bias) warrants the caution I am trying to take. Also, as cliche as it sounds, men are in fact physically stronger and every single person has a right to feel safe, hence the diligence. Like I said, I understand where you're coming from and it blows for people who are genuinely trying to have some fun and enjoy life. Anyway, my two unwanted cents :)

Recent changes in the hobbyist/provider vetting dynamics are probably working against you (and countless others).

A neopyte provider is required to get her first review from an already published/prolific reviewer.

A neophyte hobbyist's review cannot be of a neophyte provider.

 Already vetted hobbyists are naturally less problematic to screen for the already established providers, and established providers are universally recommended and considered safer for the novice or journeyman hobbyist.

Just as over-moderation (censorship)can quickly turn a discussion board into a ghost town; so too does the conundrum of the vetting process stymie the free flow of information and opportunity.

 Several times a week my work takes me to the County Court house where "you're innocent until proven guilty"; but I cannot enter until I waive my 4th Amendment right and submit to a search to prove I'm an "innocent".

-- Modified on 2/8/2009 7:20:02 AM

Its about marketing
Its about advertising
its about professionalism -

Rise above the rest of the new girls .. There are many of you -

Get a .com site . YOUR own domain, nothing free-
get some pro pics -
start advertising in different outlets -

There are thousands of new girls in every state and city- Stand out above the rest -

It all depends what review boards are prominant in your area..

I sent you a PM -

we were all new once too  - we started off the same as you - Its all about finding a niche market in your area .... Try putting yourself out there more in Carolina - meaning.. what cities you travel to - etc..

You probably picked one of the area that is the hardest to get started in -

-- Modified on 2/8/2009 7:29:42 AM

My first piece of advice to you is to listen to what Ciara says to you....she speaks from experience and a wealth of knowledge...I started a few months ago and she was a great help to me (Thanks Ciara)...also, patience, it took a month before my first date and he is a member who TOFTT and that was because I was actively posting on the board...I suggest you use your site to market yourself...write more about yourself, use your blog to write a fanatasy story...give the men a taste of who you's a business that requires a lot of attention to detail...

dickus1181 reads

And you couldn't find two better ladies to have as mentors than Ciara and Morgan.

Your icebreaker ideal is a good one. simple but effective.

Icebreaker... I like it, I think I'll call it that:)

Get on boards, TER and any other significant boards in your area and let people know you're around and they deserve to see you.

I have met several gals that way, some that had no reviews, and I was quite happy with them, wrote them a review, and things started to click for them.

You have a great site, great photos and you come across as honest and down to earth.

Believe in yourself, do the hard work of building a name for yourself, and success will follow, economic downturn or not.

it's very important who you take advice from, Ciara is one of the best, and has been in this business for awhile, For me, it was important to show my personality and how i carry myself, and that you can put out there in General Board Chat Room, come in, introduce yourself and get your self known, I don't know you babe, but you seem like a smart type of girl, Don't be afraid to show your funny side, your intelligent side, and most of all be NICE..we all have our moments that other annoy us, we're human, but conduct yourself in manner that the Gentlemen want to be seen with you, or have a conversation with.
There are alot of FREE sites to advertise on, CityVibe, BackPages ($3) become a member of DangerZone411 and Date-Check  it's worth what ever money to be SAFE!! TER is a FANTASTIC place and it's my main stay for meeting Gentlemen, RESPECT the rules here, read the newbie board for what ever questions you might have, the Mod there is fantastic Jazz32  and don't be afraid to contact people that will show you or lead you in the right direction, you might be saying to yourself now "But how will i know who to ask?"  Trust me honey, You'll know the whiners, the big mouths, the confrontational ones, the nasty ones and also the ones that are clueless by just reading the posts..I'm always available to PM and ask a question, i might not have all the answers but i will always lead you too the woman that might be able to help you.
Advertising with catchy classy titles in the Subject line gets the Gentlemen's attention as well as great pics..Jenny DeMilo is a Provider and one of the BEST photographers in L.A. find one in your area and make sure your pics are recent, tastefull, and classy..MEN LOVE THAT!
What you put out is who you'll attract!  If you take a picture with a dildo up your ass and put that on your website, trust me, you'll attract that type of man..if you like taking pictures like that make sure they have a password to them for only a select few to see when your comfortable showing them to your select few..
and the most important thing to providing is to HAVE FUN..enjoy what your doing, our Hobbyists are a smart bunch, they know a mechanical woman when they see one!
Good Luck Sweetheart, and welcome this is a Great Place with alot of Great men and women that want you to do well.
PM me if you need to talk

I thought Cierra's post was very informative and on target. You should realize that there is a huge market out there with hobbyists who have never even heard of TER. If you get your name out there and have ads on good ad sites, the business will come. Many successful ladies I know have great reviews here but the hobbyists here are only a portion of their business. The reviews will come, but that may take time...then again your first couple of reviews may not be so don't sit around and put all your eggs in one basket.

Another thought is you may want to consider posting an ad on your regional board and offer a discount to TER members, that may accelerate your chances of getting reviews quicker. If you were in my area I would see ya!

has been in the biz for a while and Morgan is fairly new.  I was one of the hobbyists who saw Morgan before she had any reviews.

Why you ask?  You made a pressence on the Florida board that was warm and inviting.  I checked the Carolina board and you have 2 posts within the past 60 days--both on Feb. 7 (yesteday).  Patience my dear.  Get your name out there!

Not being from Carolina, I do not know what sites/boards are more active.  Find out and get your name out there.

I also looked at your web site.  There is one piece of information that I wasn't able to find.  Without any TER reviews and profile, I am in the dark.  There is no reference to being "mature", an MILF, or any reference to age.  While I have seen providers of all ages (20 to late 50's), I would like to know in advance.  

Also, none of your photoes are full length so it is difficult to determine your overall stature.  Again, I would like to know before spending my hard earned $$.

Lastly, I wouldn't do the "get to know you date".  As others have said, it may bring you a bunch of time wasters.  Just my $.02.

Good luck in establishing your business.

99% of this business is marketing , advertising, photographing, designing and hustling on every outlet there is  ( advertising wise )

Unfortunate -
1% is the session itself -

Thats the easy part !!

Trust be babe - you earn your 250 - 300 -
Thats why we get paid for our time -
we take a lot of time to make a name and reputation for ourselves-

I want to thank everyone for the helpful replies, thank you Ciara & Jay, and if anyone needs help with anything, ever, please let me know, I'd love to reciprocate!


I can definately understand where you are coming from! I have been in the business for quite a while, but have always been extremely "under the radar". Wanted to get my name out there, meet new people, and was getting frustrated with no one being willing to see me without reviews. Just dont make the mistake I did of offering to meet in exchange for a review. Big no no on here! lol Patience is definately key. I dont know Ciara, but her advise is spot on. A few of the girls here gave me some good tips that were right on with her suggestions. Just be patient, and business will come! I only have one review here so far, but just that one review has made a difference. Good luck! xoxo

Shoot me an email, maybe we can work something out to get you a review.

...remember that negotiating a lower rate in exchange for a review is verboten in these parts. ;)

Hi. I didn't start the thread as a barter offer, I was just seeking advice. I wouldn't want a review I didn't earn.


again...wasn't looking for a, never mind.

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