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its pretty inconsistent
zisk 86 Reviews 970 reads

I've seen several recent reviews in my area where a first review for someone was made by a first-timer

I just discovered that submitted reviews by new members will not be posted. I was just wondering how many members are aware of this.

New reviewers reviewing new ladies seem to be a prime target. This is presumably to prevent fake reviews.

It's TER's sandbox, they get to make the rules.

I've seen several recent reviews in my area where a first review for someone was made by a first-timer

Don't you agree that it is a problem? I've met several ladies who told me that their first review was posted by a friend and appropriately embellished to get their career off the ground. A single review by a single reviewer is not a good sign.

OTOH, I suspect in a lot of cases new members are posting reviews of CL ladies that don't have any reviews. They get caught in the net too. But I'd rather TER policed the reviews pretty closely since we rely on them.

tsam681048 reads

I've just had this happen to me! I saw S******* in Tampa and the experience was wonderful. I came on here and spent at least 45 minutes to sign up and do the whole review. I just got an email back saying from "time to time" they decide not to post reviews of ladies with no reviews. And yet I've discovered that on the other hand they allow many first reviews from new hobbyists for ladies with no reviews.
So are they discriminating against the ladie or the reviewer? Maybe they should hire men to be the review judges on whether a review is legit or not. If it's a woman with ter that could explain the eratic decisions as to who's review gets posted or not. No offense ladies please. I just mean that women can be jealous of other might explain why some girls who deserve the high scores get denied them and the ones who's looks are clearing a 5 or 6 actually end up with reviews of a 9 or 10. It might explain it!
I almost paid to get a vip membership when I joined but decided to wait a little first. LOL.... maybe that would have made the difference for my review getting posted!

-- Modified on 11/7/2008 9:10:39 PM

They make the rules that we subsequently must follow. I realize that TER is scrutinizing to rule out the fake reviews, as I think they should.

However, I wonder how many gents are telling the ladies that they're going to submit a review and never do....and the lady is waiting patiently for it to appear, thinking that TER is just not posting it? I, for one, have had a few gentleman state that they wrote a review and it never posted. Did they write the review? Did TER decline it? Who knows..... I've learned not to sweat it.

-- Modified on 11/8/2008 8:13:29 AM

from a new reviewer not once but twice and in Sept and Oct.  My reviews aren't there for that month..Some ladies get all the attention while others sit on the sidelines.

Is it fair..No  Who picks who's review is posted? I would like to know that myself..I may get canned for saying that but it needs saying

Both in Sept and Oct a lady in my area got a 9/10 for reviews from a newbie and mine never showed up.

Many ladies are starting to complain about this and some clear policy needs to be made..Those 9/10 scores brought much attention to that lady and her pocketbook..I am starting to question this whole game myself

Kisses Haley

-- Modified on 11/7/2008 7:32:09 AM

there are many more than that didn't get posted that I gave references to other ladies for...It is not just the ones we get it's the ones we don't get. Why should one lady see a gentlemen who others wouldn't for fear of LE then the next lady gets his second review...Seems to be the lady who gave the newbie a chance should have her review posted..I know you ask for references but don't require them some ladies do.

What would it be like for these gentlemen if every lady refused to see them as they had no reviews..There would be no TER..If this gentlemen is seeing a lady who has been her awhile the review should go up.

It may not be everyones point of view but it's mine and thats what this forum is all about..Helping the newbies and giving them choices..Keeping each other safe and looking out for each other...Isn't that what a reference is to you...Someone giving you info to keep you safe

Kisses Haley

mean that the gentleman wrote a review on you. Are you telling these gentleman that the only way you'll give them a reference is if they write you a review? Many gentlemen chooses not to partake in writing reviews, for one reason or another, and that is their choice. However, if you deny them a reference due to them not writing you a review, is that fair to the provider that is seeking a reference from you? As you stated, it is about "keeping each other safe and looking out for each other". Therefore, denying a reference due to a gentleman not writing a review IMO wouldn't exactly fall into the 'safety' category. I'm not saying this is what you're doing, however by your wording that is the way it appeared to me.

I agree 100% that established providers should have reviews posted that are submitted by "newbies". We, being established providers, have hopefully proven ourselves as being honest providers...with no need to falsify reviews.

Haley- as I stated in a post a few threads up, just because a gentleman says that he's going to write you a review, you can't automatically assume that he did and then blame it off on TER when it never shows up. I have difficulty believing that you and others, being established providers, are being singled out. I would venture to say that either the gentlemen didn't write the review or they didn't give enough information and that's why they haven't posted. If you feel so strongly about this, may I suggest you send a note to Admin, with Lady in Red in the subject line, and ask her how many reviews have been denied for you. She can tell you who wrote the review, when they wrote the review and why they were rejected. You might very well be surprised at her reply.

Written by Haley in previous thread: "It may not be everyones point of view but it's mine and thats what this forum is all about..Helping the newbies and giving them choices..Keeping each other safe and looking out for each other...Isn't that what a reference is to you...Someone giving you info to keep you safe"

Of course, references are in place for peace of mind and safety...I have never indicated otherwise. I do ask for references and give references. However, I have found numerous providers that never respond to my request. Is this because the gentleman didn't review them? I don't know, I guess I never used that kind of leverage on my clients. I'm hoping that they didn't respond because they are touring, family etc. Thank goodness, there are numerous ways of verifying a gentleman without references.... whether it be due to being a newbie or no response from other providers, that gives me the peace of mind and confidence to go forward with our tryst.

Regardless, TER is the best hobbying place on the internet and I have only good things to say about them! TER has enabled me to live the lifestyle that I maintain and send my kids to college without being in debt to the bank. Enough said.


-- Modified on 11/8/2008 9:35:22 AM

and they weren't newbies..they had other ladies they had seen..

One of those gentlemen needed a reference for the meet and greet in Orlando and used me as a reference.

You are putting words in my mouth. I have been posting here for over a year and my reputation stands on it's own.

I remember a conversation about a post on the local board where I mentioned to you not to step on other peoples toes..You said you were every bit as beautiful as her and if she can get those reviews so can I..Well you are Paris, now you can be the center of attention and every one can sit back and take notice.

I have never refused a gentlemen a reference but if I choose to I can..And it wouldn't be because of the gentlemen it would be the attitude of the lady.

If you weren't getting reviews you would not be happy either.

I am sticking up for those gentlemen who can't get their reviews posted.

Kisses Haley

Originally, you were stating that a provider in your area received a 9/10 review both in Sept and in Oct. by a newbie and that it was unfair because none of yours got posted. Well, one of yours did get was your very last review and it was written in Sept.

Haley wrote:"You are right Paris but... there are many more than that didn't get posted that I gave references to other ladies for..."

I apologize if I read your statement incorrectly, however IMO it looked as if you requested the gentleman to write a review, if he was going to use you as a reference and either the reviews were never written or they got declined for one reason or another. If you re-read my last post, first paragraph..last sentence, I said that I'm not saying this is what you're doing...however, that is how it appeared by your words.

I'm not here to jeopardize or question your reputation, Haley. I think that you're a wonderful provider and that you add much to the boards. However, I also feel that I have the same priviledge to respond to posts with my view point. After all, isn't that what the boards are all about?

I do recall you calling me on the phone to tell me not to step on other peoples toes.... Since you mentioned it, I don't feel that calling a provider that you have never had an ounce of contact with in the past to tell her not to step on others toes is appropriate. Again, my opinion...I like to stay to myself with no personal contact with other providers ...To recreate our conversation it was based around another provider having established clients continue to write "new" reviews for her to keep her on the 1st page of providers in the area. These were gentleman that had written numerous reviews on the same lady. The conversation had nothing to do with the subject that is being discussed under this, I'm not real sure why you brought that up.

For the record...the reviews that I have received, I have earned and I deserve! I'm sorry if that upsets you or anybody else.

Lastly, you wrote "now you can be the center of attention and every one can sit back and take notice".

I'm not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean, however I'm not taking it as a compliment. I have never demanded to be the center of attention..and if I land there so be it. I have even went as far as to nearly stop posting on the regional board because providers were getting upset at the attention that I was receiving and drawing away from them. (complete and utter nonsense if you ask me)


You will note as you read I said the gentlemens second review...That means a newbies first review didn't show up

So a gentlemen tells me he wrote his first review and I was his first provider...Wonderful

What we are getting down to here is that a newbies first review isn't showing up

No mention of no review no reference as you are trying to say.This is the newbie board and this pertains to getting their reviews up...not their second or third but their first

This crap doesn't belong hear and why I bothered trying to make my point with you is pointless

Kisses Haley

I think mine was alittle more surprising. I joined, wrote 2 reviews and they were approved and posted. A few days later I wrote a 3rd review which was unapproved and the first 2 were then taken down and unapproved, LOL. In the end they were very nice about it and just said they were leary of brand new members with multiple reviews, which makes sense I guess. I told them I may be new to this board but not new to hobbying at all. I waited a couple of weeks and slowly began writing reviews and have had no problem getting them approved.

Years ago, When I did'nt really pay attention to TER ...
(Magin that?) Or check the reviews-
I had a really vindictive , 2 faced,  back stabbing man in my life tring to ruin my reputation by writing fake malicious reviews of me. TER never posted them cuz they were from brand new members
The reason I know this is the jerk EX told me about it years later.
Had they let the newbi post the bad reviews ...
It would have lingered on my profile for a long time and been really damaging.
I often wonder just how many fake reviews about me they have in the rafters- Cuz lemme tell ya-
I get at least a prick or a civie....hater a month
Who threatens to write me a horrible review.
I check for bad and fake ones ...Not so much good ones.

But I hear ya...
The subjective policy is a little thick.
(But can you imagine how much TER loses everytime they send one of the subjective policy letters out to a newbi)

I - have become really dependent on TER.
So much so - that I request that anyone I see
(especially a newbi) become a member before I will meet  them.
(No real reason why ...I just do)
Most comply. Most SAY they are going to write me a review.
But the newbis reviews don't seem to make it up.
To me - thats fine ...
As long as the jerk I just got off the phone ,
who just thretend to ruin me .... Doesn't either..

So Heres my idea....
Where the "Newbi" (hobby or provider)
Can PROVE with a photo of the provider taken at the appointment in her lil outfit - no face shots .
And submit it with the review.

(most computers will tell you when and with what kind of camera the photo was taken)

Then that woud be proof and it would be fun for both ,
Lighten things up a bit and TER would get more VIP memberships as a result too.

: )

Having read responses from both providers and other dissatified members such as myself on this subject, I believe I understand the reason that TER instituted this policy. I also believe that the intent of the policy is well-meaning in that they are attempting to keep the forum free from disgruntled clients who are trying to unfairly besmirch the reputation of a provider, competitors, and self reviewers. As a previous poster stated, legitimate reviews get caught up in this net. I don't think that there is a pure solution to this. We members of this forum don't want to see TER turn into CL, where there is no credibility to any review, but, we need to hear from new members about new escorts. That is why we have joined this community. If we are going to recycle the same escort reviews and merely send in a "me too" report, where is the value? I feel that the best recourse is to allow all correctly submitted reviews. If there is an obvious bias, unreasonable vehemance, inarticulate language or other obvious reason to do so, don't allow it to post. If it is a self-review or malicious attempt at stifling competition, subsequent reviews will bear this out. If I see one bad review and multiple good ones, I assume that there was a major problem with the reviewer. Let the market dictate.

I was a first-time reviewer of an unreviewed provider, and accepted TER's policy to reject it. Now with several other accepted reviews under my belt, I'm wondering why I am not able to re-submit this first review? I can still see it in its "unaccepted" state, I can view what I had written... I just can't do anything with it.

I'm a new member and all my reviews are being blocked. Why? Because they're too positive??
This place sucks, I want my money back

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