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It's kinda sad
DampkringDarling 123 reads

I'm sure they're everywhere, but in MN there's a handful of gals grasping at that younger age they want everyone to believe they are. As if you hobbyists are all stupid.  (W.C...update your age, be honest. You could make 50 the new 30! L'Chaim!) It's laughable, but guys don't seem to mind being duped.

Are we unanimous in observation of false providers photo and age being par for the course?  Have hobbyists just accepted this, and when they see a girl with stated age 21-25 who looks like she's 40, just not saying anything?  Can more be done from our end?

Some reviewers do point this out, so reading the reviews can certainly help on that score.

You can be a bit brassy when contacting a provider and say that youthful looks are important to you, so if her photos are not accurate, you might just turn around when you see her.   That may prompt her to send you some recent photos.

OCmadness121 reads

most providers do understate their age. The reviews do help sometimes but not always. My question is if using P411, does that site update the providers age automatically? I know they asked us originally what our birthyear was when applying so I assume that our age gets updated.

HappyChanges114 reads

that the photos and age of a provider are not accurate. Honestly, it really doesn't bother me because it's expected. I've had incredible times with providers who faked there age and altered or used old photos.  

What bothers me is an unclean bathroom, bed and body: wet towels, used soap (I bring my own), garbage in trash, unmade bed, bad breath and smelly pussy. To all you providers, old, young, beautiful and ugly alike.  Clean your fucking shit when I come!!!!

GaGambler119 reads

It's futile to demand that reviewers be honest as way too high a percentage of reviewers have had their ball sacks removed and are more interested in currying favor with the OTHFB's that they frequent over relaying any honest feedback about their actual experience.

The only thing I can suggest is for you yourself to write 100% honest reviews and to be willing to walk (without leaving a dime) EVERY time you think a provider has tried to deceive you.

Not all women lie about their age or try to fudge their pics, but a high enough percentage do for it to be a serious problem in the hobby.

As for cutting down on the percentage of times it happens to you, there are a couple of things you can do. One is to ignore the numerical scores, I am sure you have already found that 9's and 10's are no guarantee a woman will look even decent, much less exceptional. Another is try to find as many unblurred pics as possible and only pay attention to the "are the pics real?" part of the reviews. You can also get to know a few of your local mongers who tend to have the same taste as you and back channel them for their opinions before booking a session.  

Aside from that, it is not a perfect system, and you have to expect that you will not be 100% successful in weeding out women who turn out to be older and heavier than depicted. You can however choose to not reward them for their deceit and you are completely within your rights to write reviews of the women you meet and to post warnings about deceitful women on your regional board.

Senator.Blutarsky111 reads

...I know that's not a surprise to most of you, but I'm curious why you're questioning this. It seems you have not been disappointed in the past since you've given out five 10's for appearance out of your seven reviews.

I've been hobbyist for years, but only VIP here on again/off again for a year.  Just speaking generally, the 7 gals with TER profiles I've met and reviewed are outstanding

On the matter of an age that is claimed, I don't care what she says or thinks or imagines herself to be. I care that she appear to ME to be what she claims to be. I know of a couple of cases in NYC where I thought I was meeting a 26-30 and a 31-35 but later found out that both were 50+ !!! Both were Asian ... and beautiful and hot ... and when they said "30" they really did look 30 to me.  
Pictures are often p-shopped but I expect the person I meet to be pretty darn close to what's in the pics. Blurred faces are almost always YMMV and you can't claim B&S or deception if that fantastic body is topped by something you were not expecting and do not like.  I've been pretty lucky with very few severe disappointments but my biggest peeve is the shaved waists.  
I like thin (sorry, it's now slender). When the pictures are p-shopped to show ) ( and I meet up with | | or (  ;) or, heaven forbid, (      ;) BCD, I am not happy.  I don't recall anything that made me turn away and leave claiming B&S.
Ads, bookers, phone girls: PLEASE tell me something that I will be able to believe.

Posted By: Paydirt123456

Are we unanimous in observation of false providers photo and age being par for the course?  Have hobbyists just accepted this, and when they see a girl with stated age 21-25 who looks like she's 40, just not saying anything?  Can more be done from our end?
EDIT: stupid interpreter.  I didn't mean to post a smiley. That should be "open par space close par" and "open par space space space space close par".  (_) and (_____) (if that works).

-- Modified on 6/21/2017 2:58:59 AM

GaGambler145 reads

One of the highest rated Asian women in Dallas (well over a 9 average in appearance over multiple reviews) who is listed as 31-35 in age, I know for a fact is over 55. When she first went indie her booker told me her real age, so this is not guess work on my part. BUT no one seems to care and she continues to get high marks, so high I am actually tempted to book with this "old broad" just to see for myself, but with so much young talent around I haven't been able to convince myself to see someone only a couple of years younger than myself.

ROGM110 reads

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Re: I swear, Asian women do not age. -e-
Asian women don't age? Take a look at Margaret Cho.

We all age. I am Asian and I certainly age.

GaGambler122 reads

It's that most of them seem to skip "middle age" and go directly from young to old, but it does take most of them a VERY long time to get to old.

I rarely if ever see white, black or brown women much over thirty as they are "too old" for me, but I have seen quite a few Asian women late thirties or even forties who had me completely fooled and I am half Asian myself.  

but when Asian women do go "downhill" they seem to do so VERY rapidly,

rando_mn123 reads

I went through a phase where I only dated Asian women, and I agree with your observation. When I was 32, I dated an attractive Asian woman who looked my age but was actually 42. And yeah, when their looks go, it's rapid.

You have a better chance of guessing an Asian lady's age using her hair length than by looking at just her face.

-- Modified on 6/23/2017 6:32:52 PM

where YOU can see the ladies in person, talk to the ladies and judge for yourself if you want to spend time with them. Easy measy.

This is the best solution to the problem, as you can see exactly how she looks, how she presents herself, how she talks, etc. I've confirmed some of my best choices this way by attending local Meet & Greet events, or by arranging a one-0n-0ne M&G with a potential provider (of course, I pay for her time, usually a 1/2 hour).

I've also met some providers in whom I've had some interest (based on their ads, profiles, board presence, etc.) and had NO chemistry with her at all. So a small cost upfront in terms of time and money has saved me from booking with a provider that would have been disappointing or disastrous.

A good friend of mine and fellow hobbyist had this discussion about age a long time ago.  He was right on the money when he said add 5 years or so to whatever is in the person's profile.  For me, that is not really a big deal. I have talked with several ladies during a date and they have confessed to me that they were older than their profile stated (40 but she was 46 and looked amazing!!!!). I did not ask what their age was, they volunteered it while chatting.  A gentleman doesn't ask.

In addition, I really dislike inaccurate or really out of date photos.  I have left twice after going to the date and finding out the person was not at all who they purported to be.  Think with the big head, not the little one.

the time from her first review to the present, if you really want to be conservative about it.

DampkringDarling124 reads

I'm sure they're everywhere, but in MN there's a handful of gals grasping at that younger age they want everyone to believe they are. As if you hobbyists are all stupid.  (W.C...update your age, be honest. You could make 50 the new 30! L'Chaim!) It's laughable, but guys don't seem to mind being duped.

I've embraced my age and I'm quite comfortable in my own skin.  

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