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It took me about ten years to finally calm down...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1482 reads

but it was worth it.

It's been a long time coming and with a lot of research I finally saw my first girl last weekend. A local girl that I found on here, she's a real sweetie too. Now, if I can just figure out how to settle down and not be so nervous! Geeze, they don't bite! (well, not too much anyways)

Thanks to TER and a few of you regular posters for all the info and advice.

Now, on to my next candidate..........

First, congrats on joining the hobby. Bravo.

Second, don’t worry about being nervous. You will be nervous and anxious at least for a few appointments until you can get into a rhythm. At the start you will still experience tremendous uneasiness in contacting providers, setting up appointments, and when you first sit down face to face with the provider. Ultimately, it will become second nature and you will be able to relax and enjoy the session.

As they say: Practice makes perfection (or something along those lines!)

hehehehe, hay, I've been a member on here for about a year and don't say much, just read. And I will say this, you sir, seem to have your crap together as well as anyone. Saying that, if you got nervous for 10 years I doubt if I'll ever calm down!
I enjoy your posts immensely and have learned a lot from you, as well as several others on here.
I dunno what it is, I'm 49 and lost my cherry at 15 so it's not like I don't know what it's all about. The girl I was with knew the score and was very sweet and patient. But I was about like the Cowardly Lion on Wizard of Oz! I could have jumped out the window!

I've got my sights set on another sweetie for the first of November, variety is what makes it all worthwhile, at least for me.

Again, thanks for all the info.

anything that gets the adrenylin going, especially at my age (mid 50's) has got to be good.

I'm not too far behind at 49!

I will be joining you in the fold in a few days.  Your story sounds similar to mine.  For the last couple of months I've been enjoying the research while waiting for a $6 grand bonus I expected at the end of August.  The bonus finally arrived so I can finally afford to hobby.

I had my first lady picked out, but she is with an agency and they only answer the phone between 11-6 M-F (but they are the most respected agency around) and I was too busy with work to get in touch last week.  I was chomping at the bit all weekend to call this morning.  Then yesterday, on a whim, I e-mailed a traveling lady I had an eye on, just to see when she might visit here again.  She promptly replied that she would be in town Wednesday!  We have a date for a nooner on Thursday.

I join Billyboy in thanking TER and especially Jazz and the veteran hobbyists and providers here on the Newbie board.

Next step:  suck it up and manscape tomorrow morning.

sleepydasher1614 reads

Hey Billyboy,

Congrats- I just completed my fourth provider visit today and was definitely still nervous. Luckily, this one spent some time talking on the sofa before we got naked, which really helped.  Two of my other three experiences were get naked immediately.

I found that this time, moving on to sex and being able to joke around and have fun and be more assertive about what I wanted was easier- so it's getting better.  

The other amazing thing I've found is that my "selection skills" have improved each time- I've found a better gfe experience with each adventure, and have learned to start with 8-10 scoring providers and really read the reviews to find consistent affirmation that the provider gives the experience I'm looking for.

ducker721197 reads

I broke the ice last tuesday and it was nervous time
but she was a pro and I felt great going into it with the info from ter. It definitely evens the playing field for men since we no longer have to settle for the average woman who picks us at a club
and stick with her due to no options. Ive never met a married guy who tells me to get married. I see guys driving $80,000 cars who could be getting 5 decent providers or more a month but dont get it and instead date the frigid spoiled trophy girl and get led around like a dog.

I had my first date (this century) a couple of weeks ago.  I was also extremely nervous, but I guess that things will improve with more experience.

I also appreciate all of the information and help on TER.

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